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Combined experimental and computational prediction of the piezoresistivity of alkali-activated inorganic polymers

Di Mare, Michael, Inumerable, Nathaniel, Brisebois, Patrick P. et Ouellet-Plamondon, Claudiane M.. 2022. « Combined experimental and computational prediction of the piezoresistivity of alkali-activated inorganic polymers ». Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 126, nº 35. pp. 14995-15000.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 5.

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The incorporation of smart building materials into construction will improve the working life of structures and infrastructure around the globe. Unfortunately, conventional smart building materials are cost-prohibitive because of the self-sensing additives required. Alkali-activated inorganic polymers are a promising low-cost and environmentally friendly alternative that exhibit intrinsic self-sensing properties, without the need for self-sensing additives. An improved methodology has been developed to quantify the self-sensing piezoresistivity of these materials. Experimental measurements reveal a strong intrinsic piezoresistivity up to 12%. The results agree with a first-principles model of the theoretical piezoresistivity of an alkali-activated inorganic polymer from the quantum mechanical perturbation theory. This first-of-its-kind computation provides a mechanistic explanation for the origin of intrinsic piezoresistivity in inorganic polymers.

Type de document: Article publié dans une revue, révisé par les pairs
Ouellet-Plamondon, Claudiane
Affiliation: Génie de la construction
Date de dépôt: 05 oct. 2022 16:43
Dernière modification: 30 août 2023 04:00
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/25570

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