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Implementation and control of small-scale hybrid standalone power generation system employing wind and solar energy

Rezkallah, M., Sharma, Shailendra, Chandra, Ambrish et Singh, Bhim. 2016. « Implementation and control of small-scale hybrid standalone power generation system employing wind and solar energy ». In IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (Portland, OR, USA, Oct. 02-06, 2016) Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 19.

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Type de document: Compte rendu de conférence
Chandra, Ambrish
Affiliation: Génie électrique
Date de dépôt: 16 déc. 2016 15:47
Dernière modification: 03 mars 2017 15:32
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/14170

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