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Towards a practical methodology for assessment of the objective occlusion effect induced by earplugs


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Saint-Gaudens, Hugo, Nélisse, Hugues, Sgard, Franck et Doutres, Olivier. 2022. « Towards a practical methodology for assessment of the objective occlusion effect induced by earplugs ». The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 151, nº 6. pp. 4086-4100.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 6.

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The occlusion effect (OE) occurs when the earcanal becomes occluded by an in-ear device, sometimes leading to discomforts experienced by the users due to the augmented perception of physiological noises, or to a distorted perception of one's own voice. The OE can be assessed objectively by measuring the amplification of the low-frequency sound pressure level (SPL) in the earcanal using in-ear microphones. However, as revealed by methodological discrepancies found in past studies, the measurement of this objective occlusion effect (OEobj) is not standardized. With the goal of proposing a robust yet simple methodology adapted for field assessment, three experimental aspects are investigated: (i) stimulation source and the stimulus's characteristics to induce the phenomenon, (ii) measurement method of the SPL in earcanal, (iii) indicator to quantify the OEobj. To do so, OEobj is measured on human participants in laboratory conditions. Results obtained with a specific insert device suggest using the participant's own voice combined with simultaneous measurements of the SPLs based on the noise reduction method and using a single value indicator leads to a simple yet robust methodology to assess OEobj. Further research is necessary to validate the results with other devices and to generalize the methodology for field assessment.

Type de document: Article publié dans une revue, révisé par les pairs
Doutres, Olivier
Affiliation: Génie mécanique
Date de dépôt: 21 juin 2022 13:05
Dernière modification: 27 juin 2022 14:50
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/24592

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