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Effects of mobility matrices completeness on component-based transfer path analysis methods with and without substructuring applied to aircraft-like components

Prenant, Simon, Padois, Thomas, Rolland, Valentin, Etchessahar, Manuel, Dupont, Thomas et Doutres, Olivier. 2023. « Effects of mobility matrices completeness on component-based transfer path analysis methods with and without substructuring applied to aircraft-like components ». Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 547.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 7.

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Structure borne noise induced by vibrating systems is considered as a major contribution to the noise generated inside vehicles and can be assessed using Transfer Path Analysis (TPA) methods. Their theoretical formulation requires the mobility of either the vibrating system, the receiving structure or the assembly of the two components according to all Degrees of Freedom (DoFs). However, rotational and in-plane DoFs cannot be measured easily and their determination may result in a more complex experimental set-up or an increase in measurement uncertainties. The need for assessing the full mobility matrices thus deserves to be investigated. In this work, the robustness of multiple TPA methods dedicated to the design and validation phases of aircraft light equipment is investigated numerically according to the mobility matrices completeness and by considering several configurations of assemblies (i.e., different active source properties, different numbers of contact points). Numerical models have been developed to simulate a source with controlled vibratory behavior and the spatial averaged mean-square velocity on the receiving structure is used as an objective indicator of the method’s robustness. For proper predictions accuracy, it is shown that the required completeness should account for the terms of highest amplitude and thus depends on the (i) TPA method, (ii) active behavior of the source and (iii) coupling configuration. A completeness involving all the DoFs is generally required for TPA methods based entirely on the mobility of the decoupled components. Otherwise, the omission of rotational or in-plan DoFs could be suitable for TPA methods based on the mobility of the assembly.

Type de document: Article publié dans une revue, révisé par les pairs
Dupont, Thomas
Doutres, Olivier
Affiliation: Génie mécanique, Génie mécanique
Date de dépôt: 23 janv. 2023 15:15
Dernière modification: 08 août 2023 14:44
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/26094

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