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Impact of residual strains on the carrier mobility and sability of perovskite films


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Slimani, Moulay Ahmed, Gerlein, Luis Felipe, Izquierdo, Ricardo et Cloutier, Sylvain G.. 2024. « Impact of residual strains on the carrier mobility and sability of perovskite films ». Nanomaterials, vol. 14, nº 15.

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Solution-based inorganic–organic halide perovskites are of great interest to researchers because of their unique optoelectronic properties and easy processing. However, polycrystalline perovskite films often show inhomogeneity due to residual strain induced during the film’s postprocessing phase. In turn, these strains can impact both their stability and performance. An exhaustive study of residual strains can provide a better understanding and control of how they affect the performance and stability of perovskite films. In this work, we explore this complex interrelationship between residual strains and electrical properties for methylammonium CH3NH3PbI3−xClx films using grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD). We correlate their resistivity and carrier mobility using the Hall effect. The sin2(ψ) technique is used to optimize the annealing parameters for the perovskite films. We also establish that temperature-induced relaxation can yield a significant enhancement of the charge carrier transports in perovskite films. Finally, we also use Raman microspectroscopy to assess the degradation of perovskite films as a function of their residual strains.

Type de document: Article publié dans une revue, révisé par les pairs
Izquierdo, Ricardo
Cloutier, Sylvain G.
Affiliation: Génie électrique, Génie électrique
Date de dépôt: 04 sept. 2024 19:47
Dernière modification: 12 sept. 2024 18:59
URI: https://espace2.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/29384

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