Liste des publications de "Fuhrman, Christopher"Nombre de documents archivés : 50. 2024
Bao, Lin, Fuhrman, Christopher, Landry, René, Amrhar, Abdessamad et Gagne, Jean-Marc.
« Examining certification challenges for pre-existing software-defined radio in safety-critical avionics applications ».
In AIAA DATC/IEEE 43rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) (San Diego, CA, USA, Sept. 29-Oct. 03, 2024)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Bao, Lin, Nejati, Amirhossein Shoaraye, Fuhrman, Christopher et Landry, René Jr.
« Safety considerations for software-defined radio integrated in robust time and space partitioning IMA architecture ».
In IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings (Big Sky, MT, USA, Mar. 02-09, 2024)
IEEE Computer Society. 2023
Bao, Lin, Fuhrman, Christopher et Landry, René Jr.
« Certification considerations of software-defined radio using model-based development and automated testing ».
In IEEE/AIAA 42nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) (Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 01-05, 2023)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Fuhrman, Christopher et Ross, Yvan.
« Analyse et conception de logiciels ».
Édition fabriqueREL 2023.
Montréal, QC, Canada : École de technologie supérieure. fabrique REL. 155 p. 2022
Anquetil, N., Delplanque, J., Ducasse, S., Zaitsev, O., Fuhrman, C. et Guéhéneuc, Y. G..
« What do developers consider magic literals? A smalltalk perspective ».
Information and Software Technology, vol. 149.
Aranega, Vincent, Delplanque, Julien, Martinez, Matias, Black, Andrew P., Ducasse, Stéphane, Etien, Anne, Fuhrman, Christopher et Polito, Guillermo.
« Rotten green tests in Java, Pharo and Python: An empirical study ».
Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 26, nº 6.
Martinez, Matias, Etien, Anne, Ducasse, Stéphane et Fuhrman, Christopher.
« RTj: A java framework for detecting and refactoring rotten green test cases ».
In 42nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-Companion) (Seoul, South Korea, June 27-July 19, 2020)
pp. 69-72.
IEEE Computer Society.
McGuffin, Michael J. et Fuhrman, Christopher P..
« Categories and completeness of visual programming and direct manipulation ».
In International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI) (Salerno, Italy, Sept. 28 - Oct. 02, 2020)
Coll. « ACM International Conference Proceeding Series »
Association for Computing Machinery. McGuffin, Michael J. et Fuhrman, Christopher P.. 2020. « Categories and completeness of visual programming and direct manipulation ». Communication lors de la conférence : International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI) (Salerno, Italy, Sept. 28 - Oct. 02, 2020). 2019
Verhaeghe, Benoît, Fuhrman, Christopher, Anquetil, Nicolas, Guerrouj, Latifa et Ducasse, Stéphane.
« Empirical study of programming to an interface ».
In 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2019) (San Diego, CA, USA, Nov. 11-15 2019)
pp. 847-850.
IEEE. 2014
Rufiange, Sebastien et Fuhrman, Christopher.
« Visualizing protected variations in evolving software designs ».
Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 88, nº 1.
pp. 231-249. 2012
Fuhrman, Christopher, Champagne, Roger et April, Alain.
« Integrating tools and frameworks in undergraduate software engineering curriculum ».
In 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) (Zurich, Switzerland, June 02-09, 2012)
pp. 1195-1204.
IEEE Computer Society.
Rufiange, Sébastien, McGuffin, Michael John et Fuhrman, Christopher.
« TreeMatrix: A Hybrid Visualization of Compound Graphs ».
Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 31, nº 1.
pp. 89-101. 2011
Soumaré, Hadamon et Fuhrman, Christopher.
« Framework for assessing understandability impact of design patterns ».
Coll. « Rapport technique (École de technologie supérieure) », vol. ETS-RT-2011-001.
Montréal, Canada : École de technologie supérieure. 38 p. 2009
Rufiange, Sébastien, McGuffin, Michael John et Fuhrman, Christopher.
« Visualisation hybride des liens hiérarchiques incorporant des treemaps dans une matrice d'adjacence ».
In 21st International Conference of the Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM) (Grenoble, France, 13-16 oct. 2009)
Coll. « ACM International Conference Proceeding Series »
pp. 51-54.
New York, NY, USA : Association for Computing Machinery. 2008
Bertrand, C. et Fuhrman, Christopher.
« Towards defining software development processes in DO-178B with OpenUP ».
In Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) (Niagara Falls, Canada, May 4-7, 2008)
pp. 851-854.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Fuhrman, Christopher.
« Analysis of massive backscatter of email spam ».
In PTITS'2008 : 2nd Workshop on Practice and Theory of IT Security (Montreal, QC, Canada, Jan. 23, 2008)
Fuhrman, Christopher.
« Forensic value of backscatter from email spam ».
In 3rd International Annual Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis (WDFIA) (Malaga, Spain, Oct. 9, 2008)
pp. 46-52.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society. 2007
Champagne, Roger, Fuhrman, Christopher et Lefebvre, Éric.
« Modélisation des connaissances d'un baccalauréat en génie logiciel ».
In 24e Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire (AIPU) (Montréal, QC, Canada, 16-18 mai 2007)
pp. 984-986.
Association Internationale de Pédagogie Universitaire (AIPU).
Fuhrman, Christopher P..
« Exploiting open-source projects to study software design ».
Informatics in Education, vol. 6, nº 1.
pp. 53-66. 2006
Fuhrman, C. P..
« Appreciation of software design concerns via open-source tools and projects ».
In 10th Workshop on Pedagogies and Tools for the Teaching and Learning of Object Oriented Concepts (Nantes, France, July 3, 2006)
Shaik, I., Abdelmoez, W., Gunnalan, R., Mili, A., Fuhrman, C., Shereshevsky, M., Zeid, A. et Ammar, H. H..
« Using change propagation probabilities to assess quality attributes of software architectures ».
In IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2006 (Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Mar. 8-11, 2006)
pp. 704-711.
IEEE. 2005Abdel Moez, W., Shaik, I., Gunnalan, R., Shereshevsky, M., Goseva-Popstojanova, K., Ammar, H. H., Mili, A. et Fuhrman, C.. 2005. « Architectural level maintainability based risk assessment ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : 21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2005) (Budapest , Hungary, Sept. 26, 2005).
Shaik, I., Abdelmoez, W., Gunnalan, R., Shereshevsky, M., Zeid, A., Ammar, H. H., Mili, A. et Fuhrman, C..
« Change propagation for assessing design quality of software architectures ».
In 5th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, 2005. WICSA 2005 (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Nov. 6-10, 2005)
pp. 205-208.
IEEE. 2004
Fuhrman, Christopher, Djlive, Fatima et Palza, Edgardo.
« Software verification and validation within the (rational) unified process ».
In 28th Annual NASA Goddard Software Engineering Workshop (Greenbelt, MD, USA, Dec. 3-4, 2003)
pp. 216-220.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Fuhrman, Christopher, Palza, Edgardo et Do, Kim Loan.
« Optimizing the planning and executing of software independent verification and validation (IVV) in mature organizations ».
In 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (Hong Kong, China, Sept. 28-30, 2004)
pp. 24-25.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Palza, Edgardo, Abran, Alain et Fuhrman, Christopher.
« V&V Measurements Management Issues in Safety-Critical Software ».
In Software Measurement - Research and Application : Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Metrics and DASMA Software Metrik Kongress IWSM/MetriKon 2004 (Berlin, Germany, Nov. 2-5, 2004)
pp. 67-75.
Aachen, Germany : Shaker Verlag.
Palza, Edgardo, Fuhrman, Christopher et Abran, Alain.
« Establishing a generic and multidimensional measurement repository in CMMI context ».
In 28th Annual NASA Goddard Software Engineering Workshop (Greenbelt, MD, USA, Dec. 3-4, 2003)
pp. 12-20.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society. 2003
Fuhrman, Christopher.
« Lightweight models for interpreting informal specifications ».
Requirements Engineering, vol. 8, nº 4.
pp. 206-221.
Fuhrman, Christopher et Noumeir, Rita.
« E-remise : outil de remise électronique convivial ».
In Journée d'Échanges sur les Réalisations Pédagogiques : PSIRE - Enseignement 2002-2003 : Actes (Montréal, QC, Canada, 25 avril 2003)
pp. 41-48.
École de technologie supérieure. 2000
Ammar, Hany H., Cukic, Bojan, Mili, Ali et Fuhrman, Cris.
« A comparative analysis of hardware and software fault tolerance: impact on software reliability engineering ».
Annals of Software Engineering, vol. 10, nº 1-4.
pp. 103-150. 1999
Fuhrman, Christopher P., Solderitsch, Nancy, Yacoub, Sherif et Ammar, Hany.
« An integrated tool environment for DoD product line engineering ».
In Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Reusable Architectures and Components for Developing Distributed Information Systems (RACDIS'99) (Orlando, FL, USA, Aug. 2-3, 1999)
pp. 618-620.
International Institute of Informatics and Systems. 1996
Fuhrman, C. P., Chutani, S. et Nussbaumer, H. J..
« Fault tolerance with comparison-based modular redundancy ».
In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference Applied Informatics (Insbruck, Austria, Feb. 20-22, 1996)
pp. 108-112.
Anaheim, CA, USA : IASTED-ACTA Press.
Fuhrman, C. P. et Nussbaumer, H. J..
« Comparison diagnosis in large multiprocessor systems ».
In Proceedings of the Fifth Asian Test Symposium:, 1996 (Hsinchu, Taiwan, Nov. 20-22, 1996)
pp. 244-249.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : IEEE.
Fuhrman, C. P. et Nussbaumer, H. J..
« New comparison model in system-level diagnosis ».
In International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Technqiues and Applications: PDPTA '96: August 9-11, 1996, Sunnyvale, California (Sunnyvale, CA, USA, Aug. 9-11, 1996)
pp. 687-690.
Sunnyvale, CA, USA : CSREA Press. Fuhrman, Christopher Paul. 1996. « Comparison-based diagnosis in fault-tolerant, multiprocessor systems ». Thèse de doctorat. Lausanne, Switzerland, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 1995
Fuhrman, C. P., Chutani, S. et Nussbaumer, H. J..
« A fault-tolerant implementation using multiple-task triple modular redundancy ».
In 1995 IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, 1995. WFCS '95, Proceedings (Leysin, Switzerland, Oct. 4-6, 1995)
pp. 75-80.
Fuhrman, C. P., Chutani, S. et Nussbaumer, H. J..
« A multiple-task approach to efficient fault tolerance ».
In 1995 Pacific Rim International Symposium on Fault Tolerant Systems: December 4-5, 1995, Newport Beach, California: proceedings (Newport Beach, CA, USA, Dec. 4-5, 1995)
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : IEEE.
Fuhrman, C. P., Chutani, S. et Nussbaumer, H. J..
« Efficient NMRCD scheme for fault tolerance in responsive systems ».
In Second International Workshop on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, 1995. Proceedings (Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 25-27, 1995)
pp. 203-207.
Fuhrman, C. P., Chutani, S. et Nussbaumer, H. J..
« Efficient hardware/software fault tolerance with optimistic execution policy ».
In Applied Informatics (Insbruck, Austria, Feb. 20-23, 1995)
pp. 413-416.
Anaheim, CA, USA : IASTED.
Fuhrman, C. P., Chutani, S. et Nussbaumer, H. J..
« Fault tolerance with multiple task modular redundancy ».
In Algorithms and architectures for real-time control: (AARTC'95): a postprint volume from the 3rd IFAC/IFIP Workshop, Ostend, Belgium, 31 May - 2 June 1995 (Ostend, Belgium, May 31-June 2, 1995)
pp. 551-566.
Oxford, UK : Pergamon.
Fuhrman, C. P., Chutani, S. et Nussbaumer, H. J..
« Hardware/software fault tolerance with multiple task modular redundancy ».
In IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 1995. Proceedings (Alexandria, Egypt, July 27-29, 1995)
pp. 171-177.
Fuhrman, C. P., Chutani, S. et Nussbaumer, H. J..
« Implementing multiple task modular redundancy ».
In Safety and reliability in emerging control technologies: a postprint volume from the 2nd IFAC Workshop, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA, 1-3 November 1995 (Daytona Beach, FL, USA, Nov. 1-3, 1995)
New York, NY, USA : Pergamon.
Fuhrman, C. P. et Messina, S..
« A case study of fault tolerance with replicated MMS clients ».
In Applied Informatics (Insbruck, Austria, Feb. 20-23, 1995)
pp. 10-13.
Anaheim, CA, USA : IASTED-ACTA Press.
Fuhrman, C. P., Messina, S. et Koppenhoefer, S..
« Replicating MMS clients for fault tolerance ».
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 1995. ISIE '95 (Athens , Greece, July 10-14, 1995)
pp. 598-602.
Moreaux, M., Decotignie, J. D. et Fuhrman, C..
« Remote procedure call for real-time multiprocessor applications ».
In Algorithms and architectures for real-time control: (AARTC'95): a postprint volume from the 3rd IFAC/IFIP Workshop, Ostend, Belgium, 31 May - 2 June 1995 (Ostend, Belgium, May 31-June 2, 1995)
pp. 337-344.
Oxford, UK : Pergamon.
Noubir, G., Nussbaumer, H. J. et Fuhrman, C. P..
« Arithmetization and self-reducibility methods for fault-detection in combinatorial circuits ».
In Applied Informatics (Insbruck, Austria, Feb. 20-23, 1995)
pp. 22-25.
Anaheim, CA, USA : IASTED. 1994
Fuhrman, C. P., Messina, S. et Decotignie, J. D..
« Fault tolerance techniques integrating MMS and ISIS ».
In IEEE Symposium on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 1994. ETFA '94 (Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 6-10, 1994)
pp. 297-303.
IEEE. 1993
Raja, P., Hernandez, J., Ruiz, L., Fuhrman, C. P. et Decotignie, J. D..
« DRUGH: a simulator for distributed realtime applications ».
In European Simulation Symposium 1993: October 25-28, 1993, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands; [dynamic modelling and information systems, multimedia systems and virtual reality, high-performance computing and simulation, new trends in m (Delft, The Netherlands, Oct. 25-28, 1993)
San Diego, CA, USA : SCS.
Raja, P., Ruiz, L., Hernandez, J., Fuhrman, C., Noubir, G. et Decotignie, J. D..
« Synchronous model for Fieldbus applications ».
In International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, 1993. Proceedings of the IECON '93. (Maui, HI, USA, Nov. 15-19, 1993)
pp. 525-529.