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Simultaneous control of production, repair/replacement and preventive maintenance of deteriorating manufacturing systems


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Dehayem Nodem, Fleur Ines, Kenné, Jean-Pierre and Gharbi, Ali. 2011. « Simultaneous control of production, repair/replacement and preventive maintenance of deteriorating manufacturing systems ». International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 134, nº 1. pp. 271-282.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 74.

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This paper presents a method to find the optimal production, repair/replacement and preventive maintenance policies for a degraded manufacturing system. The system is subject to random machine failures and repairs. The status of the system is considered to degrade with repair activities. When a failure occurs, the machine is either repaired or replaced. A replacement action renews the machine while a repair action brings it to a degraded operational state for which the next repair time increases as the number of repairs increases. A preventive maintenance action is considered to improve the reliability of the machine and therefore the disruptions caused by the machine failures are reduced. The decision variables are the production rate, the preventive maintenance rate and the repair/replacement switching policy upon machine failure. The objective of the study is to find the decision variables that minimize an overall cost, including repair, replacement, preventive maintenance, inventory holding and backlog costs over an infinite planning horizon. The proposed model is based on a semi- Markov decision process and the stochastic dynamic programming method is used to obtain the optimality conditions. A numerical example is given to illustrate the proposed model. A sensitivity analysis is considered to confirm the structure of the control policy and to illustrate the usefulness on the proposed approach.

Item Type: Peer reviewed article published in a journal
Kenné, Jean-Pierre
Gharbi, Ali
Affiliation: Génie mécanique, Génie de la production automatisée
Date Deposited: 19 Feb 2013 16:26
Last Modified: 14 Feb 2024 19:42

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