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Enhancing linearity in parallel-plate MEMS varactors through repulsive actuation


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Bensalem, Roufaida, Elsayed, Mohannad Y., Tawfik, Hani H., Nabki, Frederic et El-Gamal, Mourad N.. 2023. « Enhancing linearity in parallel-plate MEMS varactors through repulsive actuation ». Micro, vol. 3, nº 4. pp. 811-821.

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This paper presents a new MEMS varactor that uses repulsive actuation to achieve an ultra-linear capacitance-to-voltage response. The approach proposed involves actuating the moveable electrode away from the fixed electrode, instead of the conventional closing-the-gap direction. This increasing-gap movement reduces the capacitance as the actuation voltage increases. The MEMS variable capacitor is fabricated using PolyMUMPs technology and exhibits an excellent linearity factor of 99.7% in capacitance-to-voltage response, and a capacitance tuning ratio of 11� was achieved. The proposed strategy will enable the development of high-performance MEMS-based tunable devices for various applications.

Type de document: Article publié dans une revue, révisé par les pairs
Nabki, Frédéric
Affiliation: Génie électrique
Date de dépôt: 04 sept. 2024 19:47
Dernière modification: 12 sept. 2024 18:44
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/29383

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