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Specific features of the formation of the microstructure of titanium nickelide upon thermomechanical treatment including cold plastic deformation to degrees from moderate to severe

Prokoshkin, S. D., Brailovski, Vladimir, Korotitskiy, A. V., Inaekyan, K. E. et Glezer, A. M.. 2010. « Specific features of the formation of the microstructure of titanium nickelide upon thermomechanical treatment including cold plastic deformation to degrees from moderate to severe ». Physics of Metals and Metallography, vol. 110, nº 3. pp. 289-303.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 46.

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Type de document: Article publié dans une revue, révisé par les pairs
Brailovski, Vladimir
Affiliation: Génie mécanique
Date de dépôt: 23 mai 2012 17:56
Dernière modification: 23 mai 2012 17:56
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/519

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