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Nombre de documents archivés : 414.

Abou, Séraphin-Chally, Saad, Maarouf et Dao, Thien-My. 2006. « Physical system modelling for the design and control of mechatronic systems ». In Proceedings of the Eight IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications (Montreal, Canada, May 24-26, 2006) pp. 92-98. Calgary, Canada : ACTA Press.

Abran, Alain. 2006. « A Roadmap to Maturity for Software Measures ». In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement : MENSURA 2006 (Cadiz, Spain, Nov. 4-5, 2006) pp. 1-14. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz.

Abran, Alain, Al Quataish, R. et Cuardrado, J.. 2006. « Investigation of the metrology concepts within ISO 9126 on software product quality evaluation ». In Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Computers (Athens, Greece, Jul.13-15, 2006) pp. 864-872. Stevens Point, Wisconsin, USA : World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS).

Abu Talibq, M., Abran, Alain et Ormandjieva, O.. 2006. « Markov model and functional size with COSMIC-FFP ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 3240-3245. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 3.

Adankon, M.M. et Cheriet, Mohamed. 2006. « New formulation of SVM for model selection ». In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 16-21, 2006) pp. 1900-1907. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 6.

Agba, Basile L., Amoussou, G., Dziong, Zbigniew, Kadoch, Michel et Gagnon, François. 2006. « Performances analysis of mobile ad hoc routing protocols under realistic mobility and power models ». In OPNETWORK 2006 (Washington D.C., WA, USA, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2006) OPNET Technologies, Inc..

Agba, Basile L., Gagnon, François et Kouki, Ammar B.. 2006. « Scenarios generator for ad hoc networks ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 2677-2681. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 10.

Agba, Basile L., Gagnon, François et Kouki, Ammar B.. 2006. « Small-scale fading modeling for tactical ad hoc networks ». In 12th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and Canadian Radio Sciences Conference (ANTEM/URSI) (Montreal, QC, Canada, July 16-19, 2006) pp. 421-425. Winnipeg, Canada : ANTEM .
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 4.

Agba, Basile L., Gagnon, François et Kouki, Ammar B.. 2006. « Spécification et définition de scénarios pour les réseaux ad hoc : application au domaine militaire ». In Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) (Ottawa, Canada, May 7-10, 2006) pp. 676-679. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Agba, Basile L., Gagnon, François et Kouki, Ammar B.. 2006. « Tactical ad hoc scenarios generator coupled with channel modeling ». In IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON) (Clearwater Beach, FL, USA, Dec. 4-5, 2006) Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Aissaoui, Rachid, Husse, S., Mecheri, H., Parent, G. et de Guise, Jacques A.. 2006. « Automatic filtering techniques for three-dimensional kinematics data using 3D motion capture system ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 614-619. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 12.

Akbalik, A., Larbi, R. et Penz, B.. 2006. « Dynamic programming approach for a capacitated lot sizing problem coupled with transportation activities ». In Information Control Problems in Manufacturing : A Proceedings Volume form 12th IFAC Conference (St-Étienne, France, May 17-19, 2006) pp. 177-182. Elsevier LTD.

Al Haddad, Kamal, Hamouda, Mahmoud et Fnaiech, Farhat. 2006. « Control of the reactive line current provided by a Dual-Bridge Matrix converter using the input-output feedback linearization approach ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 803-808. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 13.

Al-Kazzaz, H., Medraj, M., Cao, X., Xiao, M. et Jahazi, M.. 2006. « Effect of laser power and joint gap on weld quality of aerospace grade ZE41A-T5 magnesium alloy using Nd:YAG laser ». In Magnesium technology in the global age : proceedings of the International Symposium on Magnesium Technology in the Global Age, October 1-4, 2006, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 1-4, 2006) pp. 503-518. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Alwehaibi, A., Kadoch, Michel et ElHakeem, Ahmed. 2006. « QoS for diffserv over heterogeneous IP and MPLS networks ». In Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International Multi-Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications (Banff, Canada, Jul. 3-5, 2006) pp. 196-200. Anaheim, CA, USA : ACTA Press.

Amarir, Said et Al Haddad, Kamal. 2006. « A new high frequency modeling technique of travelling waves in long cable PWM drives ». In 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics (IECON) (Paris, France, Nov. 6-10, 2006) pp. 1119-1124. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 14.

Amarir, Said et Al-haddad, Kamal. 2006. « A new reflected wave modeling technique for PWM ASD-motors ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 2510-2515. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Amoussou, G., Mohanna, H., Kadoch, Michel et Dziong, Zbigniew. 2006. « Improvement of route cache in DSR protocol by predicting effective communication distance between nodes ». In OPNETWORK 2006 (Washington D.C., WA, USA, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2006)

April, Alain et Desharnais, Jean-Marc. 2006. « Software maintenance knowledge-based system (S3Mxpert) : Web-based software maintenance expert training ». In Proceedings of the Fifth IASTED International Conference on Web-based Education (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Jan. 23-25, 2006) pp. 270-274. Anaheim, CA, USA : ACTA Press.

April, Alain, Desharnais, Jean-Marc et Dumke, Reiner. 2006. « A formalism of ontology to support a software maintenance knowledge based system ». In 18th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE 2006 (San Francisco, CA, USA, July 5-7, 2005) pp. 331-336. Stokie, IL, USA : Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 9.

Arafin, M. A., Medraj, M., Turner, D. P. et Bocher, P.. 2006. « Optimization of process variables during TLP Bonding of nickel superalloys ». In Aerospace materials and manufacturing : emerging materials, processes, and repair techniques : proceedings of the third International [Symposium] on Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing : emerging materials, processes and repair techniques, October 1-4, (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 1-4, 2006) pp. 301-314. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Arafin, M. A., Medraj, M., Turner, D. P. et Bocher, Philippe. 2006. « Thermodynamic modeling and experimental investigation of brazed joints used in aerospace industry ». In 3rd International Brazing and Soldering Conference (San Antonio, TX, USA, April 24-26, 2006) pp. 189-196. Materials Park, OH, USA : ASM International.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 3.

Arafin, Muhammad A., Medraj, Mamoun, Turner, Daniel P. et Bocher, Philippe. 2006. « Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Investigations of Isothermal Solidification during Transient Liquid Phase Bonding of Nickel Superalloys ». In THERMEC 2006 Supplement (Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 4 - 8, 2006) Coll. « Advanced Materials Research », vol. 15-17. pp. 882-887. Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany : Trans Tech Publications.

Arshad, M. et Kouki, Ammar B.. 2006. « Precise estimation of MIMO channel capacity from RF measurements ». In 9th European Conference on Wireless Technology (Manchester, UK, Sept. 10-12, 2006) pp. 209-211. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Arteau, Jean, Beauchamp, Yves, Petit, Yvan, Lajoie, Olivier et Labranche, Laetitia. 2006. « Évaluation des systèmes d’attaches antichutes pour les poseurs d’acier d’armature (ferrailleurs) ». In Congrès du RRSSTQ, Congrès de l'ACFAS (Montréal, QC, Canada, 17-19 mai 2006)

Assi, R., McClure, G. et Yao, G. C.. 2006. « On predicting the seismic response of telecommunication towers mounted on building rooftops ». In Civil Engineering Infrastructure Systems (CEIS 2006) : June 12-14, 2006, American University of Beirut (AUB), Beirut-Lebanon (Beirut, Lebanon, June 12-14, 2006) Arab Scientific Publishers.

Assi, R., McClure, G. et Yao, G.C.. 2006. « Seismic force amplification factors for telecommunication towers mounted on building rooftops ». In Proceedings of the 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (San Francisco, CA, USA, Apr. 18-22, 2006) pp. 9652-9661. Earthquake Engineering Research Institute ( EERI ).

Awde, Ali, Hina, Manolo Dulva, Tadj, Chakib, Ramdane-Cherif, Amar et Bellik, Yacine. 2006. « A paradigm of a pervasive multimodal multimedia computing system for the visually-impaired users ». In Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing : First International Conference, GPC 2006, Taichung, Taiwan, May 3-5, 2006 : Proceedings (Taichung, Taïwan, May 3-5, 2006) Coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 3947. pp. 620-633. Heidelberg, Germany : Springer-Verlag.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Awde, Ali, Hina, Manolo Dulva, Tadj, Chakib, Ramdane-Cherif, Amar et Bellik, Yacine. 2006. « Information access in a multimodal multimedia computing system for mobile visually-impaired users ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 2834-2839. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 2.

Badri, Bechir, Thomas, Marc, Archambault, R. et Sassi, Sadok. 2006. « La transformée de Julien pour différentier les chocs synchrones des chocs asynchrones ». In Compte rendu 24ième séminaire sur la vibration des machines : ACVM, 25-27 octobre 2006 (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 25-27, 2006) 448-459 . Calgary, Canada : ACVM.

Badri, Bechir, Thomas, Marc et Sassi, Sadok. 2006. « Étude et développement d'un système expert basé sur les réseaux de neurones pour le diagnostic des défauts de roulements ». In Compte rendu 24ième séminaire sur la vibration des machines : ACVM, 25-27 octobre 2006 (Montréal, QC, Canada, 25-27 oct. 2006) pp. 386-403. Calgary, Canada : ACVM.

Baggag, Abdelkader, Chekki, Mondher, Habashi, Wagdi G. et Morency, François. 2006. « Parallelization of a finite volume scheme applied to ice accretion ». In 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference (San Francisco, CA, USA, June 5-8, 2006) Coll. « AIAA paper » pp. 2061-2071. Reston, VA, USA : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc..
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 2.

Barka, N., Bocher, Philippe, Brousseau, J., Galopin, Michel et Sundararajan, S.. 2006. « Modeling and sensitivity study of the induction hardening process ». In THERMEC 2006 Supplement (Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 4-8, 2006) Coll. « Advanced Materials Research », vol. 15-17. pp. 525-530. Uetikon-Zuerich, Switzerland : Trans Tech Publications.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 20.

Barka, N., Bocher, Philippe, Galopin, Michel, Brousseau, J. et Sundararajan, S.. 2006. « Sensitivity study of induction hardening machine parameters of SAE-4340 steel specimen ». In Conference of Metallurgists (COM) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 1-4, 2006) pp. 525-530. Montreal, Canada : The Metallurgy and Materials Society of CIM.

Barrak, Rim, Msehli, Mounira, Ghazel, Adel et Kouki, Ammar. 2006. « Optimized AIS/DSC homodyne receiver design ». In 13th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) (Nice, France, Dec. 10-12, 2006) pp. 1324-1327. IEEE Section France.

Beaulieu, N. M., Botez, Ruxandra, Hiliuta, A., Popov, A. V. et Mureithi, N.. 2006. « Validation of a ground dynamics model formulation by use of landing data ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 2682-2687. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Bédard, Claude. 2006. « On the adoption of computing and IT by industry : the case for integration in early building design ». In Intelligent Computing in Engineering and Architecture :13th EG-ICE Workshop 2006, Ascona, Switzerland, June 25-30, 2006, Revised Selected Papers (Ascona, Switzerland, June 25-30, 2006) Coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 4200. pp. 62-73. Heidelberg, Germany : Springer Verlag.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 3.

Bel Haj Youssef, Nesrine, Al Haddad, Kamal et Kanaan, Hadi. 2006. « A new methodology for Vienna rectifier rating and controller tuning based on control saturation analysis: experimental validation ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 1328-1333. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 3.

Bélanger, P., Berry, A., Pasco, Y., St-Amant, Y. et Rajan, S.. 2006. « Active structural acoustic control of a Bell 407 transmission noise ». In AHS (American Helicopter Society) 62nd Annual Forum (Phoenix, AZ, USA, May 09-11, 2006) pp. 788-797. AHS.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 3.

Beldjehem, M. et Cheriet, Mohamed. 2006. « Validation of Hybrid MinMax FuzzyNeuro systems ». In Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIP) (Montreal, Canada, June 3-6, 2006) pp. 4-7. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 10.

Ben Ayed, Ismail et Mitiche, Amar. 2006. « A partition constrained minimization scheme for efficient multiphase level set image segmentation ». In 2006 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (Atlanta, GA, USA, Oct. 8-11, 2006) pp. 1641-1644. IEEE.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 12.

Ben Ayed, Ismail, Mitiche, Amar et Belhadj, Ziad. 2006. « Variational unsupervised classification of polarimetric images ». In IEEE International Conference on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2006. IGARSS 2006 (Denver, CO, USA, July 31-Aug. 4, 2006) pp. 4198-4200. IEEE.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Ben Ayed, Ismail, Mitiche, Amar et Belhadj, Ziad. 2006. « Variational unsupervised segmentation of multi-look complex polarimetric images using a wishart observation model ». In 2006 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (Atlanta, GA, USA, Oct. 8-11, 2006) pp. 3233-3236. IEEE.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 1.

Bendali, A., Labedan, R., Domingue, F. et Nerguizian, Vahé. 2006. « Holes effects on RF MEMS parallel membranes capacitors ». In Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) (Ottawa, Canada, May 7-10, 2006) pp. 2140-2143. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 14.

Bensoussan, David et Kelemen, Matei. 2006. « Application of quasi-linear feedback to the control of a hard disk drive servo system ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 307-310. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Benzaouia, A., Akhrif, Ouassima et Saydy, L.. 2006. « Stabilization of switched systems subject to actuator saturation by output feedback ». In 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (San Diego, CA, USA, Dec.13-15, 2006) pp. 777-782. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 27.

Bertezini, A. L. et Melhado, S. B.. 2006. « A avaliação do processo de projeto de arquitetura e as perspectivas para sua evolução ». In Anais do Seminário Internacional NUTAU´2006 : Inovações Tecnológicas & Sustentabilidade (São Paulo, Brazil, Oct. 09-13, 2006) São Paulo : FAUUSP.

Biskri, Djallel Eddine et Botez, Ruxandra. 2006. « Aerodynamic forces approximations calculated with a new analytical formulation ». In ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP) (Vancouver, Canada, Jul. 23-27, 2006) pp. 739-743. New York, NY, USA : American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Bitsuamlak, Girma, Stathopoulos, T. et Bédard, Claude. 2006. « Numerical modeling of wind flow over complex terrain ». In 3rd National Wind Engineering Conference (Kolkata, India, Jan. 5-7, 2006)

Blanchette, Handy et Al Haddad, Kamal. 2006. « Switching power MOSFET performance: a compromise between EMI generation and thermal consideration ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 1293-1298. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 4.

Blinova, A., Amelin, Y. et Samson, C.. 2006. « U-Pb dating of phosphates and chondrules in H-6 chondrites ». In 13th Canadian Astronautics Conference of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (ASTRO) (Montreal, QC, Canada, Apr. 25-27, 2006) Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute.

Bo Rong, Yi Qian, Qingyan Hu, R., Guizani, S. et Kadoch, Michel. 2006. « Key management for pyramidal security model of multicast communication in mobile Ad Hoc networks ». In IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM) (San Francisco, CA, USA, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, 2006) Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 2.

Boisvert, Jonathan, Bellizzi, Thibaut, Champliaud, Henri et Seers, Patrice. 2006. « Print depth prediction in hot forming process with a reconfigurable die ». In ANSYS Conference and Exhibition (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, May 2-4, 2006)

Boisvert, Jonathan, Champliaud, Henri, Bellizzi, Thibaut et Seers, Patrice. 2006. « Simulation and optimisation of a reconfigurable discrete die for the hot forming of thick steel plates in hydro power industry ». In ANSYS Conference and Exhibition (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, May 2-4, 2006)

Bonev, Ilian, Chablat, Damien et Wenger, Philippe. 2006. « Working and assembly modes of the agile eye ». In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (Orlando, FL, USA, May 15-19, 2006) pp. 2317-2322. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 92.

Bonev, Ilian, Yu, A. et Zsombor-Murray, P.. 2006. « XY-theta positioning table with parallel kinematics and unlimited theta rotation ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 3113-3117. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 13.

Botez, Ruxandra et Biskri, Djallel Eddine. 2006. « Simulation method based on analytical error correction for aeroservoelastic interactions studies on an F/A-18 SRA aircraft ». In Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling (Rhodes, Greece, June 26-28, 2006) pp. 27-32. Calgary, Canada : ACTA Press.

Botez, Ruxandra, Dinu, A. D. et Cotoi, I.. 2006. « Optimisation of unsteady aerodynamic forces for aircraft aeroservoelastic studies ». In 3rd European Conference on Computational Mechanics Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering (Lisbon, Portugal, June 5-8, 2006)

Botez, Ruxandra, Dinu, Alin Dorian et Cotoi, Iulian. 2006. « Method based on Chebyshev polynomials theories for aeroservoelastic interactions studies on a F/A-18 aircraft ». In Proceedings of the 25th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, MIC 2006 (Lanzarote, Spain, Feb. 6-8, 2006) pp. 320-325. Calgary, Canada : ACTA Press.

Botez, Ruxandra, Dinu, Alin Dorian, Cotoi, Iulian, Stathopoulos, Nicholas, Dickinson, Martin, Therien, Sylvain et Rathe, Alexandre. 2006. « Aeroservoelasticity interactions studies on a business aircraft ». In AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference (Newport, RI, USA, May 1-4, 2006) Coll. « AIAA paper » pp. 4128-4137. Reston, VA, USA : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc..

Botez, Ruxandra, Dinu, Alin et Cotoi, Lulian. 2006. « Approximation of unsteady aerodynamic forces for closed loop flutter aeroservoelasticity studies ». In 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (Reno, NV, USA, Jan. 9-12, 2006) Coll. « AIAA paper » pp. 5198-5206. Reston, VA, USA : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc..
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 7.

Boucher, Annie et Miresco, Edmond T.. 2006. « Framework of a virtual laboratory for construction project ». In Building on IT : Joint International Conference 14-16 June 2006 in Montreal, Canada (Montreal, QC, Canada, June 14-16, 2006) pp. 3581-3586.

Boulé, Marc, Chenard, Jean-Samuel et Zilic, Zeljko. 2006. « Adding debug enhancements to assertion checkers for hardware emulation and silicon debug ». In International Conference on Computer Design (San Jose, CA, USA, Oct. 01-04, 2006) pp. 294-299. IEEE.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 43.

Boulé, Marc et Zilic, Zeljko. 2006. « Efficient automata-based assertion-checker synthesis of PSL properties ». In IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop (Monterey, CA, USA, Nov. 08-10, 2006) pp. 69-76. IEEE.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 41.

Boulianne, G., Beaumont, J.-F., Boisvert, M., Brousseau, J., Cardinal, P., Chapdelaine, C., Comeau, M., Ouellet, P. et Osterrath, F.. 2006. « Computer-assisted closed-captioning of live TV broadcasts in French ». In INTERSPEECH 2006 : ICSLP ; Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Sept. 17-21, 2006) pp. 273-276. International Speech and Communication Association.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 30.

Bourque, Pierre, Stroian, V. et Abran, Alain. 2006. « Proposed concepts for a tool for multidimensional performance modeling in software engineering management ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 3252-3257. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 2.

Boutana, Nabil, Bocher, Philippe, Jahazi, Mohammad, Piot, D. et Montheillet, F.. 2006. « Utilisation des automates cellulaires pour étudier le comportement en fatigue-fluage des alliages de titane ». In Matériaux 2006 (Dijon, France, 13-17 nov. 2006) pp. 781-790.

Brlek, S. et Provençal, X.. 2006. « A fast algorithm for detecting pseudo-hexagons ». In International School and Conference on Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory (CANT 2006) (Liège, Belgique, May 08-19, 2006)

Brlek, Srecko et Provençal, Xavier. 2006. « An optimal algorithm for detecting pseudo-squares ». In Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery : 13th International Conference, DGCI 2006, Proceedings (Szeged, Hungary, Oct. 25-27, 2006) Coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 4245. pp. 403-412. Springer.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 12.

Brlek, Srecko et Provençal, Xavier. 2006. « On the problem of deciding if a polyomino tiles the plane by translation ». In Proceedings of the Prague Stringology Conference '06 (Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 28-30, 2006) pp. 65-76.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 2.

Brodeur, Philippe, Masson, Christian et Sibuet-Watters, Christophe. 2006. « Numerical simulations of wind distributions over very complex terrain ». In 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (Reno, NV, USA, Jan. 9-12, 2006) American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 3.

Brosseaud, Yves et St-Jacques, Michèle. 2006. « Improvement of the surface characteristics regarding the safety and comfort of the users ». In 10th International Conference on Asphalt Pavements - August 12 to 17, 2006, Quebec City, Canada (Quebec, Canada, Aug.12-17, 2006) pp. 177-185. White Bear Lake, MN : International Society for Asphalt Pavements.

Brosseaud, Yves et St-Jacques, Michèle. 2006. « Mise en relation des propriétés de surface des enrobés avec la sécurité et le confort des usagers ». In Infra 2006 : recueil des communications, 12e édition de la Semaine des infrastructures urbaines : le Québec en chantier : optimiser les interventions = Infra 2006 : proceedings, 12th Annual Urban Infrastructure Week : Québec under construction : optimizin (Québec, QC, Canada, 20-22 nov. 2006) Montréal, Canada : Centre d'expertise et de recherche en infrastructures urbaines (CERIU).

Buglione, L., Abran, Alain et Girard, D.. 2006. « R-LIME : improving the risk dimension in the LIME model ». In Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress for Software Quality : September 26-30, 2005, Munich, Germany (Munich, Germany, Sept. 26-30, 2005) pp. 157-172. Erlangen : ISQI.

Buglione, Luigi et Abran, Alain. 2006. « Introducing root-cause analysis and orthogonal defect classification at lower CMMI maturity levels ». In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement : MENSURA 2006 (Cadiz, Spain, Nov. 4-5, 2006) pp. 29-41. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz.

Cao, X., Jahazi, M. et Mehta, R.. 2006. « Friction stir welding of AZ31B-H24 magnesium alloy butt joints ». In 6th International Friction Stir Welding Symposium 2006 (Saint-Sauveur, QC, Canada, Oct. 10-13, 2006) pp. 279-289. TWI Ltd.

Cao, X., Xiao, M. et Jahazi, M.. 2006. « Effect of processing parameters on laser cladding of magnesium alloy castings ». In Aerospace materials and manufacturing : emerging materials, processes, and repair techniques : proceedings of the third International [Symposium] on Aerospace Materials and Manufacturing : emerging materials, processes and repair techniques, October 1-4, (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 1-4, 2006) pp. 147-158. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.

Cao, X., Xiao, M., Jahazi, M. et Shariff, T.. 2006. « Surface cladding of magnesium alloy castings using Nd:YAG laser ». In Magnesium technology 2006 : proceedings of the symposium held during the TMS 2006 annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 12-16, 2006 (San Antonio, TX, USA, Mar. 12-16, 2006) pp. 359-364. Warrendale, Pa : The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.

Catley, A., Samson, C. et van Geel, P.. 2006. « Seismic velocity analysis to determine moisture distribution in a bioreactor landfill ». In 21st International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management (ICSW) (Philadelphia, PA, USA, March 26-29, 2006)

Catley, A., van Geel, P. et Samson, C.. 2006. « Overview of geophysical techniques to measure moisture content in landfills ». In Sea to sky geotechnique, 2006 : 59th Canadian Geotechnical Conference and 7th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Specialty Conference, October 1-4, Vancouver, BC, Canada : conference proceedings = Géotechnique sea to sky, 2006 : 59e Conférence géotechnique (Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct. 1-4, 2006) pp. 810-817. Canadian Geotechnical Society = Société canadienne de géotechnique.

Cavalin, P. R., de Souza Britto, A., Bortolozzi, F., Sabourin, Robert et Soares Oliveira, L. E.. 2006. « An implicit segmentation-based method for recognition of handwritten strings of characters ». In ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) (Dijon, France, April 23-27, 2006) pp. 836-840. New York, NY, USA : ACM Press.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 21.

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Zouidi, Abdelaziz, Al Haddad, Kamal et Fnaiech, Farhat. 2006. « Neural network controlled three-phase three-wire shunt active power filter ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 5-10. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 23.

Zouidi, Abdelaziz, Fnaiech, Farhat et Al Haddad, Kamal. 2006. « Voltage source inverter based three-phase shunt active power filter: topology, modeling and control strategies ». In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Montreal, Canada, Jul. 9-13, 2006) pp. 785-790. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 31.

Zouidi, Abdelaziz, Fnaiech, Farhat, Al Haddad, Kamal et Rahmani, Salem. 2006. « Artificial neural networks as harmonic detectors ». In 32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics (IECON) (Paris, France, Nov. 6-10, 2006) pp. 2889-2892. Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 15.

Zue, Aslain Ovono et Chandra, Ambrish. 2006. « Simulation and stability analysis of a 100 kW grid connected LCL photovoltaic inverter for industry ». In IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting (PES) (Montreal, Canada, June 18-22, 2006) Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Compte des citations dans Scopus : 71.

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