L'affiliation est "Génie logiciel et des technologies de l'information"Nombre de documents archivés : 18. Ben Ayed, Ismail
Murugesan, Balamurali, Silva-Rodríguez, Julio, ben Ayed, Ismail et Dolz, Jose.
« Robust calibration of large vision-language adapters ».
In Computer Vision – ECCV 2024 : 18th European Conference, 2024, Proceedings, Part XXI (Milan, Italy, Sept. 29-Oct. 04, 2024)
Coll. « Lecture notes in computer science », vol. 15082.
pp. 147-165.
Silva-Rodríguez, Julio, Chakor, Hadi, Kobbi, Riadh, Dolz, Jose et Ben Ayed, Ismail.
« A Foundation Language-Image Model of the Retina (FLAIR): Encoding expert knowledge in text supervision ».
Medical Image Analysis, vol. 99.
Benzarti, Imen
Blal, Redouane, Leshob, Abderrahmane, Mili, Hafedh, Benzarti, Imen, Hadaya, Pierre et Rab, Raqeebir.
« SOA services identification and design methods from business models: A systematic literature review ».
IEEE Access, vol. 13.
pp. 9879-9901. Desrosiers, Christian
Chaddad, Ahmad, Wu, Yihang, Jiang, Yuchen, Bouridane, Ahmed et Desrosiers, Christian.
« Simulations of common Unsupervised Domain Adaptation algorithms for image classification ».
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 74.
Hou, Linlin, Yan, Zishen, Desrosiers, Christian et Liu, Hui.
« MFCPNet: Real time medical image segmentation network via multi-scale feature fusion and channel pruning ».
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 100, nº Part B.
Dolz, José
Murugesan, Balamurali, Silva-Rodríguez, Julio, ben Ayed, Ismail et Dolz, Jose.
« Robust calibration of large vision-language adapters ».
In Computer Vision – ECCV 2024 : 18th European Conference, 2024, Proceedings, Part XXI (Milan, Italy, Sept. 29-Oct. 04, 2024)
Coll. « Lecture notes in computer science », vol. 15082.
pp. 147-165.
Silva-Rodríguez, Julio, Chakor, Hadi, Kobbi, Riadh, Dolz, Jose et Ben Ayed, Ismail.
« A Foundation Language-Image Model of the Retina (FLAIR): Encoding expert knowledge in text supervision ».
Medical Image Analysis, vol. 99.
Labbé, David
Romeas, Thomas, Goujat, Maëlle, Faubert, Jocelyn et Labbé, David.
« No transfer of 3D-Multiple Object Tracking training on game performance in soccer: A follow-up study ».
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, vol. 76.
Lameiras Koerich, Alessandro
Garcia, Cristiano Mesquita, Koerich, Alessandro Lameiras, de Souza Britto, Alceu et Barddal, Jean Paul.
« Improving sampling methods for fine-tuning SentenceBERT in text streams ».
In Pattern Recognition : 27th International Conference, ICPR 2024, Proceedings, Part XIX (Kolkata, India, Dec. 01-05, 2024)
Coll. « Lecture notes in computer science », vol. 15319.
pp. 445-459.
Laurensi, Israel A., de Souza Britto Jr, Alceu, Barddal, Jean Paul et Koerich, Alessandro Lameiras.
« Alleviating catastrophic forgetting in facial expression recognition with emotion-centered models ».
In Pattern Recognition : 27th International Conference, ICPR 2024, Proceedings, Part IX (Kolkata, India, Dec. 01-05, 2024)
Coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 15309.
pp. 208-224.
Springer. Leivadeas, Aris
Sarantos, Panagis, Violos, John et Leivadeas, Aris.
« Enabling semi-supervised learning in intrusion detection systems ».
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 196.
Lopez-Herrejon, Roberto E.
Nezami Balouchi, Kambiz, Mercier, Julien et Lopez-Herrejon, Roberto E..
« An exploratory empirical eye-tracker study of visualization techniques for coverage of combinatorial interaction testing in software product lines ».
Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 220.
Menelau Cruz, Rafael
de Moura, Kecia Gomes, Cruz, Rafael Menelau O. et Sabourin, Robert.
« Offline handwritten signature verification using a stream-based approach ».
In Pattern Recognition : 27th International Conference, ICPR 2024, Proceedings, Part XXXI (Kolkata, India, Dec. 01-05, 2024)
Coll. « Lecture notes in computer science », vol. 15331.
pp. 271-286.
Springer. Moha, Naouel
Mahmoudi, Brahim, Trabelsi, Imen, Tamzalit, Dalila, Moha, Naouel et Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël.
« BOAM: A business oriented identification approach of microservices within legacy systems ».
In Service-Oriented Computing : 22nd International Conference, ICSOC 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Tunis, Tunisia, Dec. 03-06, 2024)
Coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 15405.
pp. 123-137.
Springer. Ouni, Ali
Begoug, Mahi et Ouni, Ali.
« How do infrastructure-as-code practitioners update their provider dependencies? An empirical study on the AWS provider ».
In Service-Oriented Computing : 22nd International Conference, ICSOC 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Tunis, Tunisia, Dec. 03-06, 2024)
Coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 15405.
pp. 373-388.
Springer. Petrillo, Fabio
Tondorf, Diego Fellipe, Pereira, Vanessa Andrade, Hounsell, Marcelo da Silva et Petrillo, Fabio.
« Towards game design elements on the perception of a fun game: An exergame case study ».
In Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2024 : 23rd IFIP TC 14 International Conference, ICEC 2024, Proceedings (Manaus, Brazil, Sept. 30-Oct. 03, 2024)
Coll. « Lecture notes in computer science », vol. 15192.
pp. 151-162.
Ullmann, Gabriel C., Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël, Petrillo, Fabio, Anquetil, Nicolas et Politowski, Cristiano.
« SyDRA: An approach to understand game engine architecture ».
Entertainment Computing, vol. 52.
Sabourin, Robert
de Moura, Kecia Gomes, Cruz, Rafael Menelau O. et Sabourin, Robert.
« Offline handwritten signature verification using a stream-based approach ».
In Pattern Recognition : 27th International Conference, ICPR 2024, Proceedings, Part XXXI (Kolkata, India, Dec. 01-05, 2024)
Coll. « Lecture notes in computer science », vol. 15331.
pp. 271-286.
Springer. |