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Eulerian–Lagrangian CFD-microphysics modeling of a near-field contrail from a realistic turbofan

Cantin, Sébastien, Chouak, Mohamed, Morency, François et Garnier, François. 2022. « Eulerian–Lagrangian CFD-microphysics modeling of a near-field contrail from a realistic turbofan ». International Journal of Engine Research, vol. 23, nº 4.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 4.

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Aircraft contrails contribute to climate change through global radiative forcing. As part of the general effort aimed at developing reliable decision-making tools, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of implementing a Lagrangian ice microphysical module in a commercial CFD code to characterize the early development of near-field contrails. While engine jets are highly parameterized in most existing models in a way that neglects the nozzle exit-related aspects, our model accounts for the geometric complexity of modern turbofan exhausts. The modeling strategy is based on three-dimensional URANS simulations of an aircraft nozzle exit involving a bypass and a core jet (Eulerian gas phase). Solid soot and ice particles (dispersed phase) are individually tracked using a Lagrangian approach. The implemented microphysical module accounts for the main process of water-vapor condensation on pre-activated soot particles known as heterogeneous condensation. The predictive capabilities of the proposed model are demonstrated through a comprehensive validation set based on the jet-flow dynamics and turbulence statistics in the case of compressible, turbulent coaxial jets. Simulations of contrail formation from a realistic nozzle-exit geometry of the CFM56-3 engine (short-cowl nozzle delivering a dual stream jet with a bypass rate of 5.3) were also carried out in typical cruise flight conditions ensuring contrail formation. The model provides reliable predictions in terms of the plume dilution and ice-particle properties as compared to available in-flight and numerical data. Such a model can then be used to characterize the impact of nozzle-exit parameters on the optical and microphysical properties of near-field contrails.

Type de document: Article publié dans une revue, révisé par les pairs
Morency, François
Garnier, François
Affiliation: Génie mécanique, Génie mécanique
Date de dépôt: 25 févr. 2021 17:11
Dernière modification: 24 août 2022 18:41
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/22282

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