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Evaluation of the acoustic and non-acoustic properties of sound absorbing materials using a three-microphone impedance tube


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Doutres, Olivier, Salissou, Yacoubou, Atalla, Noureddine et Panneton, Raymond. 2010. « Evaluation of the acoustic and non-acoustic properties of sound absorbing materials using a three-microphone impedance tube ». Applied Acoustics, vol. 71, nº 6. pp. 506-509.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 140.

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This paper presents a straightforward application of an indirect method based on a threemicrophone impedance tube setup to determine the non-acoustic properties of a sound absorbing porous material. First, a three-microphone impedance tube technique is used to measure some acoustic properties of the material (i.e., sound absorption coefficient, sound transmission loss, effective density and effective bulk modulus) regarded here as an equivalent fluid. Second, an indirect characterization allows one to extract its non-acoustic properties (i.e., static airflow resistivity, tortuosity, viscous and thermal characteristic lengths) from the measured effective properties and the material open porosity. The procedure is applied to four different sound absorbing materials and results of the characterization are compared with existing direct and inverse methods. Predictions of the acoustic behavior using an equivalent fluid model and the found non-acoustic properties are in good agreement with impedance tube measurements.

Type de document: Article publié dans une revue, révisé par les pairs
Doutres, Olivier
Affiliation: Autres
Date de dépôt: 28 oct. 2014 15:20
Dernière modification: 03 août 2017 14:54
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/8789

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