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Real-time megapixel electro-optical imaging of thz beams with probe power normalization


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Blanchard, François, Arikawa, Takashi et Tanaka, Koichiro. 2022. « Real-time megapixel electro-optical imaging of thz beams with probe power normalization ». Sensors, vol. 22, nº 12.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 8.

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In this work, we present a simple method to improve the spatial uniformity of two- dimensional electro-optical imaging of terahertz (THz) beams. In this system, near-field THz images are captured by fully illuminating a sample using conventional optical microscope objectives. Un- fortunately, due to the linear relationship between the optical probe power and the measured THz electric field, any spatial variation in probe intensity translates directly into a variation of the recorded THz electric field. Using a single normalized background frame information map as a calibration tool prior to recording a sequence of THz images, we show a full recovery of a two-dimensional flat field for various combinations of magnification factors. Our results suggest that the implementation of dynamic intensity profile correction is a promising avenue for real-time electro-optical imaging of THz beams.

Type de document: Article publié dans une revue, révisé par les pairs
Blanchard, François
Affiliation: Génie électrique
Date de dépôt: 11 juill. 2022 19:08
Dernière modification: 25 juill. 2022 18:12
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/24894

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