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A 0.55THz Y-vector network configured beam steering phased array in CMOS technology

Zhao, Yan, Al Hadi, Richard, Lu, Hsin-Chia, Tseng, Tzu-Shiuan, Zhang, Yan, Qiao, Weikang, Lo, Michael Kevin, Jou, Chewn-Pu, Zhang, Kevin et Chang, Mau-Chung Frank. 2018. « A 0.55THz Y-vector network configured beam steering phased array in CMOS technology ». In IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (Philadelphia, PA, USA, June 10-15, 2018) pp. 587-590. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 3.

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Type de document: Compte rendu de conférence
Al Hadi, Richard
Affiliation: Autres
Date de dépôt: 05 juin 2024 13:23
Dernière modification: 05 juin 2024 13:23
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/28730

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