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Musikiosk: a soundscape intervention and evaluation in an urban park


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Steele, Daniel, Dumoulin, Romain, Voreux, Louis, Gautier, Nicolas, Glaus, Mathias, Guastavino, Catherine et Voix, Jérémie. 2015. « Musikiosk: a soundscape intervention and evaluation in an urban park ». In 59th International Conference: Sound Reinforcement Engineering and Technology (July 2015) (Montréal, QC, Canada, July 15-17, 2015) Audio Engineering Society.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 8.

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Musikiosk is an interactive music installation and environmental monitoring station developed for urban parks by CIRMMT, ÉTS, McGill, and the City of Montreal. We describe the development of the technology and propose a comprehensive mixed-methods research program to evaluate its impact on the community. Environmental monitoring via an ambient microphone input provides information about system usage, physical measurements of the acoustic environment, and playback levels. A survey with park users, non-users, and residents will be conducted before and after the installation to empirically evaluate the urban sound intervention and best integrate the users’ perspective throughout its lifecycle. Findings will contribute toward theories on the roles of activity and music in soundscape evaluations and will be among the firsts to observe changes in a manipulated soundscape. Parties that stand to benefit are park users, residents, researchers, and the city for various reasons.

Type de document: Compte rendu de conférence
Glaus, Mathias
Voix, Jérémie
Affiliation: Génie de la construction, Génie mécanique
Date de dépôt: 03 août 2015 16:09
Dernière modification: 03 août 2017 15:05
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/10164

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