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Nombre de documents archivés : 348.

Abdennebi, Marwen, Langar, Rami et Tohme, Samir. 2005. « CIPMAN: combining cellular IP and mobile ad hoc networks in a hop by hop all radio access network ». In 13th IEEE International Conference on Networks Jointly held with the 2005 IEEE 7th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 16-18, 2005) IEEE.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Abid, Sabeur, Faniech, Farhat, Jervis, B.W. et Cheriet, Mohamed. 2005. « Fast training of mutilayer perceptrons with a mixed norm algorithm ». In IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 31-Aug. 4, 2005) pp. 1018-1022. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 10.

Abi-Saad, Georges, Benaddi, A. et Bauer, Dominique Bernard. 2005. « Shear lag in tension member welded connection ». In Proceedings - 33rd CSCE Annual Conference 2005: General Conference and International History Symposium (Toronto, ON, Canada, June 2-4, 2005) GC-246-1-10. Montreal, Canada : Canadian Society for Civil Engineering.

Abran, A. et Garbajosa, J.. 2005. « Estimating the required test volume and effort for software verification and validation ». In First Annual ESA Workshop on Spacecraft Data Systems and Software (SDSS 2005) (Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Oct. 17-20, 2005) ESTEC.

Abran, Alain, Al Qutaish, Rafa E., Desharnais, Jean-Marc et Habra, Naji. 2005. « An information model for software quality measurement with ISO standards ». In International Conference on Software Development (SWDC-REK) (Reykjavik, Iceland, May 27-June 1, 2005) pp. 104-116.

Abran, Alain, Desharnais, Jean-Marc et Azziz, F.. 2005. « Measurement convertibility : from function points to COSMIC-FFP ». In Innovations in software measurement : proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Software Measurement, September 12-14, 2005, Montréal, Canada (Montreal, Canada, Sept.12-14, 2005) pp. 227-240. Aachen, Germany : Shaker Verlag.

Abran, Alain et Garbajosa-Sopena, J.. 2005. « Estimating software validation required test volume and effort ». In 1st Annual ESA Workshop on Spacecraft Data Systems and Software (SDSS) (Noordwijk, Netherlands, Oct. 17-20, 2005) European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC).

Abran, Alain, Moore, James W., Bourque, Pierre, Dupuis, Robert et Tripp, Leonard L.. 2005. « An international consensus on the software engineering body of knowledge ». In ONTOSE 2005 - Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ontology, Conceptualizations and Epistemology for Software and Systems Engineering (Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain, June 9-10, 2005) Coll. « CEUR Workshop Proceedings », vol. 163. Netherlands : Sun SITE Central Europe CEUR-WS.

Adankon, Mathias M., Cheriet, Mohamed et Ayat, N.E.. 2005. « Optimizing resources in model selection for support vector machines ». In IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 31-Aug. 4, 2005) pp. 925-930. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 4.

Adankon, Mathias, Cheriet, Mohamed et Ayat, Nedjem Eddine. 2005. « Optimisation de ressources dans la sélection de modèle des machines à vecteurs de support ». In Comptes rendues des 12-èmes rencontres de la Société Francophone de la Classification (Montréal, QC, Canada, 30 mai-1 juin 2005) pp. 35-38. Université du Québec à Montréal.

Aires, Simone B. K., Freitas, Cinthia O. A., Bortolozzi, Flávio et Sabourin, Robert. 2005. « Perceptual zoning for handwritten character recognition ». In 12th Conference of the International Graphonomics Society (IGS) (Salerno, Italy, June 26-29, 2005) pp. 178-182. USA : International Graphonomics Society.

Al Qutaish, Rafa E. et Abran, Alain. 2005. « An analysis of the design and definitions of halstead's metrics ». In Innovations in software measurement : proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Software Measurement, September 12-14, 2005, Montréal, Canada (Montreal, Canada, Sept. 12-14, 2006) pp. 337-352. Aachen, Germany : Shaker Verlag.

Alexandru, P. et Nadeau, Sylvie. 2005. « Intégration des aspects de santé et de sécurité à la gestion des opérations dans le travail autonome et polyvalent en environnement incertain ». In La SST: de la pratique à l'intégration-- un défi! : 27e congrès AQHSST, 17, 18, 19 mai 2005, Hôtel des Seigneurs, Saint-Hyacinthe : résumés des conférences (Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, Canada, 17-19 mai, 2005) Association québécoise pour l'hygiène, la santé et la sécurité du travail.

Al-Kazzaz, H., Medraj, M., Cao, X., Jahazi, M. et Min, X.. 2005. « Effect of welding speed on Nd:YAG laser weldability of ZE41A-T5 magnesium sand castings ». In Light metals 2005 : proceedings of the International Symposium on Light Metals, August 21-24, 2005, Calgary, Alberta, Canada (Calgary, AB, Canada, Aug. 21-24, 2005) pp. 137-149. Montreal, QC, Canada : Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Allaoui, H., Artiba, Abdelhakim et Aghezzaf, E.. 2005. « Jointly scheduling n jobs and preventive maintenance on the two machine flow shop to minimize makespan ». In Industrial Engineering and System Management (IESM) (Marrakech, Morocco, May 16-19, 2005)

Allaoui, H., Artiba, Abdelhakim et El Mhmedi, A.. 2005. « Stochastic scheduling of two machine flow shop with an availability constraint to minimize expected makespan ». In 35th Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (Istanbul, Turkey, June 19-22, 2005) pp. 93-98.

Amezzane, I., Sawan, M., Bellemare, F. et Hallé, Stéphane. 2005. « A CFD qualitative study of an infant's plethysmograph ». In The 28th Conference of the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society, CMBEC 28 (Montreal, QC, Canada, Sept. 9-11, 2005) Ottawa, ON, Canada : The Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society.

Ammari, M., Gagnon, François et Belzile, Jean. 2005. « Adaptive M-QAM scheme and unbiased MMSE-DFE receiver ». In IEEE 62nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) (Dallas, USA, Sept. 25-28, 2005) pp. 1935-1939. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 5.

Ammari, M., Gagnon, François et Belzile, Jean. 2005. « On adaptative modulation when the received signal is corrected with imperfect channel estimates ». In IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob) (Montreal, Canada, Aug. 22-24, 2005) pp. 166-170. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Ammari, Mohamed L., Gagnon, François et Belzile, Jean. 2005. « Effect of channel estimation and prediction errors on adaptive M-PSK systems ». In IEEE Joint International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems and International Conference on Networking and Services (ICAS-ICNS) (Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia, Oct. 23-28, 2005) Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.

Amoussou, Grace, Mohanna, Hachem, Dziong, Zbigniew et Kadoch, Michel. 2005. « An OpNet implementation of Gauss-Markov mobility model and integration of link prediction algorithm in DSR protocol: A cross-layer approach ». In OPNETWORK 2005 (Washington D.C., WA, USA, Aug. 22-26, 2005)

Andronenko, Sergey, Stiharu, Ion, Packirisamy, Muthukuruman, Moustapha, Hany et Dionne, Patrice. 2005. « The use of microelectromechanical systems for surge detection in gas turbine engines ». In Proceedings - 2005 International Conference on MEMS, NANO and Smart Systems (ICMENS) (Banff, AB, Canada, July 24-27, 2006) pp. 355-358. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 7.

April, Alain et Desharnais, Jean-Marc. 2005. « Software maintenance expert system (SMxpert) - measuring the use of the knowledge base ». In Innovations in software measurement : proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Software Measurement, September 12-14, 2005, Montréal, Canada (Montreal, Canada, Sept. 12-14, 2006) pp. 95-103. Aachen, Germany : Shaker Verlag.

April, Alain et Desharnais, Jean-Marc. 2005. « Software maintenance expert system (SMxpert) : a decision support intrument ». In Proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS) (Miami, FL, USA, May 24-28, 2005) pp. 142-148. Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication.

Arteau, Jean. 2005. « Protection contre les chutes de hauteur : de nouveaux absorbeurs d'énergie pour les personnes de fortes tailles CAN/CSA-Z259.11-05 ». In Colloque la santé et la sécurité du travail au Québec : de la recherche à la pratique : 11 mai 2005 à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi dans le cadre du 73e congrès de l'Acfas (Chicoutimi, QC, Canada, 10-15 mai 2005) Chicoutimi, QC, Canada : Réseau de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec.

Arteau, Jean et Lan, André. 2005. « Une nouvelle norme pour la conception des systèmes actifs de protection contre les chutes de hauteur CAN/CSA-Z259.16-04 ». In Colloque la santé et la sécurité du travail au Québec : de la recherche à la pratique : 11 mai 2005 à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi dans le cadre du 73e congrès de l'Acfas (Chicoutimi, QC, Canada, 10-15 mai 2005) Chicoutimi, QC, Canada : Réseau de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec.

Arteau, Jean, Nadeau, Sylvie, Ngô, Anh Dung et Rivet, Pierre. 2005. « La santé et la sécurité du travail en milieu universitaire: des choix proactifs ». In Colloque la santé et la sécurité du travail au Québec : de la recherche à la pratique : 11 mai 2005 à l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi dans le cadre du 73e congrès de l'Acfas (Chicoutimi, QC, Canada, 10-15 mai 2005) Chicoutimi, QC, Canada : Réseau de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec.

Artiba, Abdelhakim, Fenies, P. et Tchernev, N.. 2005. « La modélisation d'une unité générique de soins pour le système d'information et d'aide à la décision de la supply chain du nouvel hôpital d'Estaing ». In Conception et Production Intégrées (CPI) (Casablanca, Maroc, 9-11 nov. 2005)

Asber, Dalal, Lefebvre, Serge, Saad, Maarouf et Desbiens, Charles. 2005. « Forecasting Distribution CLPU behaviour ». In Proceedings of the Eighth IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (Marina del Rey, CA, USA, Oct. 24-26, 2005) pp. 212-216. Calgary, Canada : ACTA Press.

Assi, Rola, McClure, Ghyslaine et Yao, George C.. 2005. « Floor acceleration demands for 11 instrumented buildings in Taiwan during the 1999 Chi Chi earthquake ». In 2005 Structures Congress and the 2005 Forensic Engineering Symposium - Metropolis and Beyond (New York, NY, USA, April 20-24, 2005) Coll. « Proceedings of the Structures Congress and Exposition » pp. 1937-1947. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 3.

Badri, Béchir, Thomas, Marc, Archambault, René et Sassi, Sadok. 2005. « La transformée de Julien : une nouvelle procédure de traitement de signal pour la détection des chocs ». In 23rd Seminar on Machinery Vibration (Edmonton, AB, Canada, Oct. 26-28, 2005) Calgary, Canada : ACVM.

Barbeau, Michel et Robert, Jean-Marc. 2005. « Perfect identity concealment in UMTS over radio access links ». In IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob'2005) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Aug. 22-24, 2005) pp. 72-77. IEEE.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 12.

Baril, Y., Brailovski, Vladimir, Cartier, R. et Terriault, Patrick. 2005. « Feasibility study of a new sternal closure device using tubular braided superelastic nitinol structure ». In Materials and Processes for Medical Devices Conference & Exposition (Boston, MA, USA, Nov. 14-16, 2005) pp. 243-248. Kinsman Road, OH, USA : ASM International.

Bauer, Dominique Bernard et Elmaraghy, R.. 2005. « Efficient virtual model with configurable views for the construction industry ». In North American Steel Construction Conference (Montreal, QC, Canada, Apr. 6-9, 2005) pp. 1-7. Chicago, USA : American Institute of Steel Construction.

Bel Haj Youssef, Nesrine et Al-Haddad, Kamal. 2005. « Adaptive nonlinear control of a Single-Phase AC/DC Dual Boost ». In Proceedings 8th international conference on modeling and simulation of electric machines, converters and systems : April 17-20 2005, Hammamet, Tunisia (Hammamet, Tunisia, April 17-20, 2005) pp. 1-6. Montréal, Qué., Canada : École de technologie supérieure.

Ben Amor, Lotfi, Dessaint, Louis-A., Belhadj, Chokri A. et Champagne, Roger. 2005. « Sensorless torque estimation and control of a switched reluctance motor ». In Proceedings 8th international conference on modeling and simulation of electric machines, converters and systems : April 17-20 2005, Hammamet, Tunisia (Hammamet, Tunisia, April 17-20, 2005) Montréal, Qué., Canada : École de technologie supérieure.

Ben Ayed, Ismail, Mitiche, Amar et Belhadj, Ziad. 2005. « Level set curve evolution partitioning of polarimetric images ». In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2005. ICIP 2005 (Genoa, Italy, Sept. 11-14, 2005) pp. 281-284. IEEE.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 3.

Ben Azouz, Zouhour, Shu, Chang, Lepage, Richard et Rioux, Marc. 2005. « Extracting main modes of human body shape variation from 3D anthropometric data ». In Proceedings - 5th International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, 3DIM 2005 (Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 13-16, 2005) pp. 335-342. Washington, D. C., USA : IEEE Computer Society.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 19.

Bennani, Maria, Azzouz, Rochdi et Kadoch, Michel. 2005. « Performance analysis of multimedia traffic over Wireless 802.11e EDCF mode ». In OPNETWORK 2005 (Washington D.C., WA, USA, Aug. 22-26, 2005)

Benner, M. W., Sjolander, S. A. et Moustapha, S. H.. 2005. « An empirical prediction method for secondary losses in turbines: Part I - A new loss breakdown scheme and penetration depth correlation ». In ASME Turbo Expo 2005: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (Reno, NV, USA, June 06-09, 2005) Coll. « Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo » pp. 625-635. ASME.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 2.

Benner, M. W., Sjolander, S. A. et Moustapha, S. H.. 2005. « An empirical prediction method for secondary losses in turbines: Part II - A new secondary loss correlation ». In ASME Turbo Expo 2005: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (Reno, NV, USA, June 06-09, 2005) Coll. « Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo » pp. 637-649. ASME.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 5.

Bennis, Saad et Crobeddu, Éric. 2005. « Data acquisition, validation and forecasting for combined sewer network ». In Twelfth International Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements (Malta, June 20-22, 2005) pp. 191-198. Southampton, UK : WIT Press.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 2.

Bennour, Zied, Landry, René Jr et Constantinescu, Aurélian. 2005. « Web-based MEMS inertial navigation simulator ». In Annual Meeting - Institute of Navigation (ION) (Cambridge, MA, USA, June 27-29, 2005) pp. 1053-1061. Manassas, VA, USA : Institute of Navigation.

Bertezini, A. L. et Melhado, S. B.. 2005. « Avaliação do processo de projeto de arquitetura sob a ótica do cliente contratante ». In Anais do IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Gestão e Economia da Construção (SIBRAGEC) e I Encontro Latino Americano de Gestão e Economia da Construção (ELAGEC) (Porto Alegre, Brazil, Oct. 24-26, 2005) Porto Alegre : ANTAC.

Bertezini, A. L. et Melhado, S. B.. 2005. « Como os arquitetos avaliam o resultado dos seus projetos ». In Anais do V Workshop brasileiro de gestão do processo de projeto na construção de edifícios Florianopolis : UFSC.

Bertezini, A. L., Ohashi, E. A. M., Santos, E. T. et Melhado, S. B.. 2005. « Diretrizes para estruturação de informações em sites de empresas construtoras e incorporadoras de edifícios ». In II Seminário de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação na Construção Civil (TIC 2005) (São Paulo, Brazil, Apr. 07-08, 2005) Sao Paulo : PCC-USP.

Biskri, D. E., Botez, Ruxandra, Therrien, S., Rathe, A., Stathopoulos, N. et Dickinson, M.. 2005. « Corrected least squares method for aeroservoelasticity studies ». In Proceedings : 20th Canadian Conference of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM) (Montreal, QC, Canada, May 30-June 2, 2005) McGill University, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Dept. of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics.

Biskri, D. E., Botez, Ruxandra, Therrien, S., Rathe, A., Stathopoulos, N. et Dickinson, M.. 2005. « Mixed method for unsteady aerodynamic forces approximations for aeroservoelasticity studies on fly-by-wire aircraft ». In Canadian Aeronautical Society Institute (CASI) Conference (Toronto, ON, Canada, Apr. 26-27, 2005)

Blanchette, Handy et Al Haddad, Kamal. 2005. « A new discrete packaging configuration of bidirectional power switch with less magnetic interference ». In Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) (Saskatoon, Canada, May 1-4, 2005) pp. 1278-1282. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Bocher, P., Jahazi, M., Germain, L., Gey, N. et Humbert, M.. 2005. « Variant selection in forged titanium alloys : effect of microscopic grain misorientations on the formation of macroscopic regions with similar crystallographic orientations ». In Materials for safety and health : mesoscopic and multiscale consideration in modern science and engineering (Montreal, QC, Canada, Aug. 1-4, 2005) pp. 523-530. Montréal, Qué., Canada : École de technologie supérieure.

Boland, Jean-François, Thibeault, Claude et Zilic, Z.. 2005. « Efficient multi-abstraction level functional verification methodology for DSP applications ». In Global Signal Processing Expo and Conference (GSPx) (Santa Clara, CA, USA, Sept., 2004)

Boland, Jean-François, Thibeault, Claude et Zilic, Zeljko. 2005. « Using Matlab and Simulink in a SystemC Verification Environment ». In Proceedings of Design and Verification Conference (DVCon05) (San Jose, CA, USA, Feb. 14-16, 2005 )

Bonev, Ilian et Gosselin, C.M.. 2005. « Singularity loci of spherical parallel mechanisms ». In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (Barcelona, Spain, April 18-22, 2005) pp. 2957-2962. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 56.

Botez, Ruxandra. 2005. « New method for aeroservoelastic interactions studies ». In The 30th Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences : the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, July 5-10, 2005 : proceedings (Chisinau, Moldavia, July 5-10, 2005) pp. 497-501. ASEM.

Botez, Ruxandra, Biskri, D. E., Terrien, S., Rathe, A., Stathopoulos, N. et Dickinson, M.. 2005. « Method based on the LS approach used for flutter aeroservoelasticity analysis studies ». In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization (Oranjenstad, Aruba, Aug. 29-31, 2005) pp. 211-216. Calgary, Canada : ACTA Press.

Botez, Ruxandra, Biskri, D. E., Therrien, S., Rathé, A., Stathopoulos, N. et Dickinson, M.. 2005. « New mixed method for unsteady aerodynamic forces approximations for aeroservoelasticity studies ». In CEAS/AIAA/DGLR International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics 2005 : conference proceedings : IFASD 2005, , München, Arabella ASheraton Grand Hotel, June 28-July 1, 2005 (Munich, Germany, June 28-July 1, 2005) DGLR.

Botez, Ruxandra, Lefebvre, M. et Brenner, M.. 2005. « Reduced frequencies ranges selection for unsteady aerodynamic forces in aeroservoelasticity studies on a Fly-by-Wire aircraft ». In Canadian Aeronautical Society Institute (CASI) Conference (Toronto, ON, Canada, Apr. 26-27, 2005)

Boulé, Marc et Zilic, Zeljko. 2005. « Incorporating efficient assertion checkers into hardware emulation ». In International Conference on Computer Design (San Jose, CA, USA, Oct. 02-05, 2005) pp. 221-228. IEEE.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 47.

Boulet, J.-F., Gharbi, Ali et Kenné, Jean-Pierre. 2005. « Production and corrective maintenance rate policy improvement in an unreliable failure prone manufacturing systems ». In 35th International Conference on Computer and Industrial Engineering (Istanbul, Turkey, June 19-22, 2005) pp. 321-326.

Boutana, N., Bocher, P., Jahazi, M., Savoie, J., Piot, D. et Montheillet, F.. 2005. « Modelling mechanical behaviour of heterogeneous materials using cellular automata : application to some forged titanium alloys ». In Materials for safety and health : mesoscopic and multiscale consideration in modern science and engineering (Montreal, QC, Canada, Aug. 1-4, 2005) pp. 273-280. Montréal, Qué., Canada : École de technologie supérieure.

Bouzid, Hakim. 2005. « Bolted flange joints with full face gaskets : an analytical approach based on flexibility ». In ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP) (Denver, CO, USA, Jul. 17-21, 2005) pp. 29-35. New York, NY, USA : American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Bouzidane, A. et Thomas, Marc. 2005. « An electrorheological hydrostatic journal bearing for controlling rotor vibration ». In II Eccomas Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Lisbon, 18-21 July 2005 : proceedings and papers (Lisbon, Portugal, July 18-21, 2005)

Bozinovic, N., Konrad, J., Wei, Zhao et Vázquez, Carlos. 2005. « On the importance of motion invertibility in MCTF/DWT video coding ». In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005. Proceedings. (ICASSP '05) (Philadelphia, PA, USA, Mar. 18-23, 2005) pp. 49-52. Piscataway, NJ, USA : IEEE.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 12.

Buglione, Luigi et Abran, Alain. 2005. « A model for performance management and estimation ». In IEEE International Symposium on Software Metrics (2005) (Como, Italy, Sept. 19-22, 2005) IEEE Computer Society.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Buglione, Luigi et Abran, Alain. 2005. « Improving measurement plans form multiple dimensions : exercising with balancing multiple dimensions - BMP ». In Workshop Methods for Learning Metrics (Como, Italy, Sept. 19-22, 2005)

Buglione, Luigi et Abran, Alain. 2005. « Multidimensional project management tracking & control : related measurement issues ». In Software Measurement European Forum (SMEF) : Proceedings of SMEF 2005 (Rome, Italy, Mar. 16-18, 2005) pp. 205-214.

Buglione, Luigi et Abran, Alain. 2005. « Software measurement body of knowledge - overview of empirical support ». In Innovations in software measurement : proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Software Measurement, September 12-14, 2005, Montréal, Canada (Montreal, Canada, Sept. 12-14, 2005) pp. 353-368. Aachen, Germany : Shaker Verlag.

Cao, X., Xiao, M., Jahazi, M. et Lin, Y. L.. 2005. « Nd:YAG laser welding of magnesium alloy castings ». In Magnesium Technology 2005: Proceedings of the Symposium Held During the 2005 TMS Annual Meeting in San Francisco, California, U.S.A., February 13-17, 2005 (San Francisco, CA, USA, Feb. 13-17, 2005) pp. 441-443. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 8.

Cardinal, Patrick, Boulianne, Gilles et Comeau, Michel. 2005. « Segmentation of recordings based on partial transcriptions ». In Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Interspeech'2005-Eurospeech) (Lisbon, Portugal, Sept. 4-8, 2005) pp. 3345-3348. International Speech and Communication Association.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 5.

Carter, Alan et Stroup-Gardiner, M.. 2005. « An evaluation of coarse aggregate tests at the NCAT test track ». In 33rd Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2005 “Gateway To Excellence” (Toronto, ON, Canada, June 2-4, 2005) pp. 3528-3537. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering.

Carter, Alan et Stroup-Gardiner, Mary. 2005. « Use of digital imaging to evaluate HMA surface texture and aggregate coverage of surface treatments ». In Proceedings of the Fiftieth Annual Conference of the Canadian Technical Asphalt Association Conference (CTAA), Victoria, British Columbia, November, 2005 (Victoria, BC, Canada, Nov. 6-9, 2005) Coll. « Proceedings of the ... annual Conference of Canadian Technical Asphalt Association », vol. 50. pp. 279-293. Laval, QC, Canada : Polyscience publication.

Champagne, Roger, Boutouili, Farid et Dessaint, Louis-A.. 2005. « Optimizing the output equations of the state-space representation of electrical systems ». In Proceedings 8th international conference on modeling and simulation of electric machines, converters and systems : April 17-20 2005, Hammamet, Tunisia (Hammamet, Tunisia, April 17-20, 2005) Montréal, Qué., Canada : École de technologie supérieure.

Champagne, Roger et Dessaint, Louis-A.. 2005. « Modeling and simulation of electrical systems with transformers and coupled inductors using the state-variable approach ». In Proceedings 8th international conference on modeling and simulation of electric machines, converters and systems : April 17-20 2005, Hammamet, Tunisia (Hammamet, Tunisia, April 17-20, 2005) Montréal, Qué., Canada : École de technologie supérieure.

Champliaud, Henri et Bouzid, Abdel-Hakim. 2005. « Computation of unloading stiffness of nonlinear gaskets using dual kriging interpolation ». In Materials for safety and health : mesoscopic and multiscale consideration in modern science and engineering (Montreal, Canada, Aug. 1-4, 2005) pp. 127-138. Montréal, Qué., Canada : École de technologie supérieure.

Champliaud, Henri, Lajmi, Abdelmajid et Lê, Ngan Van. 2005. « Finite element analysis of a three-point belt tension tester ». In Non-Conference Specific Technical Papers (Troy, MI, USA, Sept. 1, 2005) Coll. « SAE Technical Papers », vol. 2005-01-3137. SAE.

Charfi, F., Al Haddad, Kamal et Sellami, F.. 2005. « Analysis and identification of embedded power system faults using wavelet transform ». In 21st International Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition 2005, EVS 2005 (Monte Carlo, Monaco, April 02-06, 2005) pp. 224-233. Electric Drive Transportation Association.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Charlot, E., Kenné, Jean-Pierre et Nadeau, Sylvie. 2005. « Optimal production and lockout/tagout control policies in manufacturing systems ». In 4th International Conference Safety of Industrial Automated Systems (SIAS) (Chicago, IL, USA, Sept. 26-28, 2005)

Chatrathi, Kiran Kumar, Packirisamy, Muthukumaran, Stiharu, Ion et Nerguizian, Vahé. 2005. « PVDF actuated cylindrical waveguide based optical attenuation ». In MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems V (San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 25-26, 2005) Coll. « Proceedings of SPIE », vol. 5719. pp. 38-47. USA : SPIE.

Chatterjee, K., Chandra, Ambrish et Al Haddad, Kamal. 2005. « PLL-less one-cycle controlled modified load compensator for wide range of loads ». In IEEE 36th Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC) (Recife, Brazil, June 12-16, 2005) pp. 2322-2326. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Cheikhi, Laila, Abran, Alain et Lopez, Miguel. 2005. « Analysis of the designs of coupling measures - a case study ». In Innovations in software measurement : proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Software Measurement, September 12-14, 2005, Montréal, Canada (Montréal, Canada, Sept.12-14, 2005) pp. 435-454. Aachen, Germany : Shaker Verlag.

Constantinescu, Aurélian et Landry, René Jr. 2005. « GPS/Galiléo/GLONASS hybrid satellite constellation simulator GPS constellation validation and analysis ». In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of The Institute of Navigation (Cambridge, MA, USA, June 27-29, 2005) pp. 733-744. Insitute of Navigation.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 22.

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Compte des citations dans Scopus : 5.

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Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

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