Documents publiés en 2011Aller à Abo El Ezz, Ahmad | Abran, Alain | Agba, Basile L. | Ahmadi, Ali | Aissaoui, Rachid | Akhrif, Ouassima | Al Haddad, Kamal | Al Hadi, Richard | April, Alain | Arsenault, Richard | Arteau, Jean | Baraër, Michel | Beauregard, Yvan | Belleau, Christian | Belzile, Jean | Ben Ayed, Ismail | Bennis, Saad | Bergeron-Brlek, Milan | Bigras, Pascal | Blanchard, François | Blaquière, Yves | Blum, Guillaume | Bocher, Philippe | Boland, Jean-François | Bonev, Ilian | Botez, Ruxandra | Boton, Conrad | Bouix, Sylvain | Boulé, Marc | Bourque, Pierre | Bouserhal, Rachel | Bouzid, Hakim | Brailovski, Vladimir | Bridier, Florent | Brissette, François | Bédard, Claude | Bélanger, Pierre | Carter, Alan | Causse, Philippe | Chaabane, Amin | Chaallal, Omar | Champagne, Roger | Champliaud, Henri | Chandra, Ambrish | Chatelain, Jean-François | Cheriet, Mohamed | Cloutier, Sylvain G. | Clément, Julien | Coallier, François | Constantin, Nicolas | Coti, Camille | Coulombe, Stéphane | Dao, Thien-My | David, Éric | Demarquette, Nicole R. | Demers, Vincent | Desharnais, Jean-Marc | Deslandes, Dominic | Desrosiers, Christian | Dessaint, Louis-A. | Dias de Assuncao, Marcos | Doré, Sylvie | Doutres, Olivier | Drouin, Simon | Dubé, Jean-Sébastien | Duchaine, Vincent | Dufresne, Louis | Dumouchel, Pierre | Duong, Luc | Dupont, Thomas | Dziong, Zbigniew | El boussaidi, Ghizlane | Forgues, Daniel | Forouzanfar, Mohamad | Fortin Blanchette, Handy | Francis, Adel | Francoeur, Éric | Fraser, Marc | Fuhrman, Christopher | Gabrea, Gheorghe Marcel | Gagnon, François | Gagnon, Ghyslain | Gardoni, Mickaël | Gauthier, Guy | Germain, Patrick | Gervais, Paul | Gharbi, Ali | Gherbi, Abdelouahed | Giard, Pascal | Glaus, Mathias | Granger, Éric | Guilbault, Raynald | Guizani, Lotfi | Hagemeister, Nicola | Haillot, Didier | Hallé, Stéphane | Harker, Matthew | Hassan, Munzer | Hausler, Robert | Henderson, Andrew | Ilinca, Adrian | Iordanova, Ivanka | Izquierdo, Ricardo | Jaafar, Waël | Jabbarzadeh, Armin | Jahazi, Mohammad | Joncas, Simon | Kaddoum, Georges | Kadoch, Michel | Kajl, Stanislaw | Kara, Nadjia | Kenné, Jean-Pierre | Khaled, Amar | Kharoune, Mourad | Kouki, Ammar B. | Kpodjedo, Sègla Jean-Luc | Kreitcberg, Alena | Labbé, David | Lagacé, Pierre Jean | Lalonde, Sébastien | Lamarche, Louis | Lameiras Koerich, Alessandro | Landry, Jacques-André | Landry, René Jr | Langar, Rami | Laporte, Catherine | Laporte, Claude Y. | Larbi, Rim | Laville, Frédéric | Leconte, Robert | Lejeune, Michel | Lemaire, Romain | Lepage, Richard | Lerouge, Sophie | Li, Li | Lina, Jean-Marc | Liu, Zhaoheng | Lopez-Herrejon, Roberto E. | Lê, Van Ngan | Maranzana, Roland | Maref, Wahid | Masounave, Jacques | Masson, Christian | McGuffin, Michael John | Melhado, Silvio | Menelau Cruz, Rafael | Merabtine, Abdelatif | Miresco, Edmond T. | Moha, Naouel | Monette, Frédéric | Monfet, Danielle | Montoya Torres, Jairo | Moosavi-Khoonsari, Elmira | Morency, François | Motamedi, Ali | Ménard, Michaël | Nabki, Frédéric | Nadeau, Sylvie | Nemery, Alexandra | Nerguizian, Vahé | Nguyen, Kim Khoa | Nguyen-Tri, Phuong | Ngô, Anh Dung | Nikiema, Josiane | Niquette, Patrick | Nollet, Marie-José | Noumeir, Rita | Nuño, Natalia | Ouellet-Plamondon, Claudiane | Ouni, Ali | Paquet, Marc | Paquette, Eric | Pedersoli, Marco | Pellecuer, Luc | Perraton, Daniel | Petit, Yvan | Petrillo, Fabio | Pham, Tan | Pham Van Bang, Damien | Poirier, Erik Andrew | Poulin, Annie | Provençal, Xavier | Ramudhin, Amar | Ratté, Sylvie | Rivest, Louis | Robert, Jean-Marc | Rousse, Daniel R. | Saad, Maarouf | Sabourin, Robert | Samson, Claire | Sanjosé, Marlène | Savard, Geneviève | Sboui, Lokman | Seers, Patrice | Shih, Andy | Songmene, Victor | Soulaïmani, Azzeddine | St-Jacques, Michèle | St-Onge, David | Suryn, Witold | Tadj, Chakib | Tahan, Antoine | Terriault, Patrick | Thibeault, Claude | Thomas, Marc | Toews, Matthew | Tremblay, Christine | Ung, Bora | Viens, Martin | Voix, Jérémie | Vu, Viet Hung | Vu-Khanh, Toan | Vázquez, Carlos | Wagnac, Éric | Weiss, Julien | Wong, Tony | Yeste Ojeda, Omar Artemi | Zednik, Ricardo | Zhang, Gaixia | Zhang, Kaiwen | Zhani, Mohamed Faten | de Guise, Jacques A. | Éthier, Yannic A. Nombre de documents archivés : 1360. Abo El Ezz, AhmadAbo-El-Ezz, Ahmad, Nollet, Marie-José et Miroslav, Nastev. 2011. « Développement de courbes de capacité de bâtiments en maçonnerie de pierre du Vieux Québec ». Affiche numéro 25 présentée lors de la conférence : Protection des Structures Civiles Face au Risque Sismique - Colloque du CEISCE dans le Cadre de la Conférence Annuelle de l’ACFAS (Sherbrooke, Canada, 9-13 mai 2011).
Abo-El-Ezz, Ahmad, Nollet, Marie-José et Nastev, Miroslav.
« Analytical displacement-based seismic fragility analysis of stone masonry buildings ».
In 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN) (Corfu, Greece, May 25-28, 2011)
pp. 2503-2514.
Leiden, Netherlands : Taylor and Francis/Balkema.
Abo-El-Ezz, Ahmad, Nollet, Marie-José et Nastev, Miroslav.
« Characterization of historic stone masonry buildings for seismic risk assessment, example of old Quebec City ».
In Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) (Ottawa, Canada, June 14-17, 2011)
pp. 800-807.
Montreal, Canada : Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. Abran, Alain
Dumke, Reiner et Abran, Alain, éds.
« COSMIC Function Points: Theory and Advanced Practices ».
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press. 334 p.
« Guideline for Assuring the Accuracy of Measurement ».
COSMIC. 21 p.
Symons, C. R., éd.
« The Performance of Real-Time, Business Application and Components Software Projects : an Analysis of COSMIC-Measured Projects in the ISBSG Database ».
COSMIC Group. 46 p.
Abran, Alain.
« Guest editor's introduction ».
[Éditorial]. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 21, nº 3.
pp. 309-310. Abran, Alain. 2011. « Quality of software measures ». Communication lors de la conférence : International Conference on Software Engineering (CONSEG) (Bangalore, India, Feb. 17-19, 2011).
Abran, Alain.
« Quality of the software measures proposed to the industry ».
In Proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Quality: The Road Ahead, CONSEG 2011 (Bangalore, India, Feb. 17-19, 2011)
pp. 95-105.
Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited.
Abran, Alain, Desharnais, Jean-Marc et Aziz, Fatima.
« Measurement convertibility: from function points to COSMIC FFP ».
COSMIC Function Points: Theory and Advanced Practices.
pp. 214-225. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press.
Abran, Alain, Fagg, Peter, Meli, Roberto et Symons, Charles R..
« ISO transposition and clarifications of the COSMIC-FFP method of functional sizing ».
COSMIC Function Points: Theory and Advanced Practices.
pp. 72-79. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press.
Abran, Alain, Oligny, Serge et Symons, Charles.
« COSMIC-FFP and the world-wide field trials strategy ».
COSMIC Function Points: Theory and Advanced Practices.
pp. 2-11. Boca Raton, Fl : CRC Press. Abran, Alain et Sarayreh, Khalid. 2011. « Specification of system non functional requirements and their measurement when allocated as software requirements ». Communication lors de la conférence : SPIN Chennai (Software Process Improvement Network) (Chennai, India, Feb. 24, 2011).
Abu Talib, Manar, Abran, Alain et Ormandjieva, Olga.
« COSMIC FFP and functional complexity (FC) measures: a study of their scales, units and scales types ».
COSMIC Function Points: Theory and Advanced Practices.
pp. 157-169. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press.
Al-Qutaish, Rafa E. et Abran, Alain.
« A maturity model of software product quality ».
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, vol. 43, nº 4.
pp. 307-327. April, Alain et Abran, Alain. 2011. « It's time for maintenance ». Communication lors de la conférence : Seoul CIO Conference (Seoul, South Korea, Sept. 22, 2011).
Barkallah, Soumaya, Gherbi, Abdelouahed et Abran, Alain.
« COSMIC functional size measurement using UML models ».
In Software Engineering, Business Continuity, and Education (Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, Dec. 8-10, 2011)
Coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 257.
pp. 137-146.
Berlin, Germany : Springer.
Desharnais, Jean-Marc et Abran, Alain.
« Applying a functional measurement method: cognitive issues ».
COSMIC Function Points: Theory and Advanced Practices.
pp. 122-142. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press.
Desharnais, Jean-Marc et Abran, Alain.
« Méthode de mesure et unité de base en génie logiciel ».
La lettre d'Adeli, nº 85.
pp. 32-37.
Desharnais, Jean-Marc, Abran, Alain et Suryn, Witold.
« Identification and analysis of attributes and base measures within ISO 9126 ».
Software Quality Journal, vol. 19, nº 2.
pp. 447-460.
Desharnais, Jean-Marc, Abran, Alain, Vilz, Julien, Gruselin, François et Habra, Naji.
« Verification and valdation of a knowledge-based system ».
COSMIC Function Points: Theory and Advanced Practices.
pp. 283-299. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press.
Desharnais, Jean-Marc, Kocaturk, Bugra et Abran, Alain.
« Using the COSMIC method to evaluate the quality of the documentation of Agile user stories ».
In Joint Conference of the 21st International Workshop on Software Measurement and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (WSM-MENSURA) (Nara, Japan, Nov. 3-4, 2011)
pp. 269-272.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Fetcke, Thomas, Abran, Alain et Dumke, Reiner R..
« A generalized represented for selected functional size measurement methods ».
COSMIC Function Points: Theory and Advanced Practices.
pp. 89-111. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press.
Khelifi, Adel, Abran, Alain et Buglione, Luigi.
« A system of reference for software measurement with ISO 19761 (COSMIC-FFP) ».
COSMIC Function Points: Theory and Advanced Practices.
pp. 142-157. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press.
Lee, K., April, Alain et Abran, Alain.
« 금융권 차세대시스템 구축 이후 금융 IT 발전 전략 ».
In Korean Financial IT Conference 2011 (South Korea, Oct. 20, 1011)
Malik, Qasaimeh et Abran, Alain.
« Extending extreme programming user stories to meet ISO 9001 formality requirements ».
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, vol. 4, nº 11.
Monsalve, Carlos, Abran, Alain et April, Alain.
« Measuring software functional size from business process models ».
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, vol. 21, nº 3.
pp. 311-338.
Monsalve, Carlos, April, Alain et Abran, Alain.
« BPM and requirements elicitation at multiple levels of abstraction : a review ».
In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Information Systems (Avila, Spain, Mar. 11-13, 2011)
pp. 237-242.
International Association for Development of the Information Society.
Monsalve, Carlos, April, Alain et Abran, Alain.
« Requirements elicitation using BPM notations : focusing on the strategic level representation ».
In 10th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science (ACACOS) (Venice, Italy, Mar. 8-10, 2011)
pp. 235-241.
Athens, Greece : World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society.
Soubra, Hassan, Abran, Alain, Stern, Sophie et Ramdan-Cherif, Amar.
« Design of a functional size measurement procedure for real-time embedded software requirements expressed using the Simulink model ».
In Joint Conference of the 21st International Workshop on Software Measurement and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (IWSM-MENSURA) (Nara, Japan, Nov. 3-4, 2011)
pp. 76-85.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Stambollian, Anabel et Abran, Alain.
« Survey of automation tools supporting COSMIC FFP-ISO 19761 ».
COSMIC Function Points: Theory and Advanced Practices.
pp. 299-316. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press.
Taleb, M., Seffah, A. et Abran, A..
« Generation rules in POMA architecture ».
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, vol. 4, nº 11.
pp. 1040-1046.
Trudel, Sylvie et Abran, Alain.
« Bidirectional influence of defects and functional size ».
In Joint Conference of the 21st International Workshop on Software Measurement and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (IWSM-MENSURA) (Nara, Japan, Nov. 3-4, 2011)
pp. 69-75.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Villavicencio, Monica et Abran, Alain.
« Educational issues in the teaching of software measurement in software engineering undergraduate programs ».
In Joint Conference of the 21st International Workshop on Software Measurement and the 6th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (IWSM-MENSURA) (Nara, Japan, Nov. 3-4, 2011)
pp. 239-244.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Villavicencio, Mónica et Abran, Alain.
« Facts and perceptions regarding software measurement in education and in practice: preliminary results ».
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, vol. 4, nº 4.
pp. 227-234.
Zarour, Mohammad, Abran, Alain et Desharnais, Jean-Marc.
« Evaluation of software process assessment methods : case study ».
In 11th International Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination (SPICE) (Dublin, Ireland, May 30-June 1, 2011)
Coll. « Communications in Computer and Information Science », vol. 155.
pp. 42-51.
Berlin, Germany : Springer.
Živkovič, Aleš, Gencel, Cigdem et Abran, Alain.
« Guest editorial: Advances in functional size measurement and effort estimation - Extended best papers ».
[Éditorial]. Information and Software Technology, vol. 53, nº 8.
p. 873. Agba, Basile L.
Madi, Ghadir, Sacuto, Fabien, Vrigneau, Baptiste, Agba, Basile L., Pousset, Yannis, Vauzelle, Rodolphe et Gagnon, François.
« Impacts of impulsive noise from partial discharges on wireless systems performance : application to MIMO precoders ».
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2011, nº 186.
Ahmadi, Ali
Ahmadi, Ali, Holzman, Jonathan F., Najjaran, Homayoun et Hoorfar, Mina.
« Electrohydrodynamic modeling of microdroplet transient dynamics in electrocapillary-based digital microfluidic devices ».
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol. 10, nº 5.
pp. 1019-1032.
Ahmadi, Ali et Hoorfar, Mina.
« Numerical investigation of the combined effects of biomolecular adsorption and microdroplet evaporation on the performance of the electrocapillary-based digital microfluidic systems ».
In ASME 2011 9th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels (Edmonton, AB, Canada, June 19-22, 2011)
pp. 139-147.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Aissaoui, Rachid
Aissaoui, Rachid, Ganea, Raluca et Aminian, Kamiar.
« Conjugate momentum estimate using non-linear dynamic model of the sit-to-stand correlates well with accelerometric surface data ».
Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 44, nº 6.
pp. 1073-1077.
Chenier, Felix, Bigras, Pascal et Aissaoui, Rachid.
« A new dynamic model of the manual wheelchair for straight and curvilinear propulsion ».
In IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR) (Zurich, Switzerland, June 29-July 1, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Chenier, Félix, Bigras, Pascal et Aissaoui, Rachid.
« An orientation estimator for the wheelchair's caster wheels ».
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 19, nº 6.
pp. 1317-1326.
de Guise, Jacques A., Mezghani, Neila, Aissaoui, Rachid et Hagemeister, Nicola.
« New comprehensive methods for the biomechanical analysis of knee osteoarthritis ».
Understanding osteoarthritis from bench to bedside.
pp. 85-102. Kerala, India : Research Signpost.
Gélis, Anthony, Nouvel, Fabrice et Aissaoui, Rachid.
« Positionnement au fauteuil roulant ».
Coll. « Problèmes en médecine de rééducation ».
Issy les Moulineaux, France : Elsevier-Masson. 125 p.
Mezghani, Neila, Fuentes, Alexandre, Gaudrault, Nathaly, Mitiche, Amar, Hagemeister, Nicola, Aissaoui, Rachid et de Guise, Jacques A..
« Knee abduction/adduction angle patterns identification in asymptomatic gait by principal component clustering ».
In International Society of Biomechanics Conference (ISB) (Brussels, Belgium, July 3-7, 2011)
Turcot, Katia, Hagemeister, Nicola, de Guise, Jacques A. et Aissaoui, Rachid.
« Evaluation of unipodal stance in knee osteoarthritis patients using knee accelerations and center of pressure ».
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, vol. 19, nº 3.
pp. 281-286. Akhrif, Ouassima
Sari, Gh, Akhrif, Ouassima et Saydy, Lahcen.
« Qualitative analysis of an axial compressor model with non-constant speed ».
In ASME 2011 Power Conference (Denver, CO, USA, July 12-14, 2011)
Coll. « ASME Proceedings »
pp. 515-524.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Saussié, David, Akhrif, Ouassima et Saydy, Lahcen.
« Robustness augmentation of an aircraft pitch rate controller ».
In 19th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED) (Corfu, Greece, June 20-23, 2011)
pp. 265-270.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Saussié, David, Bérard, Caroline, Akhrif, Ouassima et Saydy, Lahcen.
« Robust scheduled control of longitudinal flight with handling quality satisfaction ».
Aeronautical Journal, vol. 115.
pp. 163-174.
Saussié, David, Saydy, Lahcen, Akhrif, Ouassima et Bérard, Caroline.
« Gain scheduling with guardian maps for longitudinal flight control ».
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, vol. 34, nº 4.
pp. 1045-1059.
Sow, Thierno, Akhrif, Ouassima, Okou, Aime Francis, Bâ, Amadou Oury et Gagnon, Richard.
« Control strategy insuring contribution of DFIG-Based wind turbines to primary and secondary frequency regulation ».
In 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) (Melbourne, VIC, Australia, Nov. 7-10, 2011)
pp. 3123-3128.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Al Haddad, Kamal
Adhikari, Neha, Singh, Bhim, Vyas, A. L., Chandra, Ambrish et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« Analysis and design of isolated solar-PV energy generating system ».
In IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS) (Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 9-13, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Aguiar, A. B. M., Merkhouf, A., Bélec, M., Hudon, C. et Al-Haddad, K..
« Large hydro electrical generator modeling considering different magnetic materials ».
In Electrimacs Conference 2011 (Cergy-Pontoise, France, June 6-8, 2011)
Aguiar, Ana B. M., Merkhouf, Arezki, Al Haddad, Kamal et Hudon, Claude.
« Electromagnetic modelling of existing large hydro generator ».
In IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC) (Niagara Falls, Canada, May 15-18, 2011)
pp. 389-393.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Chatterjee, K., Ghodke, D. V., Chandra, Ambrish et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« Modified one-cycle controlled load compensator ».
IET Power Electronics, vol. 4, nº 4.
pp. 481-490.
Fallaha, Charles J., Saad, Maarouf, Kanaan, Hadi Youssef et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« Sliding-mode robot control with exponential reaching law ».
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, nº 2.
pp. 600-610.
Gregoire, Luc-André, Al-Haddad, Kamal et Nanjundaiah, Girish.
« Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) to reduce the development cost of power electronic converters ».
In India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE) (New Delhi, Inde, Jan. 28-30, 2011)
Hamadi, Ab, Rahmani, S., Al Haddad, Kamal et Al-Turki, Yasir A..
« A three-phase three wire grid-connect photovoltaic energy source with Sepic converter to track the Maximum Power Point ».
In 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) (Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 7-10, 2011)
pp. 3087-3092.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Hamadi, Abdelhamid, Rahmani, Salem et Al-Haddad, K..
« Grid connected for photovoltaic energy generation for maximum power point tracking ».
In Electrimacs Conference 2011 (Cergy-Pontoise, France, June 6-8, 2011)
Hamouda, M., Fnaiech, F. et Al-Haddad, K..
« Input-state feedback linearization control of three-phase dual-bridge matrix converters operating under unbalanced source voltages ».
International Review on Modelling and Simulations, vol. 4, nº 2.
pp. 467-477.
Hamouda, Mahmoud, Fortin Blanchette, Handy, Al Haddad, Kamal et Fnaiech, Farhat.
« An efficient DSP-FPGA-based real-time implementation method of SVM algorithms for an indirect matrix converter ».
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, nº 11.
5024 - 5031.
Javadi, Alireza et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« Unfunctionality of the instantaneous p-q theory for the control of series active filters ».
In IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC) (Winnipeg, Canada, Oct. 3-5, 2011)
pp. 386-391.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Kanaan, H. Y. et Al-Haddad, K..
« Design, study, modeling and control of a SEPIC power factor corrector in single-phase rectifiers ».
In Electrimacs Conference 2011 (Cergy-Pontoise, France, June 6-8, 2011)
Kanaan, Hadi Y. et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« A modified Sheppard-Taylor power factor corrector operating in discontinuous capacitor voltage mode ».
In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Gdansk, Poland, June 27-30, 2011)
pp. 81-88.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers .
Kanaan, Hadi Y. et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« A unified approach for the analysis of single-phase power factor correction converters ».
In 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON) (Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 7-10, 2011)
pp. 1167-1172.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Kanaan, Hadi Y. et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« AC-to-DC three-phase/switch/level PWM boost converter : design modeling, and control ».
The industrial electronics handbook : power electronics and motor drives.
2nd ed.
Coll. « Electrical Engineering Handbook Series ».
12.1-12.48. Boca Raton, FL, USA : CRC Press.
Kanaan, Hadi Y., Al Haddad, Kamal, Georges, S. et Mougharbel, Imad.
« Design, modelling, control and simulation of a three-phase DC-DC converter for high currents applications ».
IET Power Electronics, vol. 4, nº 4.
pp. 424-434.
Kanaan, Hadi Y., Al Haddad, Kamal et Mougharbel, Imad.
« Comparative control analysis of the Vienna rectifier based on its averaged model ».
International Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 3, nº 1.
pp. 78-110.
Kanjiya, Parag, Singh, Bhim, Chandra, Ambrish et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« "SRF theory revisited" to control self supported dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) for unbalanced and nonlinear loads ».
In IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS) (Orlando, FL, USA, Oct. 9-13, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Kedjar, Bachir et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« LQR with integral action applied to a wind energy conversion system based on doubly fed induction generator ».
In 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) (Niagara Falls, Canada, May 8-11, 2011)
pp. 717-722.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Merkhouf, Arezki, Hudon, Claude, Belec, Mario, Guillot, Eilin, Aguiar, Ana B. M. et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« Electromagnetic losses computation in existing large hydro electrical generators ».
In IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC) (Niagara Falls, Canada, May 15-18, 2011)
pp. 113-118.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Ndtoungou, A., Hamadi, A. B. et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« An improved approach to better understand power electronics variables ».
International Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 27, nº 1.
pp. 200-213.
Ounejjar, Youssef et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« A novel 31-level packed U cells converter ».
In 3rd IEEE International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (PowerEng) (Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain, May 11-13, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Ounejjar, Youssef, Al Haddad, Kamal et Alolah, Abdulrahman I..
« Averaged model of the 31-level packed U cells converter ».
In IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) (Gdansk, Poland, June 27-30, 2011)
pp. 1831-1836.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Ounejjar, Youssef, Al Haddad, Kamal et Grégoire, Luc-André.
« Packed U cells multilevel converter topology : theoretical study and experimental validation ».
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, nº 4.
pp. 1294-1306.
Rahmani, Salem et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« Filtering techniques for power quality improvement ».
The industrial electronics handbook : power electronics and motor drivers.
2nd ed.
Coll. « Electrical Engineering Handbook Series ».
38.1 - 38.69. Boca Raton, FL, USA : CRC Press.
Singh, Bhim N., Kasal, Gaurav Kumar, Chandra, Ambrish et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« Electronic load controller for a parallel operated isolated asynchronous generator feeding various loads ».
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, vol. 3, nº 4.
pp. 101-114.
Singh, Bhim, Jayaprakash, Pychadathil, Kothari, D P, Chandra, Ambrish et Al-Haddad, Kamal.
« New control algorithm for capacitor supported dynamic voltage restorer ».
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, vol. 3, nº 7.
pp. 277-286.
Singh, Bhim, Singh, Sanjeev, Chandra, Ambrish et Al Haddad, Kamal.
« Comprehensive study of single-phase AC-DC power factor corrected converters with high-frequency isolation ».
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 7, nº 4.
pp. 540-556. Al Hadi, Richard
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Project Management Journal, vol. 42, nº 6.
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Doré, Sylvie, Francoeur, Éric et Forgues, Daniel.
« “Engineer”: what does it mean to our students? ».
In Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) (St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, June 6-8, 2011)
Memorial University ; Canadian Engineering Education Association.
Flora-Velhinho, André et Forgues, Daniel.
« Preuve de concept et validation par simulation de la performance d'un nouveau mode d'érection de bâtiments ».
In Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) (Ottawa, Canada, June 14-17, 2011)
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« A community of practice for accelerating the adoption of information technology in engineering education ».
In Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) (St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, June 6-8, 2011)
Forgues, Daniel, Lavallée, A. et Laberge, V..
« Intégration des pratiques de conception intégrée et de technologies de l'information dans un contexte de travail multidisciplinaire et disperse ».
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Forgues, Daniel et Lejeune, Albert.
« Value generation through integrated teams: A socio-cognitive approach ».
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, vol. 5, nº 1.
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Iordanova, Ivanka, Forgues, Daniel et Chiocchio, François.
« Creation of an evolutive conceptual know-how framework for integrative building design ».
In 14th International conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design: Designing Together (CAADFutures 2011) (Liege, Belgium, July 04-08, 2011)
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Nasir, H., Haas, C., Fayek, A. R., Forgues, Daniel, Rankin, J. et Ruwanpura, J..
« Development and implementation of a construction performance and productivity benchmarking program ».
In Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) (Ottawa, Canada, June 14-17, 2011)
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Poirier, Erik et Forgues, Daniel.
« Une plateforme collaborative pour la gestion de l'information et la connaissance ».
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« Feature-based neural network approach for oscillometric blood pressure estimation ».
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 60, nº 8.
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Tolouee, Azar, Abrishami Moghaddam, Hamid, Forouzanfar, Mohamad, Gity, Masumeh et Garnavi, Rahil.
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« Improving the sharing of information on construction project sites using a chronographical model ».
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« Développement d'un système d'aide à la décision pour la réorganisation des réseaux souterrains sous la future plate-forme d'un tramway: Étude de cas tramway de Montréal ».
In Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 14-17, 2011)
pp. 2593-2601.
Montreal, Canada : Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. Francoeur, Éric
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« “Engineer”: what does it mean to our students? ».
In Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) (St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, June 6-8, 2011)
Memorial University ; Canadian Engineering Education Association.
Forgues, Daniel, Doré, Sylvie, Francoeur, Éric, Boland, Jean-François et Laberge, Vincent.
« A community of practice for accelerating the adoption of information technology in engineering education ».
In Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) (St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, June 6-8, 2011)
Fraser, MarcFraser, M., Surette, C., Gagné, F., André, C. et Vaillancourt, C.. 2011. « Effets de la contamination des écosystèmes aquatiques sur le système sérotoninergique des moules ». Communication lors de la conférence : ÉCOBIM (Mont-Joli, QC, Canada, 6-9 juin 2011). Fraser C., M.Surette et Vaillancourt, C.. 2011. « Teneur en métaux lourds des poissons vendus dans la région de la Baie des Chaleurs, Nouveau-Brunswick ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : Réseau de recherche en santé environnementale (Montréal, QC, Canada, 2 mai 2011). Fraser, Marc. 2011. « Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans mon assiette? Analyse des poissons et fruits de mer vendus dans la région de la Baie des Chaleurs ». Communication lors de la conférence : Colloque du Cinbiose (Montréal, QC, Canada, 5 avr. 2011).
Fraser, Marc, Surette, Céline et Vaillancourt, Cathy.
« Spatial and temporal distribution of heavy metal concentrations in mussels (Mytilus edulis) from the Baie des Chaleurs, New Brunswick, Canada ».
Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 62, nº 6.
pp. 1345-1351. Surette, C., Fraser, M., Guitard, Y. et Vaillancourt, C.. 2011. « Is exposure to metals in coastal communities linked to the local ecosystem? The case of the Baie des Chaleurs, Canada ». Communication lors de la conférence : New Brunswick Health Research Foundation - 3rd Annual Health Research Conference (Moncton, NB, Canada, Nov. 08-09, 2011). Fuhrman, Christopher
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Coll. « Rapport technique (École de technologie supérieure) », vol. ETS-RT-2011-001.
Montréal, Canada : École de technologie supérieure. 38 p. Gabrea, Gheorghe Marcel
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« Two microphones speech enhancement systems based on instrumental variable algorithm for speaker identification ».
In 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) (Niagara Falls, Canada, May 8-11, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Gagnon, François
Abdelmalek, Saif eddine, Gagnon, François, Despins, Charles et Hu, Honglin.
« Vertical handoff algorithm for heterogeneous wireless networks based on scalar Kalman filtering ».
In IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2011-Spring) (Budapest, Hungary, May 15-18, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Belambri, Nouria, Dubouil, Dominique, Talbot, Christian, Kouki, Ammar B. et Gagnon, François.
« Design of a buried hybrid coupler for wideband applications using LTCC technology ».
In 24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) (Niagara Falls, Canada, May 8-11, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Châtelain, Benoît, Laperle, Charles, Roberts, Kim, Xu, Xian, Chagnon, Mathieu, Borowiec, Andrzej, Gagnon, François, Cartledge, John C. et Plant, David V..
« Optimized pulse shaping for intra-channel nonlinearities mitigation in a 10 Gbaud dual-polarization 16-QAM system ».
In Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC) (Los Angeles, CA, USA, Mar. 6-10, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Despins, Charles, Labeau, Fabrice, Le Ngoc, Tho, Labelle, Richard, Cheriet, Mohamed, Thibeault, Claude, Gagnon, François, Leon-Garcia, Alberto, Cherkaoui, Omar, St. Arnaud, Bill, McNeill, Jacques, Lemieux, Yves et Lemay, Mathieu.
« Leveraging green communications for carbon emission reductions : techniques, testbeds and emerging carbon footprint standards ».
IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 49, nº 8.
pp. 101-109.
Hamdane, Walid, Kouki, Ammar B. et Gagnon, François.
« A new two-branch amplification system with application to various modulated signals ».
ZTE Communications, vol. 2011, nº 3.
Joliveau, Marc, Gendreau, Michel, Gagnon, François et Thibeault, Claude.
« Low complexity low power non-recursive digital filters with unconstrained topology ».
In 20th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD) (Linkoping, Sweden, Aug. 29-31, 2011)
pp. 865-868.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Joliveau, Marc, Giard, Pascal, Gendreau, Michel, Gagnon, François et Thibeault, Claude.
« Design of low complexity multiplierless digital filters with optimized free structure using a population-based metaheuristic ».
In International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS) (Iasi, Romania, June 30-July 1, 2011)
pp. 249-252.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Kaddoum, Georges, Gagné, Samuel et Gagnon, François.
« Removing cyclostationary properties in a chaos-based communication system ».
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, vol. 30, nº 6.
pp. 1391-1400.
Kaddoum, Georges, Gagnon, Ghyslain et Gagnon, François.
« Robust synchronization technique for chaotic symbolic dynamics modulation ».
In IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 15-18, 2011)
pp. 1968-1971.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Kaddoum, Georges, Lambard, Thomas et Gagnon, François.
« Chaos shift keying receiver with a polarization sensitive array ».
In 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS) (Honolulu, HI, Dec. 12-14, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Kaddoum, Georges, Vu, Mai et Gagnon, François.
« On the performance of chaos shift keying in MIMO communications systems ».
In IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) (Cancun, Mexico, Mar. 28-31, 2011)
pp. 1432-1437.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Kaddoum, Georges, Vu, Mai et Gagnon, François.
« Performance analysis of differential chaotic shift keying communications in MIMO systems ».
In IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 15-18, 2011)
pp. 1580-1583.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Li, Jun, Zhou, Yifeng, Lamont, Louise et Gagnon, François.
« A novel routing algorithm in cognitive radio ad hoc networks ».
In IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) (Houston, TX, USA, Dec. 5-9, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Madi, Ghadir, Sacuto, Fabien, Vrigneau, Baptiste, Agba, Basile L., Pousset, Yannis, Vauzelle, Rodolphe et Gagnon, François.
« Impacts of impulsive noise from partial discharges on wireless systems performance : application to MIMO precoders ».
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2011, nº 186.
Parzysz, Fanny, Vu, Mai H. et Gagnon, François.
« A half-duplex relay coding scheme optimized for energy efficiency ».
In IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) (Paraty, Brazil, Oct. 16-20, 2011)
pp. 306-310.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Parzysz, Fanny, Vu, Mai H. et Gagnon, François.
« Energy-efficient schemes for on-demand relaying ».
In 34th IEEE Sarnoff Symposium (SARNOFF) (Princeton, NJ, USA, May 3-4, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Rioux, Patrick, Batani, Naïm, Gagnon, François et Belzile, Jean (inventeurs) 11 mai 2011. « Satellite modem with a dynamic bandwidth ». École de Technologie Supérieure (titulaire(s)). Brevet américain US 7,948,963.
Sabelkin, Mike et Gagnon, François.
« Combined source-channel transform for image transmission over wireless channel ».
In Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS) (New York, NY, USA, Apr. 13-15, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Sabelkin, Mike et Gagnon, François.
« Data transmission oriented on the object, communication media, application, and state of communication systems ».
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, vol. 3, nº 2.
pp. 51-65.
Sabelkin, Mike et Gagnon, François.
« Fast transform for multi-carrier wireless communications ».
In Wireless Advanced (WiAd) (London, UK, June 20-22, 2011)
pp. 1-6.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Tremblay, Christine, Enriquez-Castillo, Alfredo, Bélanger, Michel P. et Gagnon, François.
« Filterless WDM optical core networks based on coherent systems ».
In 13th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) (Stockholm, Sweden, June 26-30, 2011)
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Gagnon, Ghyslain
Collard-Fréchette, Étienne, Kaddoum, Georges et Gagnon, Ghyslain.
« Dynamic range scaling of sigma-delta modulators based on a multi-criteria optimization process ».
In IEEE 9th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS) (Bordeaux, France, June 26-29, 2011)
pp. 193-196.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Gagnon, Ghyslain. 2011. « Réseaux de capteurs pour une mesure précise et diversifiée de la consommation d'énergie ». Communication lors de la conférence : RESMIQ (Montreal, QC, Canada).
Kaddoum, Georges, Gagnon, Ghyslain et Gagnon, François.
« Robust synchronization technique for chaotic symbolic dynamics modulation ».
In IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 15-18, 2011)
pp. 1968-1971.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Richardson, François-Dominique, Kouki, Ammar B. et Gagnon, Ghyslain.
« A CMOS RF power detector for an automatic impedance matching system ».
In IEEE 9th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS) (Bordeaux, France, June 26-29, 2011)
pp. 157-160.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Gardoni, Mickaël
Aguilar-Zambrano, Jose Javier et Gardoni, Mickaël.
« An information system to support problems definition based on technological frames and organisational routines ».
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, vol. 22, nº 3.
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Jiménez, L. M., Choulier, D., Legardeur, J. et Gardoni, M..
« Creative teamwork in quick projects development QPD, 24 hours of innovation ».
In ICED 11 - 18th International Conference on Engineering Design - Impacting Society Through Engineering Design (Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug 15-18, 2011)
pp. 285-296.
Jimenez-Narvaez, Luz-Maria, Desrosiers, Simon et Gardoni, Mickaël.
« Creative teamwork in quick and long term project development, 24 hours of innovation ».
In WMSCI 2011 - The 15th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Proceedings (Orlando, FL, USA, July 19-22, 2011)
pp. 220-225.
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Xu, Jing, Houssin, Rémy, Caillaud, Emannuel et Gardoni, Mickaël.
« Fostering continuous innovation in design with an integrated knowledge management approach ».
Computers in Industry, vol. 62, nº 4.
pp. 423-436. Gauthier, Guy
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« Estimation and control of sheet temperature in thermoforming ».
Optimization in Polymer Processing.
pp. 193-220. Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
Boulet, Benoit, Islam Chy, Muminul et Gauthier, Guy.
« Estimation and control of sheet temperature in thermoforming ».
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Coll. « Chemical engineering methods and technology ».
pp. 195-222. Hauppauge, NY, USA : Nova Science Publishers. Germain, PatrickOlver, Bryan, Ciampa, Alessandro, Marrano, Roberto, Trepanier, Richard, Lamarre, Sylvain, Bernard, Martin et Germain, Patrick (inventeurs) 4 janvier 2011. « Turbofan bypass duct air cooled fluid cooler installation ». Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp. (titulaire(s)). Brevet américain US 7,861,512 B2. Gervais, PaulGervais, Paul. 2011. « Les principes de base d'une réclamation ». Communication lors de la conférence : 10e Journée sur les Réclamation sur Contrats (Montréal, QC, Canada, 24 févr. 2011). Gharbi, Ali
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« Multi-plant cellular manufacturing design within a supply chain ».
Journal of Operations and Logistics, vol. 4, nº 1.
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« Joint modified block replacement and production/inventory control policy for a failure-prone manufacturing cell ».
Omega, vol. 39, nº 6.
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Dehayem Nodem, Fleur Ines, Gharbi, Ali et Kenné, Jean-Pierre.
« Preventive maintenance and replacement policies for deteriorating production systems subject to imperfect repairs ».
International Journal of Production Research, vol. 49, nº 12.
pp. 3543-3563.
Dehayem Nodem, Fleur Ines, Kenné, Jean-Pierre et Gharbi, Ali.
« Production planning and repair/replacement switching policy for deteriorating manufacturing systems ».
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 57, nº 5-8.
pp. 827-840.
Dehayem Nodem, Fleur Ines, Kenné, Jean-Pierre et Gharbi, Ali.
« Simultaneous control of production, repair/replacement and preventive maintenance of deteriorating manufacturing systems ».
International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 134, nº 1.
pp. 271-282.
Gharbi, Ali, Hajji, Adnene et Dhouib, Karem.
« Production rate control of an unreliable manufacturing cell with adjustable capacity ».
International Journal of Production Research, vol. 49, nº 21.
pp. 6539-6557.
Hajji, Adnene, Gharbi, Ali et Artiba, Abdelhakim.
« Impact of random delay on replenishment and production control strategies ».
In 4th International Conference on Logistics (LOGISTIQUA) (Hammamet, Tunisia, May 31- June 3, 2011)
pp. 341-348.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society.
Hajji, Adnene, Gharbi, Ali, Kenné, Jean-Pierre et Pellerin, Robert.
« Production control and replenishment strategy with multiple suppliers ».
European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 208, nº 1.
pp. 67-74.
Hajji, Adnéne, Mhada, Fatima, Gharbi, Ali, Pellerin, Robert et Malham, Roland.
« Integrated product specifications and productivity decision making in unreliable manufacturing systems ».
International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 129, nº 1.
pp. 32-42.
Mhada, Fatima, Hajji, Adnéne, Malhame, Roland, Gharbi, Ali et Pellerin, Robert.
« Production control of unreliable manufacturing systems producing defective items ».
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, vol. 17, nº 3.
pp. 238-253.
Ouaret, Samir, Kenné, Jean-Pierre et Gharbi, Ali.
« Hierarchical control of production with stochastic demand in manufacturing systems ».
Advanced Modeling and Optimization, vol. 13, nº 3.
pp. 419-443. Gherbi, Abdelouahed
Barkallah, Soumaya, Gherbi, Abdelouahed et Abran, Alain.
« COSMIC functional size measurement using UML models ».
In Software Engineering, Business Continuity, and Education (Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, Dec. 8-10, 2011)
Coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 257.
pp. 137-146.
Berlin, Germany : Springer.
Gherbi, Abdelouahed et Charpentier, Robert.
« Diversity-based approaches to software systems security ».
In International Conference on Security Technology (SecTech), Held as Part of the 3rd International Mega-Conference on Future-Generation Information Technology (FGIT), in Conjunction with (GDC) (Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, Dec. 8-10, 2011)
Coll. « Communications in Computer and Information Science », vol. 259.
pp. 228-237.
Berlin, Germany : Springer Verlag.
Gherbi, Abdelouahed, Charpentier, Robert et Couture, Mario.
« Software diversity for future systems security ».
CrossTalk : The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, vol. 24, nº 5.
pp. 10-13.
Hassine, Jameleddine et Gherbi, Abdelouahed.
« Exploring early availability requirements using use case maps ».
In 15th International Conference on System Design Languages (SDL) (Toulouse, France, July 5-7, 2011)
Coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 7083.
pp. 54-68.
Berlin, Germany : Springer Verlag.
Janarthanan, Vasudevan et Gherbi, Abdelouahed.
« Architectures for dependable software systems ».
In 8th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG) (Las Vegas, NV, USA, Apr. 11-13, 2011)
1025-1030 .
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society. Giard, Pascal
Joliveau, Marc, Giard, Pascal, Gendreau, Michel, Gagnon, François et Thibeault, Claude.
« Design of low complexity multiplierless digital filters with optimized free structure using a population-based metaheuristic ».
In International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems (ISSCS) (Iasi, Romania, June 30-July 1, 2011)
pp. 249-252.
Los Alamitos, CA, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society. Glaus, MathiasFléchais, Sylvain, Glaus, Mathias et Monette, Frédéric. 2011. « Modélisation des effets de la végétalisation en milieu urbain sur les eaux de ruissellement dirigées à l'égout ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : 2e Édition du Rendez-Vous International sur la Gestion Intégrée de l'Eau (Sherbrooke, Canada, 23-25 oct. 2011). Glaus, Mathias, Claire, Verrot et Hausler, Robert. 2011. « Principes de développement d’un parc industriel écologique ». Communication lors de la conférence : AMERICANA, 9ème Biennale/Salon International des Technologies Environnementales (Montréal, QC, Canada, 22-24 mars 2011).
Mathieu-Poulin, Charles David, Glaus, Mathias et Laforest, Valérie .
« Environmental impact assessment of funeral practices : developing decision-making tools ».
In International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation (Ottawa, Canada, Aug.17-19, 2011)
Nachin, Guillaume, Glaus, Mathias et Seers, Patrice. 2011. « Méthode pour un bilan dynamique des émissions polluantes associées à la mobilité routière ». Communication lors de la conférence : 79e Congrès de l’ACFAS (Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 9-13 mai 2011).
Rojo, Gabriel, Glaus, Mathias, Hausler, Robert, Laforest, Valérie et Bourgois, Jacques.
« La gestion territoriale basée sur l'approche systémique de la gestion dynamique des déchets (GDD) ».
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering = Revue Canadienne de Génie Civil, vol. 38, nº 3.
pp. 283-292. Thibodeau, Charles, Monette, Frédéric et Glaus, Mathias. 2011. « Viabilité économique d’un système d’assainissement basé sur la digestion anaérobie dans un nouveau développement résidentiel québécois ». Communication lors de la conférence : 79e Congrès de l’ACFAS (Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 9-13 mai 2011).
Thibodeau, Charles, Monette, Frédéric, Glaus, Mathias et Laflamme, C. B..
« Economic viability and critical influencing factors assessment of black water and grey water source-separation sanitation system ».
Water Science and Technology, vol. 64, nº 12.
pp. 2417-2424. Vega, Ricardo, Glaus, Mathias et Hausler, Robert. 2011. « L’énergie comme indicateur de développement urbain : étude de cas montréalais ». Communication lors de la conférence : 79e Congrès de l’ACFAS (Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 9-13 mai 2011). Granger, Éric
Batista, Luana, Granger, Éric et Sabourin, Robert.
« Dynamic ensemble selection for off-line signature verification ».
In 10th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS) (Naples, Italy, June 15-17, 2011)
Coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 6713.
pp. 157-166.
Germany : Springer Verlag.
Connolly, Jean-François, Granger, Éric et Sabourin, Robert.
« Comparing dynamic PSO algorithms for adapting classifier ensembles in video-based face recognition ».
In IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM) (Paris, France, Apr. 11-15, 2011)
pp. 1-8.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Eskander, George S., Sabourin, Robert et Granger, Éric.
« Signature based Fuzzy Vaults with boosted feature selection ».
In IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM) (Paris, France, Apr. 11-15, 2011)
pp. 131-138.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Gorodnichy, Dmitry O., Dubrofsky, Elan, Hoshino, Richard, Khreich, Wael, Granger, Éric et Sabourin, Robert.
« Exploring the upper bound performance limit of iris biometrics using score calibration and fusion ».
In IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM) (Paris, France, Apr. 11-15, 2011)
pp. 54-61.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Khreich, Wael, Granger, Éric, Miri, Ali et Sabourin, Robert.
« Incremental boolean combination of classifiers ».
In 10th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS) (Naples, Italy, June 15-17, 2011)
Coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 6713.
pp. 340-349.
Germany : Springer Verlag.
Lepage, Richard et Granger, Éric.
« Méthodes d'évaluation de l'achalandage du quartier des spectacles : étape 1 : revue de documentation ».
Coll. « Rapport technique (École de technologie supérieure) », vol. ETS-RT-2011-002.
Montréal, Canada : École de technologie supérieure. 41 p.
Nault, Samuel, Blaise, Thierry, Fotso, Tasse, Lepage, Richard et Granger, Éric.
« Dénombrement de foule lors d’événements au quartier des spectacles de Montréal ».
In 79e Congrès de l'ACFAS (Sherbrooke, Canada, 9-13 mai 2011)
Rabil, Bassem S., Sabourin, Robert et Granger, Éric.
« Impact of watermarking on offline signature verification in intelligent bio-watermarking systems ».
In IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM) (Paris, France, Apr. 11-15, 2011)
pp. 13-20.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Rabil, Bassem S., Sabourin, Robert et Granger, Éric.
« Watermarking stack of grayscale face images as dynamic multi-objective optimization problem ».
In International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Food Industry (New York, NY, USA, Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 2011)
pp. 63-77.
Germany : IbaI Publishing.
Vellasques, Eduardo, Sabourin, Robert et Granger, Éric.
« A high throughput system for intelligent watermarking of bi-tonal images ».
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Charbonneau, Cindy, Liberelle, Benoît, Hébert, Marie-Josée, De Crescenzo, Gregory et Lerouge, Sophie.
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Fatimi, Ahmed, Coutu, Jean-Michel, Cloutier, Guy et Lerouge, Sophie.
« Rheological studies of an injectable radiopaque hydrogel for embolization of abdominal aortic aneurysms ».
In THERMEC 2011 Supplement (Quebec, Canada, Aug.1-5, 2011)
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Gigout, Anne, Ruiz, Juan-Carlos, Wertheimer, Michael R., Jolicoeur, Mario et Lerouge, Sophie.
« Nitrogen-rich plasma-polymerized coatings on PET and PTFE surfaces improve endothelial cell attachment and resistance to shear flow ».
Macromolecular Bioscience, vol. 11, nº 8.
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Lerouge, Sophie, Bonneviot, Marie-Christine, Salazkin, Igor, Raymond, Jean et Soulez, Gilles.
« Endothelial denudation combined with embolization in the prevention of endoleaks after endovascular aneurysm repair: an animal study ».
Journal of Endovascular Therapy, vol. 18, nº 5.
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Mwale, Fackson, Rampersad, Sonia, Ruiz, Juan-Carlos, Girard-Lauriault, Pierre-Luc, Petit, Alain, Antoniou, John, Lerouge, Sophie et Wertheimer, Michael R..
« Amine-rich cell-culture surfaces for research in orthopedic medicine ».
Plasma Medicine, vol. 1, nº 2.
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Rampersad, Sonia, Ruiz, Juan-Carlos, Petit, Alain, Lerouge, Sophie, Antoniou, John, Wertheimer, Michael R. et Mwale, Fackson.
« Stem cells, Nitrogen-Rich Plasma-Polymerized culture surfaces, and type X collagen suppression ».
Tissue Engineering Part A, vol. 17, nº 19-20.
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Ruiz, Juan-Carlos, St-Georges-Robillard, Amélie, Poulin, Suzie, Lerouge, Sophie et Wertheimer, Michael R..
« Plasma- and vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) photo-polymerisation of bioactive organic coatings : stability in polar solvents and in air ».
In International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (Philadelphia, PA, USA, June 24-29, 2011)
Ruiz, Juan-Carlos, St-Georges-Robillard, Amélie, Poulin, Suzie, Lerouge, Sophie et Wertheimer, Michael R.. 2011. « Plasma- and vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) photo-polymerisation of bioactive organic coatings : stability in polar solvents and in air ». Communication lors de la conférence : International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-20) (Philadelphia, PA, USA, June 24-29, 2011). St-Georges-Robillard, Amélie, Ruiz, Juan-Carlos, Petit, Alain, Mwale, Fackson, Elkin, Bentsian, Oehr, Christian, Lerouge, Sophie et Wertheimer, Michael R.. 2011. « Adhesion of U-937 monocytes on amine-functionalised parylene and plasma polymer surfaces ». Communication lors de la conférence : 20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-20) (Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 24-29, 2011).
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« Adhesion of U-937 monocytes on amine-functionalised parylene and plasma polymer surfaces ».
In 20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-20) (Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 24-29, 2011)
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« Supporting consistency checking between features and software product line use scenarios ».
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Demuth, Andreas, Lopez-Herrejon, Roberto E. et Egyed, Alexander.
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Duran-Limon, Hector A., Castillo-Barrera, Francisco E. et Lopez-Herrejon, Roberto E..
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Egyed, Alexander, Demuth, Andreas, Ghabi, Achraf, Lopez-Herrejon, Roberto E., Mader, Patrick, Nohrer, Alexander et Reder, Alexander.
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IEEE Computer Society.
Lopez-Herrejon, Roberto E. et Egyed, Alexander.
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IEEE Computer Society.
Lopez-Herrejon, Roberto E., Montalvillo-Mendizabal, Leticia et Egyed, Alexander.
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In 15th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) (Munich, Germany, Aug. 21-26, 2011)
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IEEE Computer Society.
Mazo, Raul, Lopez-Herrejon, Roberto E., Salinesi, Camille, Diaz, Daniel et Egyed, Alexander.
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pp. 103-121.
Lê, Van Ngan et Champliaud, Henri.
« Finite element analysis of spring back strain energy of metal sheet coils ».
In A world of engineering simulation industrial needs, best practice, visions for the future ; NWC 2011, NAFEMS World Congress, 23-26 May, Boston, USA (Boston, MA, USA, May 23-26, 2011)
Maranzana, Roland
Abenhaim, Gad N., Tahan, Antoine, Desrochers, Alain et Maranzana, Roland.
« A novel approach for the inspection of flexible parts without the use of special fixtures ».
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, vol. 133, nº 1.
Brière-Côté, Antoine, Rivest, Louis et Maranzana, Roland.
« Three-step approach for structuring 3D CAD model comparison scenarios ».
In Product Lifecycle Management : Virtual Product Lifecycles for Green Products and Services : Proceedings of the PLM11 conference held at the Eindhoven (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July 11-13, 2011)
pp. 429-443.
IFIP Working Group 5.1. Maref, Wahid
Armstrong, M. M., Maref, W., Lacasse, M. A., Elmahdy, A. H., Glazer, R., Nicholls, M. et Van Den Bossche, N..
« Evaluating wall-window interface details for risk of condensation on box and flanged windows ».
Coll. « Research Report, NRC Institute for Research in Construction », vol. IRC-RR-319.
NRC = CNRC. 202 p.
Armstrong, M. M., Maref, W., Saber, H. H., Swinton, M. C., Ganapathy, G. et Rousseau, M. Z..
« The impact of the thermal mass on field energy performance of insulating concrete form (ICF) wall in cold climate ».
In International Workshop on Whole Building Testing, Evaluation and Modelling for Energy Assessment (Copenhagen, Denmark, May 18, 2011)
European Commission : Joint Research Centre.
Armstrong, M. M., Saber, H. H., Maref, W., Rousseau, M. Z., Ganapathy, G. et Swinton, M. C..
« Field thermal mass performance of an insulating concrete form (ICF) wall ».
In 13th Canadian Conference on Building Science and Technology (Winnipeg, MB, Canada, May 10, 2011)
Manitoba Building Envelope Council (MBEC). Di Lenardo, Bruno, Maref, Wahid et Saber, Hamed. 2011. « Impact of air leakage on hygrothermal and energy performance of buildings in North America. Part II: CCMC evaluation of air barriers ». Communication lors de la conférence : 13th Canadian Conference of Building Science and Technology Conference. Workshop (Winnipeg, MB, Canada, May 10, 2011). Maref, W., Armstrong, M. M., Rousseau, M. Z., Nicholls, M., Ganapathy, G. et Lei, W.. 2011. « Impact of air leakage on hygrothermal and energy performance of buildings in North America. Part IV: characterization of hygrothermal performance of wall systems ». Communication lors de la conférence : 13th Canadian Conference of Building Science and Technology Conference. Workshop (Winnipeg, MB, Canada, May 10, 2011).
Maref, W., Armstrong, M. M., Rousseau, M., Thivierge, C., Nicholls, M., Ganapathy, G. et Lei, W..
« Field hygrothermal performance of retrofitted wood-frame wall assemblies in cold climate ».
In 13th Canadian Conference on Building Science and Technology (Winnipeg, MB, Canada, May 10, 2011)
Manitoba Building Envelope Council (MBEC).
Maref, W., Rousseau, M. Z., Armstrong, M. M., Lee, W., Leroux, M. et Nicholls, M..
« Evaluating the effects of two energy retrofit strategies for housing on the wetting and drying potential of wall assemblies: Summary report for year 2007-08 phase of the study ».
Coll. « Research Report, NRC Institute for Research in Construction », vol. RR-315.
NRC = CNRC. 119 p. Maref, W. et Saber, H. H.. 2011. « Impact of air leakage on hygrothermal and energy performance of buildings in North America. Part I: heat, air and moisture control strategies for managing condensation in walls ». Communication lors de la conférence : 13th Canadian Conference on Building Science and Technology : Workshop (Winnipeg, MB, Canada, May 10, 2011). Maref, W., Saber, H. H., Elmahdy, A. H., Swinton, M. C., Glazer, R. et Nicholls, M.. 2011. « Impact des fuites d'air sur la performance hygrothermique et énergétique des bâtiments en Amérique du Nord: cote énergétiques des murs isolés ». Communication lors de la conférence : Assemblée Générale Annuelle (AGA) de l'Association Canadienne des Entrepreneurs en Mousse de Polyuréthane (Laval, QC, Canada, 15 avril 2011). Maref, W., Saber, H. H. et Mukhopadhyaya, P.. 2011. « Thermal and moisture management in building envelopes at NRC-IRC ». Communication lors de la conférence : 10th International Vacuum Insulation Symposium : Workshop on Current Research in Construction at NRC-IRC : Bringing Quality to Built Environment (Building M36) (Ottawa, ON, Canada, Sept. 15-16, 2011).
Maref, Wahid.
« Advances in the use of vacuum-insulated panels (VIPs) in buildings ».
Solplan Review, nº 161.
pp. 14-15.
Maref, Wahid.
« Test facilities for evaluation of hygrothermal building envelope performances : NRC-IRC field exposure of walls facility, Canada ».
Full scale test facilities for evaluation of energy and hygrothermal performances : International workshop.
pp. 23-30. Ghent, Belgium : UGent. BFG. Maref, Wahid, Saber, H. H., Elmahdy, A. H., Swinton, M. C., Glazer, R. et Nicholls, M.. 2011. « Impact of air leakage on hygrothermal and energy performance of buildings in North America. Part III: energy rating of insulated wall assemblies ». Communication lors de la conférence : 13th Canadian Conference of Building Science and Technology Conference. Workshop (Winnipeg, MB, Canada, May 10, 2011).
Maref, Wahid, Saber, Hamed, Glazer, Rock, Armstrong, Marianne, Nicholls, Mike, Elmahdy, Hakim et Swinton, Mike.
« Energy performance of highly insulated wood-frame wall systems using a vip ».
In 10th International Vacuum Insulation Symposium (Ottawa, ON, Canada, Sept. 15-16, 2011)
pp. 68-76.
NRC publications = Publications du CRNC.
Maref, Wahid, Van De Bossche, Nathan, Armstrong, Marianne, Lacasse, Michael A., Elmahdy, Hakim et Glazer, Rock.
« Laboratory tests of window-wall interface details to evaluate the risk of condensation on windows ».
Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol. 39, nº 4.
pp. 562-575.
Saber, H. H., Maref, W., Armstrong, M. M., Swinton, M. C., Rousseau, M. Z. et Gnanamurugan, G..
« Numerical simulations to predict the thermal response of insulating concrete form (ICF) wall in cold climate ».
Coll. « Research Report, NRC Institute for Research in Construction », vol. IRC-RR-310.
Saber, Hamed H., Maref, Wahid et Swinton, Michael C..
« Numerical investigation of thermal response of basement wall systems with low emissivity material and furred airspace ».
In 13th Canadian Conference on Building Science and Technology (Winnipeg, MB, Canada, May 10, 2011)
Manitoba Building Envelope Council (MBEC).
Saber, Hamed H., Maref, Wahid, Swinton, Michael C. et St-Onge, Caroline.
« Thermal analysis of above-grade wall assembly with low emissivity materials and furred airspace ».
Building and Environment, vol. 46, nº 7.
pp. 1403-1414. Swinton, Mike, Maref, Wahid, Armstrong, Marianne, Saber, Hamed H., Ganapathy, Gnanamurugan, Nichols, Mike, Abdulghani, K., Rousseau, M., Entchev, E., Szadkowski, F. et Ruest, K.. 2011. « NRC-IRC Full-scale facilities for hygrothermal and whole house performance assessment ». Communication lors de la conférence : International Workshop on Full Scale Test Facilities for Energy and Hygrothermal Performance (Brussels, Belgium, March 30, 2011). Masounave, Jacques
Khettabi, Riad, Zedan, Yasser, Masounave, Jacques et Songmene, Victor.
« On particle emission during machining of titanium and aluminum alloys ».
In Light metals 2011 : Proceedings of the 50th Conference of Metallurgists, October 2-5, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 03-05, 2011)
pp. 475-486.
Westmount : MetSoc.
Kouam, Jules, Zedan, Yasser, Djebara, Abdelhakim, Masounave, Jacques et Songmene, Victor.
« Machinability of A356 and A319 aluminum alloy ».
In Light metals 2011 : Proceedings of the 50th Conference of Metallurgists, October 2-5, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 02-05, 2011)
pp. 281-292.
Westmount : MetSoc.
Zedan, Yasser, Khettabi, Riad, Songmene, Victor et Masounave, Jacques.
« Effect of lubrication and application modes on drilled aluminum part quality ».
In Light metals 2011 : Proceedings of the 50th Conference of Metallurgists, October 2-5, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 02-05, 2011)
pp. 319-330.
Westmount : MetSoc. Masson, Christian
Ameur, Khaled, Masson, Christian et Eecen, Peter J..
« 2D and 3D numerical simulation of the wind-rotor/nacelle interaction in an atmospheric boundary layer ».
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol. 99, nº 8.
pp. 833-844. Boudreault, L. -É., Dufresne, L. et Masson, C.. 2011. « Numerical modeling flow separation in neutral atmospheric boundary layer using the k-w SST turbulence model ».
Boudreault, L.-É., Dufresne, Louis et Masson, Christian.
« Numerical modeling of flow separation in a neutral atmospheric boundary layer using the k-omega SST turbulence model ».
In 19th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada (Montréal, Canada, Apr. 27-29, 2011)
CFD Society of Canada.
Breton, S. P., Sibuet-Watters, C. et Masson, Christian.
« Numerical analysis of the vorticity structure of the MEXICO rotor in the near wake ».
In 46th Symposium of Applied Aerodynamics (Orléans, Val de Loire, France, Mar. 28-30, 2011)
Cabezón, D., Sumner, J., Garcia, B., Sanz, J. et Masson, Christian.
« RANS simulations of wind flow at the Bolund experiment ».
In EWEA 2011 Brussels: Conference proceedings (Brussels, Belgium, Mar. 14-17, 2011)
Gariépy, M., Trépanier, J.-Y. et Masson, Christian.
« A new far-field drag decomposition formulation relevant to highly separated flows ».
In 58th Aeronautics Conference and AGM (AERO 2011) (Montréal, Canada, Apr. 24-26, 2011)
Kanata, Canada : Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute.
Gariépy, Martin, Trépanier, Jean-Yves, Malouin, Benoit et Masson, Christian.
« Far-field drag prediction and decomposition method for unsteady flows ».
In 29th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference (Honolulu, HI, USA, June 27-30, 2011)
Coll. « AIAA paper »
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Gariepy, Martin, Trepanier, Jean-Yves et Masson, Christian.
« Convergence criterion for a far-field drag prediction and decomposition method ».
AIAA Journal, vol. 49, nº 12.
pp. 2814-2818.
Khaled, A. et Masson, Christian.
« Wind turbine testing using nacelle anemometry : ground effects ».
In International Conference on Alternative Energy in Developing Countries and Emerging Economies (Hat Yai, Thailande, May 25-26, 2011)
pp. 315-322.
Lateb, M., Masson, Christian, Stathopoulos, T. et Bédard, Claude.
« Effect of stack height and exhaust velocity on pollutant dispersion in the wake of a building ».
Atmospheric Environment, vol. 45, nº 29.
pp. 5150-5163. Pelletier, F., Masson, Christian et Tahan, Antoine. 2011. « Running advanced analytics using MATLAB and PI system ». Communication lors de la conférence : OSIsoft user conference (San Francisco, CA, USA, Mar. 28-30, 2011).
Rousse, Daniel, Hallé, Stéphane, Masson, Christian, Ilinca, Adrian, Perron, Jean et Lafrance, Gaétan.
« La maîtrise en énergies renouvelables et en efficacité énergétique à l'Université du Québec ».
In La thermique des systèmes : Xe Colloque interuniversitaire franco-québécois, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 20 au 22 juin 2011 : actes du colloque (Saguenay, Canada, 20-22 juin 2011)
Saguenay, Canada : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
Rousse, Daniel, Hallé, Stéphane, Masson, Christian, Ilinca, Adrian, Perron, Jean et Lafrance, Gaétan.
« Maestria en energias renovables y eficienca energética en la universidad de Quebec ».
In VII International Conference for Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education (CIER) (Havana, Cuba, June 1-3, 2011)
Tusch, Matthieu, Masson, Christian et Hraud, Pierre.
« Modeling of turbulent atmospheric flow around tubular and lattice meteorological masts ».
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, vol. 133, nº 1.
Versailles, Philippe, Ghosh, Shubhankar, Vo, Huu Duc et Masson, Christian.
« Preliminary assessment of wind turbine blade lift control via plasma actuation ».
Wind Engineering, vol. 35, nº 3.
pp. 339-356. McGuffin, Michael John
Barford, Lee, Lopez-Hernandez, Roberto et McGuffin, Michael John.
« An environment for visualizing higher dimensional measured data ».
In IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) (Binjiang, Hangzhou, China, May 10-12, 2011)
pp. 1627-1633.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Chiricota, Yves, McGuffin, Michael John et Simard, Martin.
« Using camera state transforms for commuter network visualization ».
In Proceedings of GeoViz Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany, Mar. 10-11, 2011)
Li, Lili, McGuffin, Michael John et Foulkes, William D.. 2011. « Exploring the intrinsic functional gene dose of recessive mendelian mutations with a computational visualizing approach ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : 12th International Congress of Human Genetics (ICHG) (Montreal, Canada, Oct. 11-15, 2011).
Wang, Guangyu, McGuffin, Michael John, Berard, Francois et Cooperstock, Jeremy R..
« Pop-up depth views for improving 3D target acquisition ».
In 37th Graphics Interface Conference (GI) (St Johns, Nfld., Labrador, Canada, May 25-27, 2011)
pp. 41-48.
Canada : Canadian Information Processing Society. Melhado, Silvio
Francischetti, Leandro, de Paula, Nathalia, Rodrigues de Souza, Flavia, Ferrari, Fernanda Andrade, Faria e Godoy, Maria Teresa et Melhado, Silvio Burratino.
« Aplicação de avaliação da satisfação do cliente contratante pela empresa de projeto ».
In II Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade do Projeto no Ambiente Construído (SBQP) : X Workshop Brasileiro de Gestão do Processo de Projeto na Construção de Edifício (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 03-04, 2011)
pp. 596-606.
Rio de Janeiro : UFRJ.
Francischetti, Leandro, Rodrigues de Souza, Flavia, de Paula, Nathalia, Tassi Damiao, Mariana, Faria e Godoy, Maria Teresa et Melhado, Silvio Burratino.
« Criação e desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de gestão em empresa de projeto ».
In II Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade do Projeto no Ambiente Construído (SBQP) : X Workshop Brasileiro de Gestão do Processo de Projeto na Construção de Edifício (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 03-04, 2011)
pp. 607-617.
Rio de Janeiro : UFRJ.
Lordsleem Junior, Alberto Casado et Melhado, Silvio Burratino.
« Análise de escopo do projeto para produção da alvenaria de vedação ».
Gestão & Tecnologia de Projetos, vol. 6, nº 1.
pp. 3-14.
Lordsleem Junior, Alberto Casado et Melhado, Silvio Burratino.
« Design for producing vertical non-loadbearing masonry: Scope analysis ».
Architectural Engineering and Design Management, vol. 7, nº 4.
pp. 275-284.
Lordsleem Junior, Alberto Casado et Melhado, Silvio Burratino.
« Manual de escopo do projeto para produção da vedação vertical: conformidade e concordância ».
In II Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade do Projeto no Ambiente Construído (SBQP) : X Workshop Brasileiro de Gestão do Processo de Projeto na Construção de Edifício (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 03-04, 2011)
pp. 585-595.
Rio de Janeiro : UFRJ.
Lordsleem, Alberto Casado Jr., Fialho, M. et Melhado, S. B..
« Design coordination process in construction companies: reality and improvements ».
In Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation: Shaping the Construction/Society Nexus (Kobenhavn, Denmark, Apr. 13-14, 2011)
pp. 597-608.
Hørsholm : SBI forlag.
Lordsleem, Alberto Casado Jr. et Melhado, S. B..
« Scope analysis of the design and services processes for producing vertical non-loadbearing masonry ».
In Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation: Shaping the Construction/Society Nexus (Kobenhavn, Denmark, Apr. 13-14, 2011)
pp. 377-390.
Hørsholm : SBI forlag.
Manzione, L., Wyse, M., Owen, R. L. et Melhado, S. B..
« Challenges for implementation of a new model of collaborative design management: Analyzing the impact of human factor ».
In Architectural Management in the Digital Arena : Proceedings of CIB/W096 (Vienna, Austria, Oct. 13-14, 2011)
pp. 256-266.
Eindhoven : University Press, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).
Marques, Cilene, Vedovello, Cintia et Melhado, Silvio.
« Demonstration of the economic viability of applying technological innovations to air-conditioning systems in commercial buildings, focusing on 03 solutions: exhaust air heat recovery (EAHR), the variation in external air flow and water reuse ».
In 2011 Helsinki : World Sustainable Building Conference : Full papers (Helsinki, Finland, Oct. 18-21, 2011)
Melhado, Silvio, Fabricio, Marcio, Emmitt, Stephen et Bouchlaghem, Dino.
« The building design process in the context of different countries ».
In Architectural Management in the Digital Arena : Proceedings of CIB/W096 (Vienna, Austria, Oct. 13-14, 2011)
pp. 241-255.
Eindhoven : University Press, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).
Oliveira, Luciana Alves et Melhado, Silvio Burrattino.
« Conceptual model for the integrated design of building facades ».
Architectural Engineering and Design Management, vol. 7, nº 3.
pp. 190-204.
Rodrigues de Souza, Flavia, Laurindo, Fernando José et Melhado, Silvio Burratino.
« A Contribuição da área de Design Management para a estratégia de uma empresa de engenharia: um estudo no setor da Construção Civil ».
In II Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade do Projeto no Ambiente Construído (SBQP) : X Workshop Brasileiro de Gestão do Processo de Projeto na Construção de Edifício (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 03-04, 2011)
pp. 628-642.
Rio de Janeiro : UFRJ. Menelau Cruz, Rafael
Cruz, Rafael M. O., Cavalcanti, George D. C. et Ing Ren, Tsang.
« A method for dynamic ensemble selection based on a filter and an adaptive distance to improve the quality of the regions of competence ».
In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (San Jose, CA, USA, July 31-Aug. 05, 2011)
pp. 1126-1133.
IEEE. Menelau Oliveira E. Cruz, Rafael. 2011. « Methods for dynamic selection and fusion of ensemble of classifiers ». Mémoire de maîtrise. Brésil, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Merabtine, Abdelatif
Merabtine, A., Mokraoui, S., Benelmir, R. et Laraqi, N..
« Modélisation énergétique des Bâtiments Monozone et Multizones avec les Bond Graphs ».
In Journées Internationales de Thermique = International Days on Thermal Science and Energy (Tlemcen, Algérie, Sept. 24-26, 2011)
Merabtine, Abdelatif, Mokraoui, Salim, Benelmir, Riad et Laraqi, Najib.
« Modélisation thermique d’un bâtiment monozone avec les Bond Graphs ».
In Congrès Français de Thermique (Perpignan, France, 24-27 mai 2011)
Société Française de Thermique. Miresco, Edmond T.
Francis, Adel et Miresco, Edmond T..
« A generalized time-scale network simulation using chronographic dynamics relations ».
In ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering (Miami, FL, USA, June 19-22, 2011)
pp. 560-568.
Reston, VA, USA : American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Francis, Adel et Miresco, Edmond T.. 2011. « A generalized time-scale network simulation using chronographic dynamics relations ». Communication lors de la conférence : ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering (Miami, FL, USA, June 19-22, 2011).
Francis, Adel et Miresco, Edmond T..
« Improving the sharing of information on construction project sites using a chronographical model ».
In Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) (Ottawa, Canada, June 14-17, 2011)
pp. 1982-1989.
Montreal, Canada : Canadian Society for Civil Engineering. Francis, Adel et Miresco, Edmond T.. 2011. « Improving the sharing of information on construction project sites using a chronographical model ». Communication lors de la conférence : CSCE Annual General Meeting & Conference (Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 14-17, 2011). Moha, Naouel
Azmeh, Zeina, Driss, Maha, Hamoui, Fady, Huchard, Marianne, Moha, Naouel et Tibermacine, Chouki.
« Selection of composable web services driven by user requirements ».
In IEEE 9th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) (Washington, DC, USA, July 04-09, 2011)
pp. 395-402.
Driss, M., Jamoussi, Y., Moha, N., Jézéquel, J. M. et Ben Ghézala, H..
« Une approche centrée exigences pour la composition de services web ».
Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, vol. 16, nº 1.
pp. 97-125. Monette, Frédéric
Bonenfant, Danielle, Bourgeois, François-Rene, Mimeault, Murielle, Monette, Frédéric, Niquette, Patrick et Hausler, Robert.
« Synthesis and structure-activity study of quaternary ammonium functionalized β-cyclodextrin-carboxymethylcellulose polymers ».
Water Science and Technology, vol. 63, nº 12.
pp. 2827-2832. Fléchais, Sylvain, Glaus, Mathias et Monette, Frédéric. 2011. « Modélisation des effets de la végétalisation en milieu urbain sur les eaux de ruissellement dirigées à l'égout ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : 2e Édition du Rendez-Vous International sur la Gestion Intégrée de l'Eau (Sherbrooke, Canada, 23-25 oct. 2011).
Talhi, Bachagha, Monette, Frédéric et Azzouz, Abdelkrim.
« Effective and selective nitrate electroreduction into nitrogen through synergistic parameter interactions ».
Electrochimica Acta, vol. 58.
pp. 276-284. Thibodeau, Charles, Monette, Frédéric et Glaus, Mathias. 2011. « Viabilité économique d’un système d’assainissement basé sur la digestion anaérobie dans un nouveau développement résidentiel québécois ». Communication lors de la conférence : 79e Congrès de l’ACFAS (Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 9-13 mai 2011).
Thibodeau, Charles, Monette, Frédéric, Glaus, Mathias et Laflamme, C. B..
« Economic viability and critical influencing factors assessment of black water and grey water source-separation sanitation system ».
Water Science and Technology, vol. 64, nº 12.
pp. 2417-2424. Monfet, Danielle
Monfet, Danielle et Zmeureanu, Radu.
« Identification of the electric chiller model for the energyplus program using monitored data in an existing cooling plant ».
In Proceedings of Building Simulation 2011: 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association (Sydney, Australia, Nov. 14-16, 2011)
Coll. « Building Simulation Conference proceedings », vol. 12.
pp. 530-537.
International Building Performance Simulation Association.
Monfet, Danielle et Zmeureanu, Radu.
« Ongoing commissioning approach for a central cooling and heating plant ».
[Article de conférence]. ASHRAE Transactions, vol. 117, nº 1.
pp. 908-924. Montoya Torres, Jairo
Franco, Édouard Gutiérrez, Monroy, Angela Inés Cadena, Montoya, Jairo et Palacios, Fernando.
« Metodología de optimización para la toma de decisiones en la red de suministro de biodiesel en Colombia ».
Cuadernos de Administracion, vol. 24, nº 43.
pp. 59-87.
López-Castro, Luis Francisco et Montoya-Torres, Jairo R..
« Vehicle routing with fuzzy time windows using a genetic algorithm ».
In IEEE Workshop On Computational Intelligence In Production And Logistics Systems (CIPLS) (Paris, France, Apr. 11-15, 2011)
pp. 39-46.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Montoya-Torres, J. R., Aponte, A. et Rosas, P..
« Applying GRASP to solve the multi-item three-echelon uncapacitated facility location problem ».
Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 62, nº 2.
pp. 397-406.
Montoya-Torres, J. R., Juan, A. A., Huatuco, L. H., Faulin, J. et Rodriguez-Verjan, G. L..
« Hybrid algorithms for service, computing and manufacturing systems: Routing and scheduling solutions ».
IGI Global. 354 p.
Montoya-Torres, Jairo R. et Oñate Bello, Gonzalo.
« Integer linear programming formulation of the vehicle positioning problem in automated manufacturing systems ».
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 22, nº 4.
pp. 545-552.
Montoya-Torres, Jairo R. et Vargas-Nieto, Fabian.
« Solving a bi-criteria hybrid flowshop scheduling problem occurring in apparel manufacturing ».
International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, vol. 4, nº 2.
pp. 42-60.
Solano-Charris, E. L., Gómez-Vizcaíno, L. S., Montoya-Torres, J. R. et Paternina-Arboleda, C. D..
« Global bacteria optimization meta-heuristic: Performance analysis and application to shop scheduling problems ».
Hybrid algorithms for service, computing and manufacturing systems: Routing and scheduling solutions.
pp. 178-194. IGI Global.
Solano-Charris, Elyn L., Montoya-Torres, Jairo R. et Paternina-Arboleda, Carlos D..
« Ant colony optimization algorithm for a Bi-criteria 2-stage hybrid flowshop scheduling problem ».
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 22, nº 5.
pp. 815-822. Moosavi-Khoonsari, Elmira
Moosavi-Khoonsari, E., Jalilian, F., Paray, F., Emadi, D. et Drew, R. A. L..
« Cast joining of cast iron to aluminium casting matrix ».
Materials Science and Technology, vol. 27, nº 11.
pp. 1707-1717. Morency, François
Beaugendre, Héloïse, Morency, François, Gallizio, Federico et Laurens, Sophie.
« Computation of ice shedding trajectories using cartesian grids, penalization, and level sets ».
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering.
Hannat, R. et Morency, François.
« Étude paramétrique d'un système d'anti-givrage à air chaud pour aile d'avion ».
In 58th Aeronautics Conference and AGM (AERO 2011) (Montréal, Canada, 26-28 avril 2011)
Kanata, Canada : Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute. Motamedi, Ali
Motamedi, Ali et Hammad, Amin.
« Location information management of RFID-equipped building components ».
In Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC) (Seoul, Korea, June 29 - July 2, 2011)
pp. 1026-1031.
International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction.
Motamedi, Ali, Saini, Rakesh, Hammad, Amin et Zhu, Bo.
« Role-based access to facilities lifecycle information on RFID tags ».
Advanced Engineering Informatics, vol. 25, nº 3.
pp. 559-568. Ménard, Michaël
Lau, R. K. W., Ménard, M., Okawachi, Y., Foster, M. A., Turner-Foster, A. C., Salem, R., Lipson, M. et Gaeta, A. L..
« Continuous-wave mid-infrared frequency conversion in silicon nanowaveguides ».
Optics Letters, vol. 36, nº 7.
pp. 1263-1265.
Lau, R. K. W., Ménard, M., Okawachi, Y., Foster, M. A., Turner-Foster, A. C., Salem, R., Lipson, M. et Gaeta, A. L..
« Continuous-wave mid-infrared frequency conversion in silicon nanowaveguides ».
In Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference 2011 (Baltimore, MD, USA, May 01-06, 2011)
Optical Society of America (OSA).
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Boisclair, D., Petit, Yvan, Mac-Thiong, J. M. et Parent, S.. 2011. « La distribution des fragments osseux d'une fracture vertébrale comminutive et la compression de la colonne affectent l'obstruction du canal ». Affiche numéro 56 présentée lors de la conférence : 31e Journée de la Recherche : Programme d'Orthopédie Édouard-Samson (POES) (Montréal, Canada, 6 mai 2011). Brummund, M., Laville, F., Petit, Y. et Sgard, F.. 2011. « Simulation de l'effet d'occlusion et prédiction des paramètres biomécaniques du conduit auditif ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : Colloque DSP-Montréal (Montréal, QC, Canada, 31 mars 2011).
Brummund, Martin K., Petit, Yvan, Sgard, Franck et Laville, Frédéric.
« Development of a 3d finite element model of the human external ear for simulation of the auditory occlusion effect ».
[Article de conférence]. Canadian Acoustics = Acoustique Canadienne, vol. 39, nº 3.
pp. 94-95. Brummund, Martin K., Sgard, Franck, Petit, Yvan et Laville, Frédéric. 2011. « A simplified axi-symmetric finite element model of the human outer ear to determine the earplug induced auditory occlusion effect ». Communication lors de la conférence : 162nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (San Diego, CA, USA, Oct. 30-Nov. 4, 2011).
Canet, Fanny, Baril, Yannick, Brailovski, Vladimir, Petit, Yvan, Bissonnette, Guillaume et Laflamme, G. Yves.
« Force relaxation and sprinback of novel elastic orthopedic cables ».
In 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) (Boston, MA, USA, Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 2011)
pp. 5758-5761.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Canet, Fanny, Duke, Kajsa, Bourgeois, Yan, Laflamme, G. Yves, Brailovski, Vladimir et Petit, Yvan.
« Effect of force tightening on cable tension and displacement in greater trochanter reattachment ».
In 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) (Boston, MA, Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 2011)
pp. 5749-5752.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Chapleau, J., Canet, F., Petit, Yvan, Laflamme, G. Y. et Rouleau, D. M.. 2011. « Facteurs démographiques et anthropométriques influençant l'amplitude de mouvement du coude chez l'adulte sain ». Communication lors de la conférence : 31e Journée de la Recherche : Programme d'Orthopédie Édouard-Samson (POES) (Montréal, QC, Canada, 6 mai 2011).
Chapleau, J., Canet, F., Petit, Yvan, Laflamme, G. Y. et Rouleau, D. M..
« Validity of goniometric elbow measurements : comparative study with a radiographic method ».
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, vol. 469, nº 11.
pp. 3134-3140. Chapleau, Julien, Canet, Fanny, Petit, Yvan, Laflamme, Georges-Yves et Rouleau, Dominique M.. 2011. « Validity of goniometric elbow measurements in healthy subjects, a radiographic comparative study ». Affiche numéro 70 présentée lors de la conférence : Annual meeting of the COA (St Johns, Nfld., Labrador, Canada, July 7-9, 2011). Chapleau, Julien, Canet, Fanny, Petit, Yvan, Laflamme, Georges-Yves et Rouleau, Dominique M.. 2011. « What can affect the flexion/extension of the elbow of healthy adults? ». Affiche numéro 71 présentée lors de la conférence : Annual Meeting of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA) (St Johns, Nfld., Labrador, Canada, July 7-9, 2011). Kiss, M. O., Petit, Yvan, Levasseur, A. et Lavigne, P.. 2011. « Stabilité primaire d'une greffe ostéocondrale autologue stabilisée au moyen d'un ciment ostéoconducteur résorbable ». Communication lors de la conférence : 31e Journée de la Recherche : Programme d'Orthopédie Édouard-Samson (POES) (Montréal, QC, Canada, 6 mai 2011). Kiss, Marc-Olivier, Levasseur, Annie, Petit, Yvan et Lavigne, Patrick. 2011. « Primary stability of an osteochondral autograft stabilized with a resorbable osteoconductive bone cement ». Affiche numéro 76 présentée lors de la conférence : Annual Meeting of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA) (St Johns, Nfld., Labrador, Canada, July 7-9, 2011). Lalonde, N. M., Aubin, C. E., Petit, Yvan et Arnoux, P. J.. 2011. « Geometrically personalized and detailed finite element models of the spine using kriging ». Communication lors de la conférence : Simulations in Bio-Sciences & Multiphysics International Conference (Marseille, France, June 20-22, 2011).
Levasseur, A., Petit, Yvan, Dansereau, M. et Fernandes, J. C..
« Strength evaluation of a variable diameter acetabular trial implant under realistic loading conditions ».
In Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) (Boston, MA, USA, Aug. 30-Sept. 3, 2011)
pp. 7433-7436.
Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Ménard, J., Beaumont, L., Fernandes, J. C. et Petit, Y.. 2011. « Design refinement of a variable diameter acetabular reamer ». Communication lors de la conférence : Simulations in Bio-Sciences & Multiphysics International Conference (Marseille, France, June 20-22, 2011). Ménard, J., Beaumont, L., Fernandes, J. C. et Petit, Yvan. 2011. « Strength analysis of a variable diameter acetabular reamer ». Communication lors de la conférence : Simulations in Bio-Sciences & Multiphysics International Conference (Marseille, France, June 20-22, 2011). Moulin, D., Petit, Yvan, Périé-Curnier, D., Aubin, C. E. et Parent, S.. 2011. « Méthode non-irradiante d’évaluation de la flexibilité rachidienne chez les adolescents avec scoliose idiopathique ». Communication lors de la conférence : 41e Réunion Annuelle de la Société de la Scoliose du Québec (Québec, QC, Canada, 27-29 oct. 2011). Petit, Y.. 2011. « Computer-assisted design of medical devices, from virtual concepts to functional prototypes ». Communication lors de la conférence : ME603 - Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Design of Orthopaedic Implants Course (Madison, WI, USA, Feb. 09, 2011). Petit, Yvan. 2011. « Computer-assisted design of medical devices, from virtual concepts to functional prototypes ». Communication lors de la conférence : SIMBIO-M Simulations in Bio-Sciences & MultiPhysics International Conference (Marseille, France, July 20-22, 2011). Petit, Yvan. 2011. « Ingénierie en orthopédie-traumatologie ». Communication lors de la conférence : Séminaires du Laboratoire de Biomécanique Appliquée, Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des transports, de l’aménagement et des Réseaux (IFSTTAR) (Marseille, France, 27 juin 2011). Petit, Yvan. 2011. « Évaluation in vivo de la flexibilité du rachis scoliotique ». Communication lors de la conférence : Séminaires du Laboratoire de Biomécanique Appliquée, Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des transports, de l’aménagement et des Réseaux (IFSTTAR) (Marseille, France, 11 juil. 2011). Rouleau, Dominique M., Canet, Fanny, Chapleau, Julien, Petit, Yvan, Faber, Kenneth J. et Athwal, Georges S.. 2011. « The normal proximal ulnar anatomy influences elbow range of motion ». Affiche numéro 73 présentée lors de la conférence : Annual Meeting of the Canadian Orthopaedic Association (COA) (St Johns, Nfld., Labrador, Canada, July 7-9, 2011). Sandman, E., Canet, F., Petit, Yvan, Laflamme, G. Y. et Rouleau, D. M.. 2011. « L'effet de la position du coude sur le radio-capitellum ration (RCR) ». Affiche numéro 63 présentée lors de la conférence : 31e Journée de la Recherche : Programme d'Orthopédie Édouard-Samson (POES) (Montréal, Canada, 6 mai 2011). Sandman, E., Rouleau, D. M., Canet, F., Chapleau, J., Petit, Yvan, Faber, Kenneth et Athwal, G. . 2011. « L'anatomie du cubitus proximal influence l'amplitude articulaire du coude ». Communication lors de la conférence : 31e Journée de la Recherche : Programme d'Orthopédie Édouard-Samson (POES) (Montréal, QC, Canada, 6 mai 2011). Sandman, Emilie, Canet, Fanny, Petit, Yvan, Laflamme, George-Yves et Rouleau, Dominique M.. 2011. « The effect of elbow position on the radio-capitellum ratio (RCR) measurement ». Communication lors de la conférence : Annual meeting of the COA : St-John 2011 (Saint John, NL, Canada, July 7-9, 2011).
Sins, Lauranne, Tétreault, Patrice, Petit, Yvan et Hagemeister, Nicola.
« Validation d’un montage de simulation d’abduction de l’épaule par l’évaluation de la cinématique et des forces du deltoïde ».
In 31e Journée de la Recherche : Programme d'Orthopédie Édouard-Samson (POES) (Montréal, Canada, 6 mai 2011)
p. 44.
Tremblay, J., Levasseur, A., Petit, Yvan, Mac-Thiong, J. M. et Brailovski, Vladimir. 2011. « Impact des conditions aux frontières sur le comportement biomécanique d'un segment vertébral : résultats préliminaires ». Affiche numéro 68 présentée lors de la conférence : 31e Journée de la Recherche : Programme d'Orthopédie Édouard-Samson (POES) (Montréal, Canada, 6 mai 2011). Tremblay, J., Mac-Thiong, J.-M., Brailovski, Vladimir et Petit, Yvan. 2011. « Évaluation d’un nouveau montage expérimental pour l’évaluation biomécanique in vitro de la colonne vertébrale ». Communication lors de la conférence : 41e Journée Annuelle de la Société de la Scoliose du Québec (Québec, QC, Canada, 27-29 oct. 2011). Vachon, A., Simard, P., Gloaguen, E., Ploeg, H. L. et Petit, Yvan. 2011. « Analyse multi-échelle de la qualité osseuse à partir d'images tomodensitométriques ». Affiche numéro 49 présentée lors de la conférence : 31e Journée de la Recherche : Programme d'Orthopédie Édouard-Samson (POES) (Montréal, Canada, 6 mai 2011). Petrillo, Fabio
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In La thermique des systèmes : Xe Colloque interuniversitaire franco-québécois, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 20 au 22 juin 2011 : actes du colloque (Saguenay, Canada, 20-22 juin 2011)
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In La thermique des systèmes : Xe Colloque interuniversitaire franco-québécois, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 20 au 22 juin 2011 : actes du colloque (Saguenay, Canada, 20-22 juin 2011)
Saguenay, Canada : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
Dutil, Yvan, Rousse, Daniel, Ben Salah, Nizar, Lassue, Stéphane et Zalewski, Laurent.
« A review on phase-change materials : mathematical modeling and simulations ».
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, nº 1.
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Dutil, Yvan, Rousse, Daniel, Lassue, Stéphane, Zalewski, Laurent, Joulin, Annabelle, Virgone, Joseph, Kuznik, Frédéric, Johannes, Kevyn, Dumas, Jean-Pierre, Bédécarrats, Jean-Pierre, Castell, Albert et Cabeza, Luisa F..
« Modelling phase change materials behaviour in building applications : selected comments ».
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Dutil, Yvan, Rousse, Daniel, Lassue, Stéphane, Zalewski, Laurent, Joulin, Annabelle, Virgone, Joseph, Kuznik, Frédéric, Johannes, Kevyn, Dumas, Jean-Pierre, Bédécarrats, Jean-Pierre, Castell, Albert et Cabeza, Luisa F..
« Modélisation des matériaux à changement de phase dans les édifices : quelques observations ».
In La thermique des systèmes : Xe Colloque interuniversitaire franco-québécois, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 20 au 22 juin 2011 : actes du colloque (Saguenay, Canada, 20-22 juin 2011)
Saguenay, Canada : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
Dutil, Yvan, Rousse, Daniel et Quesada, Guillermo.
« Sustainable buildings : an ever evolving target ».
Sustainability, vol. 3, nº 2.
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Goncalves, Anthony, Dutil, Yvan, Rousse, Daniel et Milot, Julien.
« Caractérisation de la performance d'un échangeur destiné au secteur agro-alimentaire ».
In La thermique des systèmes : Xe Colloque interuniversitaire franco-québécois, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 20 au 22 juin 2011 : actes du colloque (Saguenay, Canada, 20-22 juin 2011)
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Goncalves, Anthony, Kiss, Lazslo, Farinas, Marie-Isabelle et Rousse, Daniel.
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In World Renewable Energy Congress (Linköping, Sweden , May 8-13, 2011)
Coll. « Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings »
pp. 117-124.
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« Lit fluidisé bouillonnant pour la combustion des résidus forestiers ».
In La thermique des systèmes : Xe Colloque interuniversitaire franco-québécois, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 20 au 22 juin 2011 : actes du colloque (Saguenay, Canada, 20-22 juin 2011)
Saguenay, Canada : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
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« Lit fluidisé bouillonnant pour la combustion des résidus forestiers ».
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« Low exergy heat recovery for sustainable indoor agriculture ».
In World Renewable Energy Congress (Linköping, Sweden , May 8-13, 2011)
Coll. « Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings »
pp. 788-795.
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Ibrahim, H., Sign Ramdenee, D., Rousse, Daniel, Ilinca, A., Dimitrova, M. et Perron, J..
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In La thermique des systèmes: Xe Colloque Interuniversitaire Franco-Québécois, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 20 au 22 juin 2011: actes du colloque (Chicoutimi, QC, Canada, 20-22 juin 2011)
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Ibrahim, Hussein, Dimitrova, Mariya, Rousse, Daniel, Ilinca, Adrian et Perron, Jean.
« Générateur éolien diésel avec stockage d'énergie : critères de choix du système de stockage ».
In La thermique des systèmes : Xe Colloque interuniversitaire franco-québécois, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 20 au 22 juin 2011 : actes du colloque (Saguenay, Canada, 20-22 juin 2011)
Saguenay, Canada : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
Joulin, Annabelle, Younsi, Zohir, Zalewski, Laurent, Lassue, Stéphane, Rousse, Daniel et Cavrot, Jean-Paul.
« Experimental and numerical investigation of a phase change material : thermal-energy storage and release ».
Applied Energy, vol. 88, nº 7.
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Lesage, Frédéric J. et Rousse, Daniel.
« Étude expérimentale sur la résistance externe optimale d’un générateur thermoélectrique ».
In Des procédés au service du produit au coeur de l'Europe : actes du XIIIème Congrès de la Société française de génie des procédés, Lille Grand Palais, du 29 nov. au 1er décembre 2011 (Lille, France, 29 nov.-1 déc. 2011)
Coll. « Récents progrès en génie des procédés », vol. 101.
Paris : Société française de génie des procédés.
Mehrtash, Mostafa, Hallé, Stéphane, Dutil, Yvan et Rousse, Daniel.
« Investigation of photovoltaic self-sufficiency for a residential building in Canada ».
In 1st world sustainability Forum, Nov.1-30, 2011)
Mercier, David, Dutil, Yvan, Rousse, Daniel, Pronovost, Francis, Boudreau, Dominique, Hudon, Normand et Castonguay, Mathieu.
« Les isolants thermiques naturels : construction verte et efficacité énergétique ».
In La thermique des systèmes : Xe Colloque interuniversitaire franco-québécois, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 20 au 22 juin 2011 : actes du colloque (Saguenay, Canada, 20-22 juin 2011)
Saguenay, Canada : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
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Il était une fois la forêt.
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In VII International Conference for Renewable Energy, Energy Saving and Energy Education (CIER) (Havana, Cuba, June 1-3, 2011)
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Saliah-Hassane, Hamadou, Saad, Maarouf, Ofosu, Willie K., Djibo, Karimou, Mayaki, Hassane Alzouma et Amadou, Mamane Moustapha Dodo.
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Germany : Springer Verlag.
Connolly, Jean-François, Granger, Éric et Sabourin, Robert.
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In IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM) (Paris, France, Apr. 11-15, 2011)
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Eskander, George S., Sabourin, Robert et Granger, Éric.
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In IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM) (Paris, France, Apr. 11-15, 2011)
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« Exploring the upper bound performance limit of iris biometrics using score calibration and fusion ».
In IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM) (Paris, France, Apr. 11-15, 2011)
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Piscataway, NJ, USA : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Hirabara, Luciane Y., Aires, Simone B. K., Freitas, Cinthia O. A., Britto Jr, Alceu S. et Sabourin, Robert.
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Kapp, Marcelo N., Sabourin, Robert et Maupin, Patrick.
« A dynamic optimization approach for adaptive incremental learning ».
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Khreich, Wael, Granger, Éric, Miri, Ali et Sabourin, Robert.
« Incremental boolean combination of classifiers ».
In 10th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS) (Naples, Italy, June 15-17, 2011)
Coll. « Lecture Notes in Computer Science », vol. 6713.
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Rabil, Bassem S., Sabourin, Robert et Granger, Éric.
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In IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM) (Paris, France, Apr. 11-15, 2011)
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Rabil, Bassem S., Sabourin, Robert et Granger, Éric.
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« Impact of classifier prototyping on classification systems optimization ».
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Vellasques, Eduardo, Sabourin, Robert et Granger, Éric.
« A high throughput system for intelligent watermarking of bi-tonal images ».
Applied Soft Computing, vol. 11, nº 8.
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« Site selection for mars methane analogue mission: geological, astrobiological, and robotic criteria ».
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« Magnetic and magneto-gradiometric surveying using a simulated unmanned aircraft system ».
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Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
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« Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada: Analogue site for a Mars methane mission ».
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« Mars methane analogue mission (M3): Analytical techniques and operations ».
In 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston, TX, USA, Mar. 7-11, 2011)
Coll. « LPI Contribution », vol. 1608.
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Fry, C., Samson, C., McCausland, P. J. A. et Herd, R. K..
« Bulk density and magnetic susceptibility of the Buzzard Coulee meteorite ».
In 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Houston, TX, USA, Mar. 7-11, 2011)
Coll. « LPI Contribution », vol. 1608.
Lunar and Planetary Institute. Harris, K., Vingerhoeds, E., Bonany, J., Samson, C. et Van Geel, P.. 2011. « Characterization of the density of waste over time and depth in a bioreactor landfill via microgravity ». Communication lors de la conférence : Advances in Earth Sciences Research Conference (Ottawa, ON, Canada, Mar. 25-27, 2011). Harris, K., Vingerhoeds, E., Bonany, J., Samson, C. et Van Geel, P.. 2011. « Spatio-temporal characterization of the density of waste in a bioreactor landfill via microgravity surveys ». Communication lors de la conférence : Joint Annual Meeting of GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA (Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 25-27, 2011). Herd, R. K., Samson, C., Melanson, D., Fry, C., McCausland, P. J. A., Ernst, R., Umoh, J. et Holdsworth, D. W.. 2011. « Studies on pristine samples of Buzzard Coulee ». Communication lors de la conférence : 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (Greenwich, England, Aug. 8-12, 2011). Herd, R.K., Fry, C., McCausland, P.J.A. et Samson, C.. 2011. « Non-destructive studies on pristine samples of the Buzzard Coulee meteorite ». Communication lors de la conférence : Joint Annual Meeting of GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA (Ottawa, ON, Canada, May 25-27, 2011). Jones, T., Samson, C., Peasgood, M. et Labrie, M.. 2011. « 3D imaging applications in earth sciences using UAV-based video data ». Communication lors de la conférence : Advances in Earth Sciences Research Conference (Ottawa, ON, Canada, Mar. 25-27, 2011). Jones, T., Samson, C., Peasgood, M. et Labrie, M.. 2011. « 3D imaging applications using UAV-based video data: results from a pilot mission ». Communication lors de la conférence : Annual Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union (Banff, AB, Canada, May 15-18, 2011).
Kolaj, Michal, Smith, Richard et Samson, Claire.
« Mapping laterally varying conductance using EM gradients over dry tailings ponds ».
In Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exposition and 81st Annual Meeting (SEG) (San Antonio, TX, USA, Sept. 18-23, 2011)
Coll. « SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts », vol. 30.
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Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
Mah, Jason, Samson, Claire et McKinnon, Stephen D..
« 3D laser imaging for joint orientation analysis ».
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, vol. 48, nº 6.
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McCausland, Phil J. A., Samson, Claire et McLeod, Tara.
« Determination of bulk density for small meteorite fragments via visible light 3-D laser imaging ».
Meteoritics and Planetary Science, vol. 46, nº 8.
pp. 1097-1109. McLeod, T., Samson, C., Shehata, K., Elder, J., Sohn, G. et Labrie, M.. 2011. « Three-dimensionalizing urban scenes captured by a UAV equipped with video ». Communication lors de la conférence : Unmanned Systems Canada Annual Conference (Halifax, NS, Canada, Nov. 7-10, 2011). Samson, Claire. 2011. « A laser scanning approach to highlighting rockmass character – at the exploration and at the underground mine development stage ». Communication lors de la conférence : Public Seminars on Rockmass Characterization, CEMI (Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation) (Sudbury, ON, Canada, Feb. 9, 2011).
Studd, D., Ernst, R. E. et Samson, C..
« Radiating graben-fissure systems in the Ulfrun Regio area, Venus ».
Icarus, vol. 215, nº 1.
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Sanjosé, M., Moreau, S., Kim, M-S. et Pérot, F..
« Direct simulation of trailing-edge noise generated by a controlled diffusion airfoil using a Lattice-Boltzmann method ».
In Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP7) (Ottawa, ON, Canada, July 28-31, 2011)
International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena.
Sanjosé, M., Moreau, S., Najafi-Yazdi, A. et Fosso-Pouangue, A..
« A comparison between galerkin and compact schemes for jet noise simulations ».
In 17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (Portland, OR, USA, June 05-08, 2011)
Coll. « AIAA Paper », vol. AIAA 2011-2833.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Sanjosé, M., Senoner, J. M., Jaegle, F., Cuenot, B., Moreau, S. et Poinsot, T..
« Fuel injection model for Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange large-eddy simulations of an evaporating spray inside an aeronautical combustor ».
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 37, nº 5.
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« Capacity of cognitive radio under imperfect secondary and cross link channel state information ».
In IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (Toronto, ON, Canada, Sept. 11-14, 2011)
pp. 614-618.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Seers, Patrice
Barnwal, A., Charest, M. R. J., Groth, C. P. T. , Gülder, Ö. L., Rehel, B. et Seers, Patrice.
« Premixed laminar flame properties of biogas and syngas alternative fuels as a function of composition and pressure ».
In Combustion Institute Canadian Section Spring Technical Meeting (Manitoba, Canada, May 8-11, 2011)
Broustail, G., Halter, F., Seers, Patrice, Moréac, G. et Mounaïm-Rousselle, C..
« Experimental determination of laminar burning velocity for butanol/iso-octane and ethanol/iso-octane blends as a function of initial pressure ».
In Fifth European Combustion Meeting (Cardiff, UK, June 29-July 1, 2011)
Broustail, G., Seers, Patrice, Halter, F., Moreac, G. et Mounaim-Rousselle, C..
« Experimental determination of laminar burning velocity for butanol and ethanol iso-octane blends ».
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Davis, Jason, Ashford, Marcus, Olcmen, Semih, Seers, Patrice et Drabo, Mebougna.
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American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Nachin, Guillaume, Glaus, Mathias et Seers, Patrice. 2011. « Méthode pour un bilan dynamique des émissions polluantes associées à la mobilité routière ». Communication lors de la conférence : 79e Congrès de l’ACFAS (Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 9-13 mai 2011).
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« Surface quality of 7075-T6 aluminum alloy machined using high-speed milling process ».
In Light metals 2011 : Proceedings of the 50th Conference of Metallurgists, October 2-5, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Montreal, Canada, Oct. 2-5, 2011)
pp. 495-508.
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« A new sustainability model for machining processes ».
International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, vol. 2, nº 3.
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Khettabi, Riad, Zedan, Yasser, Masounave, Jacques et Songmene, Victor.
« On particle emission during machining of titanium and aluminum alloys ».
In Light metals 2011 : Proceedings of the 50th Conference of Metallurgists, October 2-5, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 03-05, 2011)
pp. 475-486.
Westmount : MetSoc.
Kouam, Jules, Zedan, Yasser, Djebara, Abdelhakim, Masounave, Jacques et Songmene, Victor.
« Machinability of A356 and A319 aluminum alloy ».
In Light metals 2011 : Proceedings of the 50th Conference of Metallurgists, October 2-5, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Montreal, QC, Canada, Oct. 02-05, 2011)
pp. 281-292.
Westmount : MetSoc.
Kouedeu, Annie Francie, Kenné, Jean-Pierre et Songmene, Victor.
« Production, preventive and corrective maintenance planning in manufacturing systems under imperfect repairs ».
In 3rd International Workshop on Dependable Control of Discrete Systems (DCDS) (Saarbrucken, Germany, June 15-17, 2011)
pp. 59-64.
Lamraoui, M., Thomas, Marc, El Badaoui, M., Zaghbani, I. et Songmene, Victor.
« New indicators based on cyclostationarity approach for machining monitoring ».
In International Conference Surveillance 6 (Compiègne, France, Oct. 25-26, 2011)
p. 27.
Lamraoui, Mourad, Thomas, Marc, El Badaoui, Mohamed, Zaghbani, Imed et Songmene, Victor.
« The angular kurtosis and power : new tools for machining monitoring ».
In DINAME : The 14th International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics (Sao Paulo, Brazil, Mar. 13-18, 2011)
pp. 494-511.
Sao Sebastiao : ABCM.
Niknam, Seyed Ali, Tiabi, Azziz, Zaghbani, Imed, Kamguem, Rene et Songmene, Victor.
« Milling burr size estimation using acoustic emission and cutting forces ».
In ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2011 (Denver, CO, United states, Nov. 11-17, 2011)
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Zaghbani, I., Chatelain, J.-F., Songmene, V., Bérubé, S. et Atarsia, A..
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« Robotic high speed machining of aluminum alloys ».
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« SMA in mitigation of extreme loads in civil engineering : study of their application in a realistic steel portico ».
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Joliveau, Marc, Gendreau, Michel, Gagnon, François et Thibeault, Claude.
« Low complexity low power non-recursive digital filters with unconstrained topology ».
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Joliveau, Marc, Giard, Pascal, Gendreau, Michel, Gagnon, François et Thibeault, Claude.
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« The angular kurtosis and power : new tools for machining monitoring ».
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« ROADM with adjustable switching time for agile optical networks ».
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Khanmohamadi, Sahar, Chen, Jiajia, Abtahi, Farzad, Wosinska, Lena, Cassidy, Andrew, Archambault, Émile, Tremblay, Christine, Asselin, Serge, Littlewood, Paul et Bélanger, Michel P..
« Semi-filterless optical network : a cost-efficient passive wide area network solution with effective resource utilization ».
In Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP) (Shanghai, China, Nov. 13-16, 2011)
Mantelet, Guillaume et Tremblay, Christine. 2011. « Filterless optical networks : an energy-efficient solution ». Affiche numéro 9 présentée lors de la conférence : 24e éd. des Entretiens Jacques Cartier (Montréal, Canada, Sept. 29-Oct. 6, 2011). Peterson, D., Dennis, T., Teipen, B. et Tremblay, C.. 2011. « Short Course SC210 : Hands-on polarization-related measurements workshop ». Communication lors de la conférence : Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC) (Los Angeles, CA, USA, Mar. 6-10, 2011). Peterson, Daniel et Tremblay, Christine. 2011. « SC314 Short Course : Hands-on fiber characterization for the engineering of long haul and metro deployments ». Communication lors de la conférence : Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (OFC/NFOEC) (Los Angeles, CA, USA, Mar. 6-10, 2011). Tremblay, Christine. 2011. « Recherche en communications optiques au laboratoire de technologies de réseaux ». Communication lors de la conférence : Journée du Centre d'Optique, Photonique et Laser (COPL) (Québec, QC, Canada, 13 mai 2011).
Tremblay, Christine, Enriquez-Castillo, Alfredo, Bélanger, Michel P. et Gagnon, François.
« Filterless WDM optical core networks based on coherent systems ».
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Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, vol. 28, nº 4.
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Markov, Andrey, Reinhardt, Carsten, Ung, Bora, Evlyukhin, Andrey B., Cheng, Wei, Chichkov, Boris N. et Skorobogatiy, Maksim.
« Photonic bandgap plasmonic waveguides ».
Optics Letters, vol. 36, nº 13.
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« Suspended core subwavelength fibers: towards practical designs for low-loss terahertz guidance ».
Optics Express, vol. 19, nº 10.
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« New comprehensive methods for the biomechanical analysis of knee osteoarthritis ».
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pp. 85-102. Kerala, India : Research Signpost. de Guise, Jacques A., Yahia, L'Hocine, Duval, Nicolas, Godbout, Benoît, Koller, Annick, Sati, Marwan, Hagemeister, Nicola, Parent, Gerald et El Maach, Ismail (inventeurs) 23 août 2011. « A system for the analysis of 3D kinematic of the knee ». Socovar, Polyvalor, Val-Chum Limted Partnership (titulaire(s)). Brevet canadien CA 2427186. [Titre traduit: Système d'analyse de la cinématique tridimensionnelle du genou]. Dorion, Irène, Desaute, Pascal, Charpak, Georges, Skalli, Wafa, Veron, Stéphane, Mitton, David, de Guise, Jacques A. et Landry, Champlain (inventeurs) 11 juin 2011. « Procédé et dispositif d'imagerie radiographique pour la reconstruction tridimensionnelle à faible dose d'irradiation ». EOS Imaging (titulaire(s)). Brevet européen EP 1168249 B1. [Titre traduit: Radiographic imaging method and device for three-dimensional reconstruction with low dose of irradiation].
Fuentes, Alexandre, Hagemeister, Nicola, Ranger, Pierre, Heron, Timothy et de Guise, Jacques A..
« Gait adaptation in chronic anterior cruciate ligament-deficient patients : pivot-shift avoidance gait ».
Clinical Biomechanics, vol. 26, nº 2.
pp. 181-187.
Fuentes, Alexandre, Mezghani, Neila, Hagemeister, Nicola et de Guise, Jacques A..
« Automatic classification of 3D kinetic data of healthy and ACL deficient participants ».
[Résumé d'une communication à une conférence]. Orthopaedic Proceedings, vol. 93-B, nº Suppl. III.
p. 278.
Gaudreault, Nathaly, Mezghani, Neila, Turcot, Katia, Hagemeister, Nicola, Boivin, Karine et de Guise, Jacques A..
« Effects of physiotherapy treatment on knee osteoarthritis gait data using principal component analysis ».
Clinical Biomechanics, vol. 26, nº 3.
pp. 284-291.
Grimard, Guy, Fuentes, Alexandre et de Guise, Jacques A..
« Knee Injury - Soccer ».
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 43, nº 5.
pp. 173-174. Kanhonou, M., Hagemeister, N., Clément, J. et de Guise, J. A.. 2011. « Extraction de la pseudo-cinématique d’accroupissement de l’articulation fémoro-tibiale à l’aide d’un système radiographique biplan ». Communication lors de la conférence : 79e Congrès de l'ACFAS (Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 9-13 mai 2011). Kanhonou, M., Hagemeister, N., Clément, J. et de Guise, J. A.. 2011. « Three-dimensional pseudo-kinematic of the femoro-tibial joint during squat activities ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : 31e Journée de la Recherche : Programme d'Orthopédie Édouard-Samson (POES) (Montreal, QC, Canada, 6 mai 2011). Kanhonou, M., Hagemeister, N., Lavoie, F., Clément, J. et de Guise, J. A.. 2011. « Méthode d’évaluation fonctionnelle de la gonarthrose par étude de la pseudo-cinématique d’accroupissement ». Affiche présentée lors de la conférence : 14e Congrès annuel des étudiants, stagiaires et résidents du Centre de recherche du CHUM (Montréal, QC, Canada, 2011).
Kanhonou, M., Hagemeister, Nicola et de Guise, Jacques A..
« Pseudo-cinématique de l’articulation fémoro-tibiale en mouvement d’accroupissement ».
In 31e Journée de la Recherche : Programme d'Orthopédie Édouard-Samson (POES) (Montréal, Canada, 6 mai 2011)
p. 70.
Labbé, David R., de Guise, Jacques A., Godbout, Véronique, Grimard, Guy, Baillargeon, David, Lavigne, Patrick, Fernandes, Julio, Massé, Vincent, Ranger, Pierre et Hagemeister, Nicola.
« Accounting for velocity of the pivot shift test manoeuvre decreases kinematic variability ».
The Knee, vol. 18, nº 2.
pp. 88-93.
Labbé, David R., de Guise, Jacques A., Mezghani, Neila, Godbout, Véronique, Grimard, Guy, Baillargeon, David, Lavigne, Patrick, Fernandes, Julio, Ranger, Pierre et Hagemeister, Nicola.
« Objective grading of the pivot shift phenomenon using a support vector machine approach ».
Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 44, nº 1.
pp. 1-5.
Lagacé, P.Y., Hagemeister, Nicola, Cresson, T, Billuart, F., Ohl, Xavier, de Guise, Jacques A. et Skalli, Wafa.
« Reconstruction de la scapula à partir de radiographies biplanes ».
In 31e Journée de la Recherche : Programme d'Orthopédie Édouard-Samson (POES) (Montréal, Canada, 6 mai 2011)
p. 27.
Meghoufel, Ali, Cloutier, Guy, Crevier-Denoix, Nathalie et de Guise, Jacques A..
« Tissue characterization of equine tendons with clinical B-scan images using a shock filter thinning algorithm ».
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 30, nº 3.
pp. 597-605.
Mezghani, N., Fuentes, A., Youssef, O., Grimard, G., Hagemeister, Nicola, Baillargeon, D., Lavigne, P., Ranger, P. et A., de Guise Jacques.
« Classification de pathologies du genou basée sur l’analyse de données cinématiques ».
In 31e Journée de la Recherche : Programme d'Orthopédie Édouard-Samson (POES) (Montréal, Canada, 6 mai 2011)
p. 47.
Mezghani, Neila, Fuentes, Alexandre, Gaudrault, Nathaly, Mitiche, Amar, Hagemeister, Nicola, Aissaoui, Rachid et de Guise, Jacques A..
« Knee abduction/adduction angle patterns identification in asymptomatic gait by principal component clustering ».
In International Society of Biomechanics Conference (ISB) (Brussels, Belgium, July 3-7, 2011)
Phan, P., Mezghani, N., De Guise, J. et Labelle, H..
« The use of a decision tree based on the literature can efficiently output the levels of fusion alternatives in the surgical treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis ».
[Résumé d'une communication à une conférence]. Canadian Journal of Surgery = Journal Canadian de Chirurgie, vol. 54, nº 3.
Phan, Philippe, Mezghani, Neila, Aubin, Carl-Éric, de Guise, Jacques A. et Labelle, Hubert.
« Computer algorithms and applications used to assist the evaluation and treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis : a review of published articles 2000–2009 ».
European Spine Journal, vol. 20, nº 7.
pp. 1058-1068.
Rougier, Caroline, Auvinet, Edouard, Meunier, Jean, Mignotte, Max et de Guise, Jacques A..
« Depth energy image for gait symmetry quantification ».
In Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) (Boston, MA, USA, Aug. 30-Sept. 03, 2011)
pp. 5136-5139.
Tetreault, Patrice, Levasseur, Annie, Lin, Jenny C., de Guise, Jacques A., Nuño, Natalia et Hagemeister, Nicola.
« Passive contribution of the rotator cuff to abduction and joint stability ».
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, vol. 33, nº 9.
pp. 767-773.
Turcot, Katia, Hagemeister, Nicola, de Guise, Jacques A. et Aissaoui, Rachid.
« Evaluation of unipodal stance in knee osteoarthritis patients using knee accelerations and center of pressure ».
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, vol. 19, nº 3.
pp. 281-286. Éthier, Yannic A.
Éthier, Yannic A., Karray, Mourad et Lefebvre, Guy.
« Simulations of elastic wave propagation using FLAC to optimize the measurement of shear wave velocity in the laboratory ».
In 2nd International FLAC/DEM Symposium (Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 14-16, 2011)
pp. 519-527.
Karray, Mourad, Lefebvre, Guy, Éthier, Yannic A. et Bigras, Annick.
« Influence of particle size on the correlation between shear wave velocity and cone tip resistance ».
Canadian Geotechnical Journal = Revue Canadienne de Géotechnique, vol. 48, nº 4.
pp. 599-615. |