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Sensitivity study of hardness profile of 4340 steel disc hardened by induction according to machine parameters and geometrical factors

Khalifa, Mohamed, Barka, Noureddine, Brousseau, Jean et Bocher, Philippe. 2019. « Sensitivity study of hardness profile of 4340 steel disc hardened by induction according to machine parameters and geometrical factors ». International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 101, nº 1-4. pp. 209-221.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 6.

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Type de document: Article publié dans une revue, révisé par les pairs
Informations complémentaires: Erratum : 18522 Khalifa, Mohamed, Noureddine Barka, Jean Brousseau et Philippe Bocher. 2018. « Correction to: Sensitivity study of hardness profile of 4340 steel disc hardened by induction according to machine parameters and geometrical factors (The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (2018), 10.1007/s00170-018-2892-y) ».
Bocher, Philippe
Affiliation: Génie mécanique
Date de dépôt: 04 déc. 2018 20:23
Dernière modification: 07 mai 2019 20:27
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/17701

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