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Testing procedures on materials to formulate the ink for 3D printing


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Charrier, Malo et Ouellet-Plamondon, Claudiane. 2020. « Testing procedures on materials to formulate the ink for 3D printing ». Transportation Research Record, vol. 2674, nº 2. pp. 21-32.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 13.

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Three-dimensional (3D) printing has been used in various fields to tackle applications difficult for conventional manufacturing. To realize the full potential of this technology in the transportation sector, it is imperative to identify suitable tests and mixtures for printing “inks” made of mortar. In this study, several conventional and non-conventional tests on mortars and cement pastes were conducted. This work highlights the correlation between the results of slump test and the deformation test that indicates the comportment of the mixture under a stack of printed layers. Moreover, a strong connection between yield stress and mini-slump is observed, demonstrating a simplification of the testing procedure, and a link between the mortar and the cement paste is developed. In the printing ink design phase, this association enables the prediction of flowability. The yield stress and the final radius of the mini-slump tests were very well correlated for the admixture tested. The use of the mini-slump test simplifies the testing procedure and allows for quicker formulations of admixtures in the printing ink.

Type de document: Article publié dans une revue, révisé par les pairs
Ouellet-Plamondon, Claudiane
Affiliation: Génie de la construction
Date de dépôt: 28 mai 2020 13:50
Dernière modification: 14 nov. 2022 19:40
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/20763

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