Documents publish in 1981Number of items: 9. Bensoussan, David
Bensoussan, D..
« Émetteurs et récepteurs ».
Dunod. 101 p. Bensoussan, David. 1981. « Disturbance attenuation in diagonally dominant systems ». Communication lors de la conférence : Optimization Days (Montréal, QC, Canada, Juin 1981).
Bensoussan, David.
« Reproduire le son : microphones et haut-parleurs ».
Paris : Dunod. 133 p.
Bensoussan, David and Zames, Georges.
« Multivariable feedback and decentralized control ».
In 20th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (San Diego, CA, USA, Dec. 16-18, 1981)
IEEE. Gargour, Christian
Gargour, Christian, Ramachandran, V. and Bhattacharyya, B. B..
« Polynomial decompositions suitable for the realization of two-amplifier filters having zero pole-frequency deviation ».
Archiv fur Elektronik und Uebertragungstechnik, vol. 35, nº 2.
pp. 87-92.
Murthy, K. V. V., Ramachandran, V. and Gargour, Christian.
« Characterization and synthesis of homogeneous two-variable reactance functions ».
Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 311, nº 6.
pp. 383-390.
Murthy, K. V. V., Ramachandran, V. and Gargour, Christian.
« Residue matrices and related properties in two-variable reactance functions ».
Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 311, nº 1.
pp. 55-65. de Guise, Jacques A.
de Guise, Jacques, Guardo, R., Savard, P. and Roberge, F. A..
« Recovery of the equivalent dipole from surface potential distributions: An experimental study of electrode position tolerances ».
In Computers in cardiology : October 22-24, 1980, Williamsburg Virginia, USA (Williamsburg, VA, USA, Oct. 22-24, 1980)
pp. 343-346.
New York : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Drouhard, J. P., Guardo, R., Lafortune, M. and de Guise, J..
« 64-channel data-acquisition system for experimental and clinical studies in cardiac electrophysiology ».
In EEMTIC'81 digest : Electrical and Electronic Measurement and Test Instrument Conference and Exposition (Ottawa, ON, Canada, Sept. 22-24, 1981)
pp. 191-195.
New York : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. |