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A lightweight semantic web-based approach for data annotation on IoT gateways

Al-Osta, Mahmud, Ahmed, Bali et Abdelouahed, Gherbi. 2017. « A lightweight semantic web-based approach for data annotation on IoT gateways ». In 8th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks, EUSPN 2017 and the 7th International Conference on Current and Future Trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare, ICTH 2017 (Lund, Sweden, Sept. 18-20, 2017) Coll. « Procedia Computer Science », vol. 113. pp. 186-193. Elsevier B.V..
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 29.

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Type de document: Compte rendu de conférence
ISBN: 18770509
Gherbi, Abdelouahed
Affiliation: Génie logiciel et des technologies de l'information
Date de dépôt: 11 janv. 2018 20:08
Dernière modification: 11 janv. 2018 20:08
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/16099

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