A showcase of ÉTS researchers’ publications and other contributions

Implications of using systematic decomposition structures to organize building LCA information: A comparative analysis of national standards and guidelines- IEA EBC ANNEX 72

Soust-Verdaguer, B., Martinez, A. G., Llatas, C., Gomez de Cozar, J. C., Allacker, K., Trigaux, D., Alsema, E., Berg, B., Dowdell, D., Debacker, W., Frischknecht, R., Ramseier, L., Veselka, J., Volf, M., Hajek, P., Lupiek, A., Malik, Z., Habert, G., Hollberg, A., Lasvaux, S., Peuportier, B., Pomponi, F., Wastiel, L., Gomes, V., Zara, O., Gomes, M., Baiocchi, A. G., Pulgrossi, L., Ouellet-Plamondon, C., Moncaster, A., Di Bari, R., Horn, R., Lenz, K., Balouktsi, M., Lutzkendorf, T., Rock, M., Hoxha, E. and Passer, A.. 2020. « Implications of using systematic decomposition structures to organize building LCA information: A comparative analysis of national standards and guidelines- IEA EBC ANNEX 72 ». In BEYOND 2020 - World Sustainable Built Environment Conference (Gothenburg, Sweden, Nov. 02-04, 2020) Coll. « IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science », vol. 588. UK : IOP Publishing.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 10.

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Item Type: Conference proceeding
ISBN: 1755-1307
Ouellet-Plamondon, Claudiane
Affiliation: Génie de la construction
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2021 14:27
Last Modified: 06 Jul 2021 14:27

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