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Technology selection for slag zinc fuming process


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Moosavi-Khoonsari, Elmira, Mostaghel, Sina et Siegmund, Andreas. 2024. « Technology selection for slag zinc fuming process ». In 10th International Conference on Lead and Zinc Processing (Lead-Zinc) (Changsha, China, Oct. 17-20, 2023) Coll. « Journal of Physics : Conference Series », vol. 2738. IOP Publishing.

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Circular economy and multi-metal extraction philosophies more and more encourage smelters to reprocess their by-products most significant of which is slag for recovery of valuable metals. Zinc, for instance, can be introduced to lead and copper smelting operations through different sources, including the recycling of waste electric and electronic equipment. During the conventional smelting processes from primary resources, or even those that are particularly developed for recycling purposes, e.g., Black Copper route, the zinc is typically deported to the slag phase as zinc oxide. Recovery of zinc from slag is typically carried out via a slag zinc fuming operation, where a reductant is used to reduce zinc oxide and volatilize zinc metal. In most cases, volatilized zinc is re-oxidized to produce zinc oxide, which can then be sent to hydrometallurgical unit processes for refining. Several technologies and reactors have been developed for efficient and cost-effective fuming processes, none of which can be considered the "best" and most suitable technology for all applications and smelter conditions/slag compositions. This paper reviews the advantages and disadvantages of each of the available technologies and recommends the most suitable process for common conditions.

Type de document: Compte rendu de conférence
Moosavi-Khoonsari, Elmira
Affiliation: Génie mécanique
Date de dépôt: 08 déc. 2023 13:42
Dernière modification: 15 mai 2024 17:45
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/28123

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